2020—Year of Seeing Clearly

78. Year of Seeing Clearly

January 4, 2020
By Ernie Knoll

[Be aware that part of this dream may not be appropriate for young or sensitive children.]

Please note: It is important to read this dream with much prayer. Ask for the Holy Spirit to help you discern the critically important messages God has sent. He will give you time to slowly read and understand what He is trying to tell you.


It must be understood what was involved in the timeline and the typing of these messages. They are not the result of one night’s dream. Certain messages in this dream, in no specific order, began in September of 2019 and continued through December. Every night I would have a part of this dream, type it out, and save it in my computer. This continued daily for four months. Then on the morning of January 4, I was told to begin compiling the messages that compose this dream.


What the reader does not know is what the preparation of this dream entailed. At night I received instructions about what to prepare next of the messages received in the last four months of 2019. After a few hours of sleep, I would be awakened full of energy and with a complete understanding of what to type or correct. I would lie down again in the morning, sleep for a couple hours, and then awake to do my daily tasks. Many times at night I would be awakened with the sound of a gentle voice calling my name. “Ernie, Ernie, it is time to wake up. You have much to do.” For four months, I have existed daily on about four hours of sleep.


As I continued preparing this dream, I was given another message on the morning of Friday, April 10, 2020. It is yet to happen but will occur soon. I was only shown how the United States will be affected in specific areas even though it will occur in other places around the world.


I was shown that the worst infestation of ants ever seen will occur. It will begin in the northern part of the east coast and very quickly move to the lower part of the east coast. The plague will quickly spread across the country to the entire west coast. I saw in specific locations many different types of ants, from very small to large ones. I saw them in places like bedding and food supplies. They were inside and outside houses, apartments, and offices. In the stores, the pest control supplies quickly disappeared from the shelves. Remember that God’s promises or threats are conditional.


Now I consider all that I am shown in this long dream: the grand-scale ant infestation, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, snow and ice, the great sickness, empty store shelves, and the rampant growth of greed and self-serving. I am reminded how many will quickly die around the world, and not just from the great sickness that stops normal daily activities. Many seek for answers but are unable to attend church. Mankind is required to distance themselves from others. Some are forced to be left in solitary confinement. The sad fact is that many will be left poor and others will suffer great poverty, because they are unable to work or find employment. Many will be unable to purchase groceries, pay a mortgage, rent, or utility bills. Money cannot be spent if there is none.


When I review all that God has shared with me, it is clear that we are witnessing the last days of this earth. If all that I have been shown occurs soon, it will permanently change this earth. If God decides to hold back some things, then it should be understood that He is extending His grace so that we may correct and perfect our characters. I think about the great sickness roaming the earth as if an ill wind. In addition to the sickness, there is the almost daily occurrence of flooding, earthquakes, fires, hail, and tornadoes with wind that licks the buildings and rips them apart. In the early time of the year, there is much cold, snow, and ice. If God decides to destroy a city with a fireball, will it truly have an effect on the sinful hearts of mankind? [End of note]



In my dream, I see myself with Perceivous, the Guide angel, and the Announcing angel as we walk through a house that I have never seen before. We stop walking, and the Guide steps in front of me to explain the following: “Even though you have been visited many nights over the last few months with many different recurring dreams, tonight you will begin to write the messages you have been shown. It will take quite some time to prepare this dream, as there is much; [he repeats] there is much in your long journey of sharing. The calendar shows that we are only beginning the fourth day of this new year. As this message is prepared, you will understand why this year will truly be the ‘year of seeing clearly.’”


The Announcing angel steps in front of me and instructs that I share the following Bible verses from Genesis 1:14-19.


And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.


Then the Announcing angel says: “However, on this fourth day of the first month in a new year of ‘creation,’ God has said that all are to see clearly with great ‘light.’ Let there be signs for the coming new seasons. Let the ‘light’ clearly be shown on the earth. Let this great ‘light’ be made to rule both day and night. Beginning on this fourth day, let all see clearly the signs to prepare.


Perceivous steps in front of me and begins talking almost in a whisper, even though I know we cannot be heard or seen. She addresses me by my heavenly name and explains that I am being shown the first of several situations for understanding. As before, I will not be seen.


As we walk through an open door, I immediately see a young woman sitting on a bed. The room is very dark and dreary. It has an essence of sin and death. My mind searches for words to serve in the description of not just what I see but what I experience. I can only think that this is a very dark and dreary place. The woman is crying and clutching her knees and legs close to her body. Several angels are standing and some sitting on the bed next to her. The angels who stand have spread their wings like a canopy to cover her. Others place their arms and hands over her to comfort her. She does not realize the angels are there or that they reach out to her. And she does not know they weep with her.


As if understanding that this is a solemn moment of quietness, I ask what is wrong. All the angels look toward me with tears streaming down their faces. It is then I notice that the angels sitting by her are many of Perceivous. I immediately sense that she feels the woman’s grief. I look at Perceivous who stands holding my right hand. My eyes begin to water. She smiles at me and says, “Many still do not know who they are! She had conceived and a child had begun growing in her womb of life. However, because of sin the baby ceased living. It still needs understanding that a baby is not just a baby. The importance of each baby needs to be understood.”


We walk to another room and find who I understand is the woman’s husband. He is now watching a television program, and several angels are around him. Perceivous says that he knows what has happened and has already wept with his wife at the thought of their child who would not be born. However, he does not fully understand what his wife feels because he is created differently than her. She was created to be a mother and he was created to be a father. Yet together they are parents. His thoughts are of trying again when the time is right. It is not that he does not grieve. He should not be condemned that he does not sit and weep, because it is not how he was designed. Perceivous and I stand for a moment with just the sound of the television program.


Next, Perceivous says, “Come, as you need to be shown more.” Instantly, we are in a hospital delivery room. I see a wife with her husband next to her. They are about to become parents.


My mind is filled with all the preparations that occurred because of this special time when a new child will make his way into the world with his first breath and the sound of his first cry as if to announce his arrival. There was the preparation of a room to serve as a nursery, such as the furniture and the colors or patterns depending on whether the child is a boy or a girl. The baby shower would include gifts in a series of firsts, such as a car seat, diapers, baby bottles, clothing, bedding, toys, etc. The parents learned ways to care for the baby. Their home was safeguarded with such items as cabinet locks, corner protectors, and electrical outlet covers. There were family meetings with their parents who would become grandparents for the first time.


I stand there knowing that much has been done for several months in preparing for this one very special moment. The new mother experienced appetite and wardrobe changes as well as pain while her child grew in her womb.


I watch the mother-to-be and those busy attending her. A moment later, I hear the sounds of their newborn infant crying very loudly for the first time. I hear the doctor say that he will cut the umbilical cord. I see an attending nurse hand him a surgical instrument. Suddenly all becomes quiet, and those attending immediately rush the infant to a table. Just seconds after being born, the infant died. I look over at the mother lying on the delivery bed with her husband standing next to her. Both are wondering what is happening with their baby. The nurse walks over and explains that the infant died because of complications. It is then I notice many of Perceivous standing around the mother. The husband is no longer able to maintain strength to stand because of witnessing the birth and tragic death of his child. Once again, Perceivous tells me, “Many still do not know who they are! This was not a simple case of just another baby dying. Again, many do not understand the importance of each baby.”


Next, Perceivous says she is to show me another example that needs to be understood. I see another young couple. The wife has just received evidence of conceiving a child. With great happiness, she shares the evidence with her excited husband.


Together they begin preparations for the arrival of their first child. There is the purchase of baby clothes and furniture, and the preparations of their child’s room. They must learn what is necessary in the caring of their child. As their baby grows, they must select and visit a doctor to manage her pregnancy and the birth of their child. The mother acquires maternity clothing as needed and is careful to follow a good diet to keep the baby healthy. She also ensures that her environment is conducive to the good of her baby, such as being careful what she listens to and what she sees in order for her and the baby to remain calm. She receives many back and foot rubs from her husband.


On a morning, 8 months and 2 weeks after conception, the mother stands at the doorway of the nursery. She sees that all is ready. The diapers, new infant clothes, and bedding are in the dresser. The monitor is mounted. Her husband approaches her from behind and gently places his arms around her. He whispers that he loves her and places a kiss on her neck. She softly tells him they need to see the doctor.


After they arrive, I see the couple in the doctor’s office. He is listening to the mother’s heartbeat as well as the baby’s. He calls for a nurse and instructs her to bring some equipment. She immediately returns with a special cart. The nurse helps the mother to lie down, and the doctor begins to use an ultrasound device. After doing the test, he winds up the cables and puts the device away. The nurse looks at him as he takes the woman’s hands. He then proceeds to tell her that the baby has stopped growing and there is no evidence of life. The nurse quickly moves to where she can put her arms around the woman. The doctor explains that the baby has died. The husband becomes weak and sits down. The nurse wraps her arms around the woman. They both embrace each other and cry. Now the life that was almost finished forming is gone.


For months the woman went through the process of a child growing inside of her. She felt the kicking and the special craving to care for her child. She did all she could to safeguard the health of herself and her baby, but now the doctor tells her and her husband that the baby has died. He explains that if she waits several weeks, her body will discharge the baby on its own. Then he recommends that she schedule induced labor within the next few days. Her husband agrees that it be scheduled for his wife’s safety.


For a few days she carries in her womb the remains of an infant whose life had ceased. She performed her daily tasks with all the pains of an expectant mother. Strangers would look at her and smile, not knowing the life inside her had died. Each day as she passed the doorway of the nursery, she saw it being unused. The baby bed was empty, and the monitor remained turned off. Each day she dealt with emotions which men cannot understand. I stop to think of the silent conversations she had with the heavenly Father and the questioning of why the baby died. Beyond her control, God had decided that her child should not continue to live. He is the One who provides the breath or takes it away. It is His decision, and only He knows why.


After the few days of waiting, I see the woman brought into a delivery area. All is setup as if it is a normal delivery. She is placed in position with her husband by her side. The lifeless infant with the umbilical cord still attached now exits the womb and is placed on the mother’s chest. Even though its life had ceased, a bond had been formed between the mother and the infant. On her chest lies the lifeless body of an infant that had grown for almost 9 months. Here lies a mother that went through all the pain and agony of giving birth to a child she would never hear breathe, cry, laugh, or say its first word.


I look over at Perceivous who stands there as many of herself who hold each other but yet stand as one. I am wondering who consoles her who watches over a birth such as this. How many times has she observed this tragic event?


I realize that a man cannot understand the bond that occurs between a mother and her growing infant or the emotions that she experiences in a stillborn delivery. Yet this is something that happens very often.


I stand there for a while. Then Perceivous looks at me and explains that death is a result of sin, and all are to understand that Jesus provided a way for each one who dies to be given breath again and have eternal life. That small one could be placed back in the arms of the one that served as a vessel for him to grow in. If faithful, that mother will have returned to her the one whom she bonded with.


Now I am instantly taken to a scene of a horrible situation. A young woman is being taken away without her consent. Because of the act of forced sexual violence, she becomes pregnant. Several weeks later, I understand that she is in a place where the unwanted child will be terminated.


The scene changes again, and I find myself observing a young woman who is several weeks pregnant. She too has gone to a place where her unplanned and unwanted child will be terminated. Many other women there are also ending the life that grows inside of them.


The silence is broken with Perceivous again stating that many still do not know who they are! This was not just the case of another life of an unborn being terminated. We need to understand the importance of even the unborn.


Now I find myself at the scene of a car accident. I immediately see that a young mother who was driving her car has just lost her four children—one an infant, a toddler, and her two other young children. I see many angels who stood with their hands at their sides. Each was instructed to lower their ever helping hands and not provide protection. Each angel has tears in their eyes.


Calling me by my heavenly name, Perceivous explains that I was shown these things because many still do not know who they are! This was not just the case of another accident. The lives of small children were taken. Again, the importance of each child needs to be understood. The existence of each child is very pleasing to our Father who sees all from His throne in heaven. Is it understood who each of these innocent ones belong to?


The scene changes and I am in a dark place where only the great brilliant light of many angels illuminates. In my mind I am thinking of how it is a great honor to be in the presence of these tremendous angels. Even in darkness they illuminate.


Suddenly, the Announcing angel speaks, even though he is usually quiet. He asks, “Do you recall in ‘The New Earth’ dream the angel who asked for permission to take your crown from its shelf and place it on your head? For angels, it will be a great honor to serve the redeemed from Earth.” I was told in the dream “Do You Know Who You Are?” that as a result of the sacrifice of Jesus, in the New Earth the saved will be higher than the angels.


Instantly the dark area is greatly illuminated and a large company of angels stands in front of me. Perceivous walks over, takes both of my hands, and tells me that I am to be made aware of something. “You have been shown and you have documented in previous dreams about certain individuals who were selected to serve long before the word was spoken that began the construction and existence of your galaxy and Earth.


“Many individuals were planned to serve in different ways, but there were a few who would be called to serve in a very special and symbolic way at the very end of earth’s history. You were shown that the very first being, called Truth, would be called to serve at that time. You were also shown that there would be two who would be called to serve as the Alpha and the Omega. There would be two others who would serve as the Early and the Latter Rain. There was another who would be called to serve as a John the Baptist.


“You were also shown another who was chosen to serve as the perfect church. Just as God’s Seventh-day Adventist church has fallen greatly into apostasy, she too walked completely away from God and chose not to have Him guide her. She was most rebellious when she chose to follow Satan. She grasped hands with ones led by demonic powers. In her apostate condition she conceived and gave birth to a child not as the Father had planned or designed. She could have been put on the course our Creator designed, but that is not His plan. He never uses force. She was allowed free will to go on the path she chose.”


Perceivous stops speaking. She looks down and steps back. The Guide angel walks over and very seriously explains something that is literal. He stresses that the very one God had designed to serve as a perfect symbol of His perfect church had not only apostatized but allowed the one she took as a husband, who is controlled by a demon, to make her pregnant.


The Guide stops speaking, looks down, and steps back. Now the Announcing angel walks over in front of me and places his hands on my shoulders. He tells me that in the dream, “Do You Know Who You Are?” one who was to serve as the symbol of God’s perfect church was referred to as Mary. He tells me that when Mary ceased to walk each day with those who God had placed around her, as a result of her decision, something happened for the first time. When she conceived, God our Father removed all His protection from her. For the first time in earth’s history, Perceivous would not be present at the birth of this child created by a man completely controlled by a demon. The entire universe observed the birth of a child from whom the Father had turned away His face.


The Announcing angel quotes of how it is written of the heavenly Father instructing Moses to teach Aaron and his sons to say to the children of Israel these things:


The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.


With this birth the Father states this:


The LORD curse thee, and ignore thee:

The LORD turn his face from thee, and ignore thee:

The LORD cover up his countenance upon thee and in darkness shalt thou be, and unto thee shall peace not exist.

And they shall remove my name upon thee, child of Satan; for I curse thee.


For the first time, this child would not be one of God’s children. Understand that God is saying that He allowed this to happen. It is because He wants none other than the one He chose to serve as a symbol of His perfect church. When God is ready, He will destroy this child, just as He will destroy Satan and all those who follow him. Mary’s child will be as if it never was.[1] Through anguish, Mary, as God’s symbol of His perfect church, will be cleansed with “fire.”


After the child is destroyed, Mary will have nowhere to go. Then she will burn with desire to be once again with her mother and her two sisters. However, they will find it extremely difficult to trust anything Mary does or says. There will be unconditional love, but it will be extremely arduous for Truth to trust her again.


Next, the Announcing angel reminds me of how it will be almost a year and two months as of January 4, 2020 since I was given a dream to share titled “Barren Ground.” Notice the following from that dream:


For a third time and after a little while, it snows again. The ground warms up, grass grows, and flowers bloom. The two trees stand firmly with their roots entwined. The other tree still stands apart. However, this time the weeds die and the grass grows quickly, becoming a rich green. A countless array of beautiful flowers blooms, and some wrap themselves around the base of the tree. I know this tree is very special to the Creator, and He allowed it to go through what it did for a reason. A part of this tree had to die and come back to stand with the other two trees and do what it was created for. Next, I look up to see all of its dry, straight hair fall off its limbs and blow away in the wind. Immediately, the tree grows taller and all new, very bright and almost white blonde, wavy hair protrudes from its limbs.


I now look down and see the roots of the three trees entwined under the ground. I understand that the three will stand strong together as one tree to do what they were created for.


The Guide angel explains that what I have seen is symbolic and literal, and that God allows certain things to happen for a reason. The one tree needed to endure what it did, because it must endure more in the brunt of an impending storm. It must hold strong to the other two trees that stand together as one. The Guide angel smiles and says, “Realize that underneath, the three must be one and support each other to be strong. By itself, the single tree would fall. Together they will proceed to serve.”


[End of excerpt]


God knew that Mary (one of the three trees) would conceive a child. Notice that a part of the tree would need to die. Also notice the subtle attention to the weeds around her that die, which represent those who support and convince Mary to remain in a demonic place.


God’s destruction of the child is represented by the part of the tree that dies. What God planted He has been watching grow and mature. It is then that the grass grows quickly until it is a rich green. Then Mary will return to do what He planned.


The Announcing angel turns and walks away. I understand the message he just gave was a direct message delivered straight to him from the lips of the Father in heaven. He served as a messenger, and I know and understand that what I have been told, I am in turn to share and be a messenger.


Perceivous walks over to me and holds out her hand toward the floor. Up from the floor forms the most intricate couch of intertwined flower stems. The stems weave themselves to form a very soft couch covered with small flowers. She smiles and asks if I would sit down, because there is something that must be discussed.


She begins explaining that Truth exists from the beginning. She speaks of how Truth defends the honor and integrity of our Creator. Truth assures all that God our Father is just and right in what He decides. There are those who will disagree that He allows the death of certain ones. Truth establishes that the one who instituted the way of sinfulness has and continues to abound with questions and doubts regarding the Creator’s decisions. What must be understood is that death would not exist but for the ever leading curse of the one who originated sin.


Perceivous pauses to take a deep breath. Then she talks about those who claim that Mary’s child is innocent and that God is love therefore would not destroy the child. However, they do not realize that this is exactly Satan’s argument. Mary was instructed that it was not God’s will for her to form a bond with a rancid individual. However, she ignored what God instructed and chose her own path. Her child is not the heavenly Father’s, but rather the result of a man who is an agent of Satan. That child would not be happy in heaven, and those who question this stand with Satan. They will not and cannot stand with those who agree that God is just and fair in all He does, including this situation.


Perceivous now takes both of my hands. She tells me that I was shown something very important that still is not understood. It was written about two years ago in the “Do You Know Who You Are?” dream. She says that we will review it again to make very clear who each is and what each can and will do.


She continues by telling me that the path I have been asked to tread cannot be done softly. My focus must not be taken from the main point. Calling me by my heavenly name, she says that there is so much more that I am being shown, yet so many are looking at a small picture in their hands. If they would just look up, they could see an enormous picture before them. With all that has been shown, why is it so difficult for many to still not understand who they are? It has been spoken of before in another message. It has been mentioned several times now in this message.


Next Perceivous states that she will now show me something to help all understand who each is. She stands up and the couch of woven stems and flowers all retracts into the ground.


She holds out her hand and asks if I would come with her. She tells me that she needs to show me something that happened long ago, even for her. It will help in understanding who we are.


I take the hand of Perceivous and am instantly taken from the place where the couch of flowers was to one of the courts of heaven. The Deity is standing in front of me. I am shown Them in a way I can understand. They begin walking slowly as They discuss the creation of those who need to exist. I now notice that They stop and in one voice speak of the importance of the first one to be spoken into existence. They discuss that before all of creation occurs that Truth must exist first to be a witness and testify of what happens. Truth would exist to defend the Creator and testify that everything He does is perfect.


As I stand there, I watch as the Deity speaks one word, and before me appears a very small bright light that grows exponentially until it is a tall bright light that takes on a specific form. The being spoken into existence is very tall, noble looking, and immediately speaks with a deep voice. (I will refer to the being as “he” even though he is not male or female.) I know and understand he will only speak truth. He is referred to as Truth and will always exist.


The Deity begins walking and Truth follows behind. The Deity now talks about the governing laws which must be put in place to keep balance but most importantly to show that the foundation of each law is love. Without the laws there would not be a balance of true, constant, unconditional love.


The Deity stops and again the Three speak a single word. I see a core of bright light that burns with such intensity that I shield my eyes from the extreme brightness. Its size and brightness grow. As I watch, a beautiful wall forms. It is great in size and very ornate. It looks like a pure diamond made with gold. Something is carved all the way through the wall that is difficult to describe. It is not letters, numbers, or symbols.


Perceivous who has stood next to me says that I am looking at God’s governing laws—the Ten Commandments.[2] We are to understand that in those laws is the pure essence of God’s love. He is the source of all love. Without these laws there is no pure, unconditional love. And there with God the Father is Jesus who is the Love of the Love of the Love. Truth witnessed the creation of the Spoken Word, which was and is God’s love in the Ten Commandments—placed forever as a constant reminder of the balance of ever continual love and peace.


The Deity begins walking again. They speak and three thrones form from the floor. They are arranged in an outward circle, so the Three can see each other as they sit. They begin discussing those who will be brought into existence to serve. The one who is Truth stands as a witness to what is done. As before, the three in the Godhead speak a single word and a bright light comes into existence that immediately forms into a being with a very noble appearance. I hear them say that he will be called Lucifer. He is instructed to stand next to the throne of God.


The Three continue while Truth stands to witness. As before the Deity speaks a single word and a bright light comes into existence that immediately takes on the form of another being different from the first but also noble. I hear the Deity saying that he will be called Gabriel because he will be our strength.[3] He is instructed to stand next to Lucifer.


Perceivous and I watch as this process continues. Each time a new angel is spoken into existence, a name is given. None look exactly alike, but some are grouped together because of their similarities, such as the seraphim, the cherubim, or angels who excel in strength. I find the group of angels that excel in speed to be quite interesting. I continue to observe as a great number of angelic beings are spoken into existence.


Next, Perceivous states that it is just not these angelic beings that were created. She instructs that I am to look up and understand why God is the Creator. As I do so, I am amazed to see many galaxies with planets throughout the universe.


As I watch, I see a galaxy spoken into existence with a single word.[4] On many planets, a single word is spoken and a great multitude of beings are created to walk, talk, and enjoy a life instantly given to them. Each being is different in appearance but maintains a similarity in form. Each is given a name.


Perceivous begins. “I will remind you of something else that occurred in the ‘Do You Know Who You Are?’ dream. It was with Gabriel, the one you call the Herald, who explained the most important of creations. However, it was not clearly understood what was observed, written, and read. This moment will be reviewed in greater detail for a better understanding.


“As the two of you were together talking, you were taken to the most beautiful Garden of Eden with lush vegetation. It was before man and animals were created. Both of you walked through a garden where no human words could describe the beauty.


“First, understand that the courts of heaven are where the heavenly Father, Jesus the King of Kings, and the Holy Spirit reside. Nevertheless, this is the Garden of Eden where Adam, who would be a prince of princes, would stroll, enjoy, and have dominion.


“The two of you approach the entrance to the garden. There is an archway of many vines, leaves, and flowers. There are flowers of different shapes, and they shine with many rich colors. It is noticed how the flowers seem as if they respond to you, wishing to be looked at. The design of a single flower is unlike anything you have seen. It is an example of a design of unmatched beauty and everlasting life. There is also a wonderful assortment of fragrances. A large variety of fruit hangs from the vines and branches. The archway is like a short tunnel, wide enough for several people to walk together as they enter or exit this one-of-a-kind garden. It is the entrance to the most beautiful garden in all creation. It was created for one special being that was yet to be created—a being who would be a prince. That prince would be Adam. From that prince, there would be a world of others who would be princes and princesses from the procreation of one that God placed by Adam’s side—Eve.


“After passing through the entrance and exiting the tunnel, there is a grand view of this immense and amazing garden. No man has seen such beauty since the destruction of the earth by the Flood. There are no tall mountains. As you look far in the distance, you see many different trees with rich green leaves. There are fruit trees with very large fruit ready for picking. The sky is the richest blue. There are trees, leaves, and grass in living green everywhere.


“As the two of you slowly stroll along, the Herald repeats the question ‘Who are you?’ He told you that what you see now is shown in a way that you can perceive. You know that was in the beginning on the sixth day of creation.


“What you see this time is important and will help all to understand who each is. You look in the distance, and you understand that you see the Creator walking through His beautiful, newly-created garden. He stops to kneel near the edge of a pure stream. You notice that the stream forms into a most majestic Being who kneels next to the Creator. You also notice that the Creator and the Being from the form of water both look the same. It is as if the water has the ability to look the same as the Creator. Or are They the same?


“You continue to look and see one Creator, but there are actually three in a form together. You immediately know that every angel and every created being throughout the universe watches this event. What will happen now has never occurred before—the creation of the first being made in the likeness of the Creator.”


Calling me by my heavenly name, Perceivous tells me to watch closely and to understand. I closely watch as God the Creator kneels near the edge of the pure stream. He places His hands into the soil and begins to form the dirt. It is very interesting that this time I notice the soil composition mixed with the water causes the soil to have a shiny appearance like a mirror effect. As God looks at the soil, He sees the reflection of His own face and forms the soil from what He sees. The soil mirrors His eyes, His nose, His lips, His ears, and His forehead. He is forming the soil to mirror His own appearance. Then He molds the soil to resemble His torso, shoulders, arms, hands, legs, and feet. The features in the mirrored soil are not exactly identical but the similarities are very close. I look as there on the ground is soil in the shape and appearance of the One who just created the shape of the soil—a complete image of the Creator. The Creator finishes by bending over and breathing into the mouth of the form of dirt.


Perceivous speaks and all that I see freezes as if she pressed a pause button. She calls me once again by my heavenly name, and instructs that I take great notice to what happens next. What I see is the first time that life was given to a created being in the way it was done. The countless angels and beings on innumerable planets in their galaxy (who had been spoken into existence with a single word) watch with great interest the creation of a being similar to the Creator. It is a creation unlike any other.


The Creator leans back, and I watch the most tremendous transformation. I dare not blink for fear of missing a part of it. What was just dirt and mud becomes a living, breathing man. His hair grows and curls and then his skin becomes a tremendous well-tanned color. In just seconds, the being is created.


I look up to Perceivous and smile and ask her if she would press the pause button once again. She smiles and I stand there looking at a scene where all is stopped while I contemplate all that I just observed. I know it is very important that I think and document all that I just observed.


I begin reviewing all that I just witnessed. I summarize in my mind all that was created. First was the creation of one called Truth, his place, and what he was created to do. The law was erected for all eternity. It was created with a substance that can never be destroyed and nothing written could be changed. It is permanent.[5] Truth and the law were spoken into existence with a single word. Angels were all spoken into existence with one word, along with countless galaxies and planets with great multitudes of beings who were each given a name. Everything came into existence from nothing. Then on the special day during the creation week of the earth, I observe the Creator kneel next to a stream where He forms from the mud a likeness of Himself.


Then the Creator bends over and places His lips on the lips formed from mud and breathes life into the being. I have witnessed the first “kiss” that ever happened. It was not two “males” kissing, but rather the Creator and a non-sexed being made from dirt.[6] It was the Creator showing His unbounded, unconditional love for a being made in His own image. This was a prince as God’s very own son who would not only freely walk the halls of heaven but would own and dwell in a very special place called “The Garden of Eden.” The very foundations of “For God so loved the World. . .” were now laid—this world where He would send His “only begotten Son.” The same dirt that Jesus spoke into existence would serve as the building material for the creation of Adam. He was made from the same earth over which he would rule.


Perceivous pauses here and tells me that it is important to point out one very important fact. When God our Creator bent over and mixed the dirt with the water, it had a shiny appearance like a mirror. As God formed the dirt, He formed an image which was a reflection of Himself. Adam was not yet given male reproductive parts, because he was made in God’s own image. If God had given Adam reproductive parts, he would not have been made in God’s image, since God does not have male reproductive parts.


Adam was made a male after Jesus brought each animal before him to name. He was to name each one, because he was given dominion over them. It was then that Adam noticed each animal had a mate. It was then that Adam asked God to provide a mate for him as well. It was then that Jesus instructed Adam to lie down and sleep. I am now shown a representation of what occurred when God our Creator performed the first and very special surgery.


Because Adam was being prepared to be fruitful and multiply, he had to have physical changes. He would now bear external features that all human beings would have to differentiate them from angels and other beings spoken into existence.


While Adam lay in a deep sleep, God began with the placement of two identifying marks on his chest. With Adam on his side, God used His finger to make a small hole resembling a belly button into Adam’s abdomen. Then God removed a portion of Adam which He used when He created Eve. That portion was placed into her belly which gave her life. She was made from Adam. The only difference was the chromosomes from DNA.[7] In a sense, Eve was the first procreated being, because she was made from Adam.


The three outward changes would be a sign of males and females. The lineage of all human beings comes from God the Father. Because Jesus came to this earth to be a human, He will bear the three marks for all eternity, just as each human being will. Even His lineage will be a testament to Him calling God the Father His Father. That resulted in His instruction for prayer, “Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name….”


Perceivous then speaks about something special that occurred which needs to be understood. It is this first breath that is overlooked, because people do not realize what really happened.[8] Then she explains how it was in that special breath—that kiss—where something occurred. She begins with examples that may help in understanding. When you put a balloon between your lips and blow air into it, you not only inflate the balloon but a part of you is placed inside that balloon. It is your breath. God’s very breath went inside of Adam. Even the administration of breathing into the mouth while holding the nose shut during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is called the breath of life which God gave. When the Creator placed a kiss of great love on that form, it was also His blessed breath of life—a part of Himself. For the first time ever, a being was given a part of the Creator’s genetic makeup. It was the difference from other beings who were not made in God’s own image. However, that did not make the being equal with God the Creator. Yet it did provide a specific bond between both—just as a father and son. Mankind would be held to a different standard than the other beings throughout the universe.


Perceivous pauses for a moment and then says, “Do you understand exactly who you are? Do you understand why the angels will find great value in placing your robe over your shoulders and an honor to pick up your crown and place it on your head? Understand that Jesus left His throne in heaven to become a being like you—the same as the being made of dirt who received the breath of life. Understand what the Creator gave up to take His place as one of you and to become your Brother. Jesus giving up His throne and coming to this earth placed you as equals in the eyes of God. Jesus and you are both His sons. Strive for the Father to say that when He sees each of you that He truly sees His Son.”


Perceivous pauses for a moment and looks down at the ground as if thinking. She looks back up to me and says that for some it will not be fully understood. There will be those who will doubt and question. She points downward and a wall comes up from the ground. While pointing at the wall, she speaks and the following words appear.


Jesus answered the questions by His critics saying:


Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? John 10:34-36


I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. Psalm 82:6


Remember how Satan told Eve she would be like God. Satan already knew she was and he was not.


And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:4-5


Each of those created in the image of God has the likeness of God.


Jesus revealed no qualities, and exercised no powers, that men may not have through faith in Him. His perfect humanity is that which all His followers may possess, if they will be in subjection to God as He was. The Desire of Ages, p. 664


The life of Christ has shown what humanity can do by being partaker of the divine nature. All that Christ received from God we too may have. Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 149


But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Ephesians 4:7


For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. Colossians 2:9-10


… divine power was not given to Him in a different way to what it will be given to us… Sermons and Talks, Vol. 2, p. 111


All who have borne with Jesus the cross of sacrifice will be sharers with Him of His glory… They are workers together with Christ, and the Father will honor them as He honors His Son. The Desire of Ages, p. 624


To bring humanity into Christ, to bring the fallen race into oneness with divinity, is the work of redemption. Christ took human nature that men might be one with him as he is one with the Father, that God may love man as he loves his only begotten Son, that men may be partakers of the divine nature, and be complete in him. The Review and Herald, April 5, 1906


Scarcely can the human mind comprehend what is the breadth and depth and height of the spiritual attainments that can be reached by becoming partakers of the divine nature. The Youth’s Instructor, October 24, 1895


Perceivous looks back to me and smiles. It needs asking again: “Do you yet not know who you are?


“Those of earth are different from all other of God’s creations. Only on this planet and nowhere else throughout the universe are humans who can procreate. When God breathed into the dirt, He gave Adam and Eve a part of Himself.”


Again pointing to the wall, Perceivous displays the following.


And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7


Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1:4


In Christ dwelt the fullness of the God-head bodily… Are we not also to become partakers of that fullness? and is it not thus, and thus only, that we can overcome as Christ overcame? … Man is nothing without Christ. But if Christ lives in us, we shall work the works of God. The Signs of the Times, October 10, 1892


In all that He did, Christ was co-operating with His Father. Ever He had been careful to make it evident that He did not work independently; it was by faith and prayer that He wrought His miracles. The Desire of Ages, p. 536


Perceivous pauses again and the wall dissolves back into the ground. She smiles and says, “We know who you are. We know whom we serve. We look on the face of our Creator. We who stand spoken into existence know who our Creator is. We look at you, the very ones He molded into His own likeness. We know and understand who each of you is and wonder why you do not really know who you are.”


Now I hear a familiar voice speak my heavenly name. I look to my right and see the Herald descending towards me. He tells me that he is sent to give me additional information for the message I am preparing. He stresses that knowing “who we are” is greatly required as each one moves forward in the soon coming battle when the Great Comforter (the Holy Spirit) is removed from the earth. Each must hold tightly to that understanding.


The Herald smiles and says, “Now you will be placed in a different dream. What you have been shown you need to prepare and wait for further instructions.”


My dream now changes. I find myself walking in a very long corridor. On both sides are framed pictures that appear to be short, live videos. They are always either a man or a woman dressed in clothes from their era, whether a robe or the clothes of today. As I slowly walk along looking at each of the framed videos, I notice a small placard below each one. It shows the name of the individual and the instructions they were given for a task they were assigned. It summarizes the historical occurrences of what happened to each as they proceeded to serve. It is visual proof of how each one was victorious on the path they were placed on.


I stop, turn around, and look where I have been walking. The corridor continues a long way behind me. There are many people displayed, as if each is a record. I turn back around, begin walking, and notice I am about to the end of this long corridor, or maybe it is the opening. I notice in the distance a type of doorway illuminated with a bright archway. As I continue on through this very long corridor, I carefully observe the names of each portrayed and review the task each was given.


As I near the archway, I stop and turn around again. As I look down this very, very long corridor, I am in awe because it seems that it goes on for a great distance. I contemplate what is written on each placard. I notice that some individuals were given a very difficult assignment, while others had an easier task. Each day would bring stress, yet each endured. As I walked the entire distance of the corridor, my mind reviewed the path each was placed on and the obstacles they overcame.[9]


What each selected individual was asked to do was not what all were asked to do. I fully understood that the name on the placard was for only that individual. What was asked of them and the specific path that individual would be placed on was only for that individual. I think of how there were times when more than one individual was assigned with a specific task, but that is what the Creator decides and no one has the right to question that decision.


My mind reasons that only Noah was asked to build an ark. Only Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son. There was Joseph who forgave his brothers even when they sold him into slavery. Only Jesus was sacrificed for the sins of all His created beings. Yet many traveled to a foreign country to share God’s truth. Just like Martin Luther, many have had the duty to stand in church and present the truth.


I turn around to exit the long corridor. As I do that, I am startled to see in the air above the exit a very large glowing frame that changes to many golden hues. There is no image in the frame, but below is a placard that displays the following.


Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity [love], I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. [1 Corinthians 13]


I hear a voice that I recognize from before that speaks my heavenly name. I turn around to see the Guide angel. He states: “I have been sent to give you a message that is to be shared. I will review instructions from the past as well as new instructions. New light is always progressive and needed in the darkest of times.” [10]


The Guide looks down and pauses for a moment. Looking back up, he smiles and says, “If you were instructed to walk a path by day, your way would be illuminated. Yet if you were told to walk the same path in the darkness of night, you would want a flashlight. If you were going to journey on a long dark path, you would place new batteries in the flashlight. New light would keep you from tripping over many obstacles.


“You were placed in a long corridor to review the lives of those whom God had placed on a path with a specific task given for only that individual. Everyone was instructed to observe and keep God’s sacred commandments. However, in order to prove worthiness, God only gave additional instructions to specific individuals.


“One example is when God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Yet God stayed the hand of Abraham just as he was about to show his obedience to God. Another example is Jephthah. When he went to war, he made a vow to God to use as an offering the first one to exit his house when he returned home. Imagine his shock when his only daughter ran out to meet him. In this example, God did not stay the hand of Jephthah. Please understand that God instructed that after the crucifixion of Jesus there was no longer to be animals or humans sacrificed on an altar.


“There are many examples of those who have been asked to proceed on a path going the direction they did not choose. Yet they obeyed God’s instructions. As in the past, some of these things will be presented to test the faith and obedience of others. Not all will be tasked with extreme testing, but God will test individuals to prove that they are worthy. Two examples include Isaiah who was asked to go naked, and Hosea who was to live in adultery. Not all were instructed to do the same.


The Guide continues: “To those who criticize the path that some are placed on, let them consider the case of Elijah. He called for a drought that lasted for three and a half years. This caused a great famine and suffering, and many starved to death. This was done to an entire nation. Elijah even ordered the assassination of hundreds of priests and burned to death more than 100 of the king’s guardsmen. This is why Elijah’s enemies called him a bigot and considered him religiously intolerant. However, after all that and more, where is he now? Elijah, who knew who he was, is now in heaven.”


Think about the following that was given for our instruction and for better understanding from the account in 1 Kings 18:38-40.


So deep, so widespread was the apostasy that only by means of terrible judgments could the purposes of God for Israel be fulfilled.


It was at this time that Elijah was sent, as God’s chosen messenger, to the people of Israel.


As Elijah saw Israel going deeper and deeper into idolatry, his soul was distressed and his indignation aroused. … In anguish he besought God to arrest them in their wicked course, to bring upon them, if need be, the judgments of Heaven, that they might be led to see in its true light their departure from Heaven. He longed to see them brought to repentance before they would go to such lengths in evil-doing as to provoke the Lord to destroy them utterly.


Elijah’s prayer was answered. Appeal, remonstrance, and warning had failed to bring Israel to repentance. The time had come when God must speak to them by means of judgments. {The Review and Herald, August 14, 1913}


The Guide lowers his head and all becomes quiet. After a moment he looks back up at me and smiles. He begins telling me that it was not that long ago that I received a message to share to many. It was a message to prepare all for a great war that is coming. It was instructions to come together in one faith, to come together in one truth, to come together to be united as one people, to come together as His people, His church.


He continues: “Yet there is and always will be those who follow Satan. They are those who do not even know they follow Satan because they are blinded. However, there is a way to test those who follow Satan. It was written on the placard of the empty frame. For those who endure the path they are placed on, who complete the task they were given, each of their names will appear in the frame because they exude the one attribute taught on that placard. That will not be the case for those who walk with Satan. An example is given of those who dwell together in the message ‘The Houses of Ivory.’ These exude no love. Love does not exist in these houses that are filled with accusations and fault finding.”


The Guide looks at me without speaking. It is as if to allow time for me to think about what he just said. After a moment, he raises his right hand and points to the wall of the corridor at what looks like a large screen. I begin reading the following from a message I was given on January 3, 2016 called “The Universal Memorial.”


In my dream, I am walking with the guide angel through the Appalachian Mountains in the fall of the year. Calling me by my heavenly name, he tells me that a great, many-faceted battle will soon be upon the world. For some it will be a mental battle; for others it will be a physical battle. For some it will be both a mental and a physical battle. He explains that many are controlled by demonic powers, and they are not even aware of it. Many think they can simply ask for an umbrella of protection and God will cover them. However, He requires that everyone do their part. It is up to each individual to choose not to allow Satan and his demons to occupy their minds. Then when they ask for protection, God will protect them.


We stop walking, and as the guide extends his hand, I see an individual who believes they walk with God. They pray, claim the blood of Jesus, and follow a healthful diet. However, this person allows Satan access to their mind. Therefore, they have not fully surrendered their will to God.


The guide stresses that even though Satan may not be permitted to harm someone physically, he can still hold that person tightly in his grasp. I am shown that this particular individual is one whom God called to do an important work for Him. He gave this person simple tests to prove their commitment, but they continued to fail. Each time, the heavenly Father gave this person an easier test. However, by allowing Satan to very skillfully enter their mind, the person failed to realize that demons controlled them.


I am made to understand that Jesus─the love of the love of the love who gave up His throne in heaven for this individual─loves this person in a way that no one can comprehend. Yet, unless this person learns to love Jesus in return, He will be heartbroken. Can we comprehend that? He loves each one of us, and all He asks is that we simply love Him in return.


This particular individual was given task after task but each time came greatly short of the finish line. In order to help, the mark was made shorter each time, so short that the individual would hardly have to move their foot to take a step. They simply needed to lean forward. However, the individual failed again and again.


I think of how Jesus asks us to just love Him. How much easier can it be? I think about what the Father said: “When I see my Son, I see you. When I see you, I see my Son.” To be given the Perfect Complete Gift and not appreciate it is inconceivable.


The guide breaks the silence and says:


“Love is patient; love is kind. Love is never jealous. Love is never proud. Love is never selfish. Love never leads to anger. Love is gracious. Love is forgiving. Love never takes happiness in doing wrong. Love always finds happiness in truth. Love always endures forever. Things may come to an end, but of the three things that will always last—faith, hope, and love—the greatest of these is love.


Jesus is the Faith. The Holy Spirit is the Hope. God the Father is the Love, the source of all love. Of Faith, Hope, and Love, the Father is the greatest. And Jesus, Jesus Christ is the Love of the Love of the Love.”


I turn and ask the guide how a person like this is supposed to ask for help if they do not even know they are controlled by demons. Even those who know this individual did not realize the person was controlled by demons. The guide continues by explaining that instruction has already been given. So many read messages in my dreams and believe they just read a heartwarming story. However, these are not good-feeling stories, but rather messages of instruction. These are instructions to help each of us prepare for our own personal battle.


All should read and study the messages and apply them personally. It is only by much study that we can be prepared. For example, a deep, thorough study of the dream, “Regarding Angels,” can answer questions for today. Through study we can know and understand the many layers in the dream, “A Song and a Prayer.” We should compare the messages with the Bible as well as the Spirit of Prophecy as shown to Ellen White. We are not to just receive a good feeling. We are to study and study, and when we are finished, we are to study more. Our life depends upon it.


[End of excerpt]


Still standing in the corridor the Guide looks to my right, and I hear another familiar voice speak my heavenly name. I look over my right shoulder and see Perceivous passing through the wall. She smiles at me and says that she is to show me something and that we must go somewhere for better understanding.


We are instantly in a very large room, but we do not touch the floor. A tremendous number of angels are there. I see the cherubim and the seraphim in different parts of the large room. They sing “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Father.” Three thrones are up high on a large multileveled platform in the middle of the room.


Perceivous stands in front of me, holds both my hands, and begins to explain. “What I am going to show you is the throne where the Father of all sits—the throne of our Creator. However, what you see is a representation. If you were to see the Father in your fallen nature, you would be consumed.”


I am shown what I see, because it is the only way I can understand. Perceivous tells me to look at the throne once again. I see a figure that looks similar to my form. Yet it is like a tremendous water fountain that is red and emits a feeling of a love that cannot be understood. I also see a voice speak through my eyes as if they were ears of a multi-flowing waterfall. I need to explain better. I look at many waterfalls and yet it is through my eyes that I hear His voice. I look at His eyes and they burn with a fire of such red and I know it is not a fire of destruction but a fire of a love that can never be contained. A great healthy love emits from His eyes. I find myself drawn to Him, because the love is so overwhelming.


Perceivous explains that I must understand that while those God created in His own image is His greatest love, yet He loves His church very much. So much has been written about His church. Much detailed instruction has been provided on the proper way to worship. Even the angels are given as an example. Remember that the cherubim hover in God’s presence and bow their covered heads in reverence. The seraphim also hover with their two wings and cover their faces and feet with their other four wings. These angels reverently sing “Holy, Holy, Holy.” They do not shout, dance, and clap their hands. They show respect and reverence.


Perceivous speaks my heavenly name to be sure I have her full attention. She tells me to look at a representation of the Father’s face. When I do, He is looking down as if seeing a building that makes up the Seventh-day Adventist organization with its conference buildings and churches. His eyes burn with fiery anger. As I continue observing, His eyes close, then fiery red tears stream from His face and course down His body to the foot of His throne. It looks like waterfalls cascading down the steps of His throne. With His eyes still closed, He turns His face away from the Seventh-day Adventist Church that He loved so much.


I now hear a familiar voice speak, and it echoes as if in a large auditorium. Now God speaks in modern words what He wrote in the book of Numbers. “The LORD spoke to Moses saying: Speak to Aaron and to his sons, telling them to address the children of Israel in this way.


The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.


Perceivous calls me by my heavenly name again to get my attention from what I just heard. She tells me that the instruction I just heard is now the opposite. It needs to be understood that God has turned His face away from “Israel”—the Seventh-day Adventist organization.[11] It could be written now in this way:


The LORD will no longer bless thee, or keep thee:

The LORD will no longer make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee, for this day you will stumble and fall into darkness:

The LORD will cover and hide his countenance from thee, and you will cease having peace.

And My name will no longer be placed upon the Seventh-day Adventist organization, for I will no longer bless this apostate organization which dwells in the depths of apostasy.


My dream changes again and I find myself in an old style Seventh-day Adventist church. The year is sometime in the 1940s or 1950s. I sit quietly while I listen to a very reverent service. The message is about “The Great Blessed Hope” we all have in the return of Jesus. It is about how to examine and prepare our hearts through repentance. It is about what we must do to prepare for His imminent return. It is about the great sacrifice Jesus made for each of us.


I look around and there are many angels standing with great respect for the reverence in this sacred worship service. As I continue to look around, I see that this building was constructed to be a sacred house of worship. The wood beam in the ceiling, the wood rafters connected to the beam, and even the color of the paint on the walls speaks to the holiness of this temple of worship. Up front I notice a communion table with an ornate cloth draped from the left to the right side. On top of that cloth is a wooden stand with a large, white Bible sitting on it. On the front of the communion table and engraved in gold are the words “THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME.” This church takes seriously the importance of partaking in the “Lord’s Supper and the Ordinance of Humility.”


The message ends, and a hymn is sung. The congregation is not aware that angels there have joined in singing the hymn. I think how scarce sacred hymns are today. I know the service ends, and it was a great message to encourage each member to continue on through the coming week.


Next, I notice those in attendance sit quietly when the service ends. Then soft, sacred music begins to play, and the pastor and elders walk from the platform and down the aisle. Deacons walk to the front of the church to dismiss each row, and the members walk out quietly with respect for the sacred sanctuary. No one talks until after exiting the sanctuary. Oblivious to all there, angels veil their faces and softly sing a song of respect that is offered to God.


Now the time goes forward, and I am standing in this same church once again. I am there to observe a service taking place in 2020. I immediately notice there are no angels present. The communion table with the Bible is no longer there, and I wonder why it was removed from the church. I think of the importance of the table and what it symbolizes. I think of the words that were engraved on the front.


The worship service is now comprised of no hymns but lots of hand-clapping songs with repetitious words almost like chanting. Many get up and dance on the waxed and shiny wood floor where the communion table used to be. Have they forgotten to “DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME?” I am wondering why they no longer see the importance of the Ordinance of Humility. Have they forgotten the importance of Jesus in that upper room, humbly washing each of His disciple’s feet? Have they forgotten the Last Supper when the bread they ate and the grape juice they drank symbolized the body and blood of Jesus on the cross?


Now I notice many with their hands waving over their heads, while others clap their hands to the beat of the band on the platform. I look around again to see if even one of God’s holy angels is present. I see none. I get up and leave.


A few hours later I return to the same church. I notice it is now empty and quiet. I go inside, and to my dismay, I see a very filthy church filled with debris, trash, dirt, dust, spilled coffee, soft drinks, pastry crumbs, and other snacks thrown on the pews and floor. Even though it is Sabbath, I have the desire to clean it. My heart aches because of what has been left after the most disgusting church show. It is an unholy place that is appalling to God and needs cleansing.[12]


My mind ponders on how this should be a holy sanctuary to worship God. It should be a sacred place filled with heavenly angels, just as it is around God’s throne. The angels there sing “Holy, Holy, Holy,” veil their faces, cover their bodies, and hover above the floor to avoid desecrating a sacred place.


Still inside the sanctuary next to the pews, I suddenly notice smoke coming from a wall. I grab a hose and start spraying it. A few seconds later, I notice a great fire all through the exposed ceiling beams. I study the beams because of their enormous size. Then I sense a strong impression about the importance of knowing the dimensions of the walls and the beams.


I notice the middle beam goes from the back of the church all the way to the front. I know that this beam was made from one very tall tree that was all hand-hewn. With the use of axes, saws, and other special hand tools, it took many hours to create its massive size. I am amazed by the support it provided as the backbone for what was once a holy church. I know that each supporting beam was seasoned, stained, and varnished to a light shade.


The walls of this church are 12 feet high on each side. On the top of each wall are the 12 smaller supporting beams. They are 12 feet apart and connect to the middle beam on the left and right sides. When I calculated the width of the walls and the size of each beam, I noticed that the sanctuary was at least 156 feet long.


I wonder why I was strongly impressed to pay close attention to the height of the walls. I already know that each beam is 2 feet wide on all four sides. Then I think about the height of the walls on either side. Each wall is 12 feet high. Then I was impressed to add the size of the walls to the length of the church. Adding 156 to the two twelve-foot walls resulted in 180 feet. I asked myself why that would be significant.


As I gaze at this amazing ceiling, I am reminded of the words “stand on the wood as the wood is truth” from the dream “Stand on the Truth.” In the past, the wood beams would have “held up” the words spoken in truth—the many messages presented there that were inspired by the Holy Spirit. Now the rafters show noticeable decay.


Knowing that I was to pay close attention to the measurements I had observed in the dimensions of the ceiling, I stop to think about what I am being shown. I have been told many times that if we dig deeper, there are things to learn in each message. Nothing happens by chance, because God always plans ahead. I think about what is being shown here that requires more searching.


The Guide looks at me, smiles, and says, “You have been shown something which requires deep study. There are things that others may learn from the dimensions you noted. Here is something to help with understanding.


Instantly I think of the 156-foot length of the middle beam, the 12-foot height of the right wall and the 12-foot height of the left wall. Those three measurements equal 180 feet. Are we being shown to turn around and go 180 degrees from the direction we are going? The turning from left to right? The turning from north to south? The turning from west to east? The turning in the opposite direction from current church practices, worship, and management?


I begin thinking about the church’s one piece, solid wood beam that was 156 feet long. The one piece, solid wood beam was 156 feet long. I wonder why the 156 is so important. I immediately think that this is the end of September 2019. When I subtract 156 from 2019, I get 1863. Then I realize that the Seventh-day Adventist Church was organized in May of 1863.


I know the two 12-foot walls on the left and right equal 24 feet. Subtracting 24 from 2019 results in 1995. What happened that year? The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists requested permission to ordain women in its territory, and it was to be voted on at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists’ session which met in the Netherlands.


Adding the dimensions, 156 + 12 + 12, equals 180. That number is represented as a turning around to go in a different direction. If you are going left and you make a 180-degree turn, you will be going to the right. If you are sinning and ask for forgiveness, then you would make a 180-degree turn.


If a child is old enough to understand a parent’s good instruction, but he refuses to obey, he deserves to be punished. If God instructs that women’s ordination and homosexuality are not to be, then it stands to reason that God will punish.[13]


Next, I hear a voice state, “Churches such as these are no longer God’s houses of worship.” Then I notice the Guide behind me. Speaking my heavenly name, he says, “This building that once was a great house of worship is nothing but a building of iniquity and is no longer needed.” He reaches for my right hand and says that we must leave here immediately. We quickly pass through the walls and stand outside. He says to notice the roof.


The Guide and I rise into the air. From my vantage point, I see what I can only describe as if someone holds a large container of burning liquid and pours it over the entire roof, engulfing it in flames.


Now the Guide tells me to remember and understand that when the Israelites wandered in the desert, they did not have a building in which to worship. They worshipped in groups. Some met inside a tent. There was not a single tent to hold millions of people. It is the same today as it was back then. A tent is just a tent. A church is just a building. The people are the church. Next, I hear a distinct but silent voice spoken clearly in my mind:


“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” [Matthew 18:20]


I completely understand that God’s church is not a tent or a building. God’s church is His people that love Him and keep His commandments. Those people are God’s church, [14] and wherever they meet during their worship, the place becomes sacred even if only one or two are present. In that place, angels will cover their faces and sing “Holy, Holy, Holy.”


The Guide tells me how important it is even if only one person kneels in prayer, sings a sacred hymn, or meditates on something spiritual. That also becomes a place of worship. Even if one or more meet under a tree or in a house, while they worship, it becomes a holy place. It is God’s church.


The Guide becomes quiet. Then speaking very softly, he tells me of how right now on the earth, and also from now on, many will not be able to worship in a church with fellow believers. He explains that as this sickness moves across the earth like a great serpent, public churches are required to stop all meetings and worship services in hopes of stopping the movement of the great sickness. Many will worship alone. Many will worship with only a few family members. It is at this time each should take courage,


‘For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ [Matthew 18:20]


This promise is for each of those who sit alone or with just a few family members, yet they will not be alone because many angels will join them. If only that single one who sits in a chair and reads from their Bible could hear the anthem of angelic choirs who are there to worship! This solitary worshipper is also seen by God from His throne in heaven.


From the air looking down, I am amazed that mere seconds ago the Guide took my hand and we both left immediately. Now we are up high observing the burning liquid destroy the entire church. In just seconds we see all the wood, metal, wiring, concrete, asphalt, gravel, and anything else used in its construction consumed.


When we descend, all that remains are ashes quickly being blown away, revealing only the dirt that was underneath the church’s foundation. The dirt area reveals that a deep trench was dug and much dirt moved to make room for a large foundation. Those who built this church could have stated with pride that it had a firm foundation. Now all that is left is a dirt trench showing soil scorched by the intense heat. The foundation is gone.[15]


The Guide looks down, and I can tell he is troubled with the seriousness of what he is to tell me. He states that God has seen how His chosen church is following its own path. It no longer goes in the direction He established. One example is what God has spoken of His great displeasure with the ordination of women. Yet it was ignored and the ordinations continue.


Suddenly, I see the Announcing angel, Perceivous, and the Herald accompanied by a great multitude of angels. Perceivous speaks and says that the heavenly Father is greatly troubled by the acceptance of women serving as pastors when He strictly forbids it.


Next, the Announcing angel explains that there is another issue that God has forbidden and that greatly provokes His wrath. Then the Herald walks over and stands in front of me. He says that what I will write about now is not his words (the Herald) as a messenger or my words (Earnest) as a messenger. Those who have a problem with what I write now must understand that it comes from the lips of God.


The Herald explains that we must ask why the church building was destroyed. It has already been explained that God instructed that only a male is to serve as a pastor. It does not include a female who went through a gender reassignment to become a male. Those who serve as pastors are only to be males with the male DNA received at birth. However, there is another issue involved.


The Herald pauses for a moment, looks up, and then looks back at me. He has a stern look on his face as he explains that God has spoken greatly on the subject of homosexuality. Yet the “church” leaders want to hold hands with the rest of the world by accepting this degrading, ungodly practice. They are afraid to boldly state that this practice is not of God. They want to agree with the rest of the world by accepting it as a normal character trait.


The Herald lowers his head as if contemplating. I notice Perceivous, the Announcing angel, and the Guide standing there quietly. The Herald raises his head and looks at me with eyes as if saying, “Listen very carefully.” He raises his right hand and up from the remains of the burnt foundation, a brightness appears with words inside that slowly become visible. I notice that Perceivous, the Announcing angel and the Guide lower their heads as if in total respect for what is about to be said. As I look at these brightly illuminated words, I hear the Herald read them.


Sin is corrupting in its nature. One man infected with its deadly leprosy may communicate the taint to thousands. … Many dare not condemn iniquity, lest they shall thereby sacrifice position or popularity. And by some it is considered uncharitable to rebuke sin. The servant of God…is under the most solemn obligation to present the word of God, without fear or favor. He must call sin by its right name. {The Signs of the Times, April 21, 1881}


Those brightly illuminated words remain visible. Now the Herald says, “The following important insights show the way God feels.


‘The Lord is not…willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.’ 2 Peter 3:9; ‘…As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways….’ Ezekiel 33:11; ‘God hates sin, but He loves the sinner.’ Prophets and Kings, p. 84.”


While I stand there thinking about the illuminated words, as well as what the Herald just shared, I think about how God the Father may stop the destruction of a specific city. He may stay the hands of the destroying angels so that many would have the opportunity to repent and return to Him. There, in sin, are His own sons and daughters. He wants none to perish in the final death of sin, but for all to repent and freely receive everlasting life.


The Herald interrupts my thoughts as he continues. “The ‘church’ leaders hold the hand of world leaders who openly accept something that God did not set up as a standard in the Garden of Eden. They do not hold to the ideal that God created a man and placed a woman next to him so that they could be fruitful and multiply. Instead, the ‘church’ places homosexuals in leadership positions and expects everyone to accept their unholy lifestyle, because that is just how they are. The ‘church’ is easily swayed by the practices of peer organizations that practice this lifestyle with great PRIDE.


“The problem is that society is bullied into accepting an open sin of those who want a lifestyle of being gay, lesbian, transgender, or transsexual. God disapproves of forcing the open inclusion of transgender and gender non-conforming people in the name of diversity. God hates it when society is forced to accept as normal those who choose a sinful lifestyle and live in open sin. Those who dare to stand for truth and follow it are being forced to conform into acceptance. Know that God does not approve of force. I am to remind all about the reason why Sodom was destroyed by fire.”


The Herald pauses and then tells me that all have forgotten or want to forget why the area of Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed with fire. Why was this area, destroyed with such an intense fire that even the remains are difficult to find today?


The Herald continues by stating that the heavenly Father watches as the world and its leaders openly accept the ways of homosexuality. He watches as groups gather together to state that if anyone disagrees with their lifestyle, it is a hate crime. Some claim that because they are hermaphrodite, they are entitled to certain rights and privileges. The movement insists that everyone must yield to their demands.[16]


For the time being God controls His anger against those who stand as a man in the arms of another man wanting to walk as one in their life. He observes this in women as well. God is angry when He sees one born a male and then the male claims to have gender issues, even when he has the privilege to procreate. God is angry when those born as a female do not accept their gender. God is angry as He observes the rise of open acceptance of transgender and ambiguous individuals.


The Herald looks down and is silent for a little time so that I may contemplate what he just said. After what seems a short time of complete silence, the Herald slowly lifts his head. He has a serious look, because he knows the truth of what he is about to share.


The Herald finishes by stating that a message is being sent to this world. It is to be understood that those who choose the wrong lifestyle and expect acceptance will receive God’s condemnation. Openly and with great force, He will pour out His wrath on them. God will destroy those who transgress His laws and commandments, just as He destroyed the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. It will be a sign for those who plan to restore the “human rights” of those destroyed in the city of Sodom. It will be a sign for the world and its leaders when they see God’s anger and disgust. It will be a sign for all who have accepted what God has said not to do.


Suddenly, all the angels kneel. The Herald kneels on one knee and lowers his head. All is quiet. Then I hear a voice I have heard and know from before. It is that great voice of the One who sits on His throne in heaven. His voice sounds like a great thunder with inconceivable power. It is also the voice of a great waterfall, a gentle stream, and a trickle of water. I now hear the voice of God the Creator—the One who speaks anything into existence. That voice is the voice of the One who kneeled next to the stream and formed a being created in His image and who received God’s own breath.


The voice of God declares that as the sun rises on a morning that He chooses, and like a thief in the night, He will pour out His wrath on a city that was spoken of before in the “Do You Know Who You Are?” dream. A small drop of His wrath will be witnessed on this city against those who trample His laws and commandments. Then the world will know that He is God and their Creator. As with the destruction of Sodom, a chosen city will be destroyed for the world to observe. Then let those who stand afraid to speak against such open abomination of sin witness their punishment for the acceptance of sin that is clearly against what God has established. Let the earth reel with catastrophes from the destruction of one city.


All becomes quiet and the Herald rises quickly to his feet. With a solemn look on his face, he says, “This is very important. Much destruction will occur because of the open acceptance from the world’s leaders of the transgender, lesbian, gay, and bisexual agenda. The earth will be shown the errors of their decision to transgress God’s laws instituted in the Garden of Eden during the beginning of all creation.”


The Herald pauses for a moment then expresses that it is very disappointing how the leading world churches have adopted the belief that this open sin should be accepted as a normal practice. He says to realize how the “church” and many ministries are afraid to take a bold stand and refuse the pressure from groups who call non-acceptance of their lifestyle a hate crime. These will see God’s hatred and wrath as a result from their acceptance.


The Herald pauses and looks up, as if receiving instructions, then looks back at me. He turns and instructs the Guide angel to come. Immediately the Guide stands before the Herald. In a very few words of a language I do not understand, the Herald gives instructions to the Guide. Then the Guide approaches me and asks for my hand, because he is instructed to take me somewhere to help me understand. I hold out my hand and at first we ascend slowly. He tells me that I will return very soon to where the Herald will continue with what he was instructed to tell me. He is told to show me something that will be greatly understood. It is partly symbolic for understanding, but what has already happened is literal. The Guide says that I am to observe and record events that have occurred.


Holding my hand very tightly, the Guide looks up and several angels who excel in speed approach and form a circle around us. We are almost inside a ball of angels that excel in speed. We now ascend high above the earth. Immediately we are moving counterclockwise and very fast around the planet. I know what I see and what we do is actually symbolic. I am being shown that we are traveling backward in earth’s history. Soon we slow and are released from the interior of the sphere of angels.


We now descend but remain in the air. The Guide reminds me that we will not be seen, but we will see all. He instructs that I focus on the main gates of a city below. I know this is a Biblical city a very long time ago. I observe two angels very quickly descend and take human form. I see them approach the gates of the city close to evening. A man dressed in a drab robe approaches the two strangers. I get closer to hear their conversation.


After greeting them, the man insists that they come to his house for supper. They decline by stating they wish to remain outside in the town square for the evening. I notice many other men in the city take notice of the two very handsome “men” that have just arrived. However, the first man convinces the two men who are really angels to go to his house.


They go inside where a meal is prepared for them. After eating, a place is arranged in his home for the two angels disguised as men to rest for the night. However, a very large group of men of varying ages has assembled outside of the house. They pound on the door and tell the man of the house to open it. Then they demand that the two “men” be sent outside. With carnal lust, they desire to be with those two. The man of the house removes the interior sliding bolt and opens the door. He steps out and asks the mob to leave because the two “men” are his guests. The mob continues to come closer to the man of the house when suddenly his door opens and the two “men” pull him back inside his house and lock the door.


Next, one of the “men” speaks a single word. I see what I would call a bright flash, but it has no effect on me. Suddenly, none of those men outside are able to see. They also lose their sense of balance and direction, and have trouble knowing what is up or down. Instead of talking, they begin to moan. The two “men” speak to the man, his wife, and his two daughters. They now take them by the hand, open the door, and quickly exit through the gates of the city.


The man of the house is Lot. He begins to flee from Sodom with his wife and two daughters. As the sun begins to rise, I look back at the city and observe something that is similar to my dream about the destruction of Nashville. I observe two immense fireballs that emit a deep rumble as they travel along slowly in two different directions. The city is still asleep from the night of great moral wickedness. I watch as each fireball becomes what resembles molten, jelled liquid. I look straight at Sodom where I saw Lot and his family escorted out by the two angels. Now I see a large area in the sky where I observe slowly pouring down what looks like a large, very hot, golden yellow “waterfall” is spread throughout with balls of burning sulfur.


Now the Guide addresses me with my heavenly name and says that what I just observed will happen again. It is because of those who walk openly with pride and transgress God’s laws and commandments. The Guide tells me to observe closely those who receive the wrath of their Creator. He says that what I have been shown will happen. I am to document for all in clear words what awaits those who come together full of pride. They will realize that what God said He would do, He will do. Those who parade and walk as one will receive a small portion of God’s wrath. God’s wrath was poured out on Sodom and Gomorrah and other cities in that area. If He found these cities an abomination and was justified for their destruction, does God still not stand justified to destroy those who trample and ignore His laws and commandments? Does God not stand before a universe justified in His wrath with those who oppose Him and His laws?


The Guide pauses and tells me that those who will be consumed and destroyed will be raised again to receive God’s final judgment. They will stand together to receive God’s final judgment as they chose to stand together as one in sin. They will die a horrible death, not once but twice.


The Guide pauses again. He tells me that he is to return me to where the one I call the Herald was instructing me. I return to where the Announcing angel, Perceivous, and the Herald stand with countless angels. The Herald walks over and addresses me by my heavenly name. He begins again where he left off before.


As the new year of 2020 began, many said that it would be the year of seeing clearly, just as 20/20 refers to a person with good eyesight. This is the year that eyes will see clearly as God’s wrath is poured on this earth.


The Herald pauses for a moment, then explains, “Two years ago you were given a message about what is to happen. It was explained that all is in the heavenly Father’s time. I am instructed to remind everyone what was stated two years ago. In this dream, the Guide showed you what the heavenly Father has planned for those who have chosen to live a rebellious life. Here is what you documented that will serve as a reminder to all.


From the dream “Do You Know Who You Are?” dated January 3, 2018:


Now we stop at an exact location on schedule. I am able to know and understand where we are. What I do not know is when we are there. I understand the trip was set for a deliberate time.


We are now high in the air over Nashville, Tennessee. We are looking down at a city where the people are spiritually asleep. They are going about their daily plans and routines, unaware of what is about to happen.[17]


To the east of the city, I notice a large body of water. Directly in front of the water is a large airport. I look to the north and see a river winding around the city. The Guide, the Announcing angel, and Perceivous now stand next to me. It is very quiet, and all of us look down. The Announcing angel says, “What you are about to see will happen. A message was given to the heavenly Father’s other messenger, but she did not have the opportunity to witness this. However, you will. Do not fear; you will not be harmed.”


Perceivous comes close to me and takes both my hands. With a voice that is truly that of an angel, she speaks my heavenly name, and tells me that the Father awaits my request. I look at her and think, “But what about His people?” She places her hand behind her back and brings out a book. It opens, and she reads aloud what Jesus told His messenger, Ellen White, to write.


Those who show by their actions that they make no effort to distinguish between the sacred and the common may know that, unless they repent, God’s judgments will fall upon them. These judgments may be delayed, but they will come. [emphasis supplied] If, because your own minds are not clear and elevated, you give the wrong bias to other minds, God will call you to account. He will ask: “Why did you do the devil’s work when you were supposed to be doing a good work for the Master?”


In the great day of final accounts the unfaithful servant will meet the result of his unfaithfulness. {Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 8, p. 95}


Perceivous tells me that God’s judgments need to fall. Once again she asks me, “What is your name?” I look at the Guide, the Announcing angel, and then back at Perceivous. Then she asks, “Who are you?” I look at her with many questions, but I do not say anything.


Again I look down at Nashville. I think: “Who am I that I should be asked to call on the Father to destroy?” Perceivous says to me, “Remember Elisha. Through the Holy Spirit, God commanded him to call for bears to come out of the woods. An example was to be made to those who would insult one called by God to serve as a messenger. To insult a messenger of God is to insult the Father in heaven. Elisha was instructed to call on bears to destroy the children who were making fun of him. Realize that 42 children were killed. Not all the children were making fun of Elisha; only several were involved. However, that did not stop God from making it an example to all. When several insulted God’s messenger, the rest also received God’s wrath.”


I know full well whom I serve. I stand as one who strives to be faithful and truthful, doing God’s bidding. Once again I look at the body of water to the east, at the large airport, the busy downtown area, the river that wanders around the city, and for the first time, I speak aloud. I hear myself state, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, not my will, but His will be done.”


From the north, but below our location, I see a bright red and orange ball of fire appear and begin slowly moving south. Its flight path reminds me of a large airplane on approach to land. Behind it is a tail not made of smoke or steam, but of some form of energy that I cannot describe. The ball makes a deep rumbling noise and seems to move very slowly. It passes very low over the river, following a course south and headed toward the downtown area. As it moves, I see that everything in its path is destroyed—knocked down and incinerated. No building, bridge, or structure can affect its path, its speed, or its direction. It is unstoppable and unchangeable. I watch as this ball of fire moves slowly. I am thinking that this city and its inhabitants have had many minutes’ notice. I think about the alarms that have sounded. What preparation has each person made, since their lives are about to end?


I turn and look to the east, toward the large body of water. I see another red and orange ball of fire moving west toward the airport. I look all around once again, and see many other red and orange balls of fire, smaller in size and heading in many different directions. Almost at the same time, I see the first two large balls of fire hit the ground. The one headed from the north to the south hits the ground at a slight angle. At the same time, the fireball from the east hits the ground just at the edge of the large body of water. While this ball of fire plows a great path of destruction, it continues through the airport and slowly moves westward. It is then that the two balls of fire collide, hitting at a precise location in the southern part of Nashville.


This event is not a coincidence. A mighty hand in heaven guides these two balls of fire. As the two hit, a shock wave goes out that decimates the area. The shock is immediately followed by a fiery inferno that consumes everything instantly. The heat and fire are so intense that concrete bridges, roads, vehicles, buildings, and even the dirt are reduced to nothing more than ashes. The water from the river, as well as the body of water from the east, rushes through the plowed earth. The cloud of steam is immense, raising the temperature tremendously. From the high place where I am, I can feel the shock wave and witness the destruction. I turn to the angels and say that God’s judgments are just. Because certain individuals refuse to serve as they should, how much longer must we continue on this path?


I look at Perceivous who is crying. I understand that she knew each of them personally, and the pain and grief she experiences are deep in her heart. I know that there is in her a love that I cannot explain. Yet her face shows patience, because she knows that the Creator’s ways are always correct and just.


As I observe her crying, I think of the tears over so many people whose lives just ended until they are raised to face judgment. She looks at me and tells me that God’s other messenger, Ellen White, wrote about this event. She then shares the following:


When I was at Nashville, I had been speaking to the people, and in the night season, there was an immense ball of fire that came right from heaven and settled in Nashville. There were flames going out like arrows from that ball; houses were being consumed; houses were tottering and falling. Some of our people were standing there. “It is just as we expected,” they said, “we expected this.” Others were wringing their hands in agony and crying unto God for mercy. “You knew it,” said they, “you knew that this was coming, and never said a word to warn us!” They seemed as though they would almost tear them to pieces, to think they had never told them or given them any warning at all. {Manuscript Release, No. 188: Sermon at Mountain View, California (January 21, 1905)}


[End of excerpt]


It is important to note that God’s other messenger, Ellen White, was shown the destruction of Nashville. She was given the message 115 years ago. None can say they were not warned. None can say they had no idea of God’s coming wrath for the transgression of sin. The whole universe has seen and knows that God has given plenty of time and plenty of warnings.


The Herald tells me that there will be those who state that they were not warned about what was going to happen. Yet God made it clear that all could know what He was going to do. Ignorance regarding what is shown does not mean forgiveness. Those who have chosen their lifestyle will receive His judgments.


The Herald points down, and up from the ground rises a huge, perfectly flat diamond wall. These words are deeply engraved in it:


Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. Romans 1:25-27


The Herald says, “What God instructed to be written makes very clear the kind of relationship that mankind is expected to follow, whether they are male or female.”


The Herald again points to the wall, and I am shown these words:


Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you… For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 18:22, 26, 29-30


The Herald says that it is very clear that the life and soul of all who follow a homosexual lifestyle, whether gay, lesbian, transsexual, or hermaphrodite will be cut off. They will never enter through the gates of heaven.


Pointing at the wall again, I am shown the following:


This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But ye have not so learned Christ. Ephesians 4:17-20


The Herald tells me that there are those who claim they were born that way, and that this lifestyle is genetic, and they did not ask to be this way. But God has stated clearly that they have chosen this lifestyle as a result of vanity in their own minds. These individuals have accepted Satan’s leading to believe in and desire this lifestyle.


And then the Herald shows me:


If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:13


It is clear that if a man lies with another man, it is an abomination to God. They will reap the fate of death. It is written that:


Marriage … was one of the first gifts of God to man, and it is one of the two institutions that, after the Fall, Adam brought with him beyond the gates of Paradise. Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 46


The Herald continues, “Only heterosexuals can obey God’s command to be ‘fruitful and multiply.’ Accepting the lie that homosexuality is genetic and not a sin is like saying that God does not have the power to change sinners. The life-changing power of the gospel cannot change someone who refuses to recognize sin as sin. Sanctification includes transformation. God can save and change to the uttermost those who come to Him, and that includes homosexuals. Those who believe that God does not expect homosexuals to change are really saying that He cannot change them. That implies that He is not omnipotent. If He is not omnipotent, He is not truly God! And this deception that belittles God is exactly what Satan wants people to accept.”


The Herald looks down and pauses. Then he turns and looks back at the wall in order to give me time to read the words again and think about the details. I realize that the wall is not a soft surface, since it is diamond, which is very hard and difficult to engrave on. It symbolizes a permanent way of writing something that is never to be changed. As the Herald turns toward me, the wall sinks slowly back into the ground. He says to note the importance of what he will share with me.


“Gross sins are committed through the wrong lifestyle that has been forced on this world by government levels through the court system. It is accepted in churches, schools, homes, and elsewhere. These sins are accepted through peer pressure. Many claim that it is not a choice but rather the way individuals are born.


“It is sad when a father’s only son announces to the family that he is gay. The father is forced to accept this announcement as if it is normal. Yet that father knows that this will be the end of his family line. His son and another male will never be able to procreate a grandchild.


“With the thought of forced acceptance of open sin, one should wonder about the acceptance of two other examples. Homosexuality is expected to be accepted as a normal mental existence. This is contrary to the fact that God has made it clear that this choice is not covered by His grace. Therefore, would the following thought be accepted?


“Would we be expected to accept serial killers, because we are told that they are born that way? Would it be acceptable to welcome them into our schools, churches, homes, pat them on the back, and make them our friends? Would it be acceptable to allow them to enter the children’s schoolrooms, their church classrooms, their playgrounds, or their bedrooms? You may say, ‘Oh, but that would be murder.’ Yet we are told not to do anything about those individuals, because that would be a hate crime. Each one needs to ask: If the practice of homosexuality is not acceptable in God’s eyes, why do so many openly accept it as ‘normal’? Yet it is offensive to God and contrary to His commandments!”


The Herald pauses for a moment so I can think about what he shared. Then he begins with another example. “Let us also use the example of a kleptomaniac—one with a recurrent inability to resist urges to steal items. It is a serious mental health disorder. But if one suffers with kleptomania, would it be wrong to stop them? Would it be a hate crime to arrest them for stealing? After all, it is said they were born with a genetic mental disorder.


“With this same ‘accepting’ thought, would we be accepting if those with this ‘disorder’ were to go into a grocery store, load up two carts with groceries, then go out the front door claiming, ‘I am a kleptomaniac. If you stop me, I will sue for a hate crime. I cannot help it, I was born this way!’


“This same individual could also go to the local department store and fill up a cart with clothes and appliances. They go out the front door, and no one bothers them, because they are a card-holding member of the kleptomaniac organization. They could parade their flag of a masked thief. They cannot use the rainbow because it is already being used. However, they could steal it, since they have a brain disorder.


“But why stop there? If you have a mental disorder as a kleptomaniac, you are very successful. Go to your local car dealership. Walk in, select a vehicle you want, and say that you are a kleptomaniac as you drive away in your new car. And do not forget to choose a nice, big house. You deserve it, since you have a mental disorder. It is not your fault, because you were born that way.”


The Herald pauses, then repeats that only heterosexuals can obey God’s command to be ‘fruitful and multiply.’ Accepting the lie that homosexuality is genetic and not a sin is like saying that God does not have the power to change sinners.[18] The life-changing power of the gospel cannot change someone who refuses to recognize sin is wrong. Sanctification includes transformation. God can save and change to the uttermost those who come to Him, and that includes homosexuals. Those who believe that God does not expect homosexuals to change are saying that He cannot change anyone. That implies that He is not omnipotent. If He is not omnipotent, He is not truly God! And this deception that belittles God is exactly what Satan wants people to accept.”


The Herald stands very solemn and quiet then says that God has waited, but He can wait no longer. “In the message ‘Do You Know Who You Are?’ you were shown the illustration of water being withdrawn from a lake.” He points forward and says, “Now let me show it to you in a different way.”


I look ahead and see the earth as if I am in space looking down while the earth rotates. I see a solid beam of light that streams up from the earth, as if energy is being removed. This represents the Holy Spirit who is the Comforter sent by Jesus. I see the Holy Spirit being withdrawn from the earth. After the Holy Spirit is removed, it is written that he who is clean let him be clean and he who is filthy let him be filthy.[19] God has waited, but He will wait no longer. The time has come, and all heaven is busy. This is the year of seeing clearly. The signs are clearly evident. The reeling of the earth is a result of the removal of the Holy Spirit.[20]


At this point, the Herald instructs that I look to the east. Even though it is a very great distance away, I observe as if I am there, yet I am at home. I see a city that awaits God’s wrath. Then I notice the form of an individual who is walking in that city. I know this tall and majestic individual is Truth. He is very tall, as if towering over the tops of trees and buildings. In his left hand, he holds a very large tablet. In his right hand, he has a writer’s quill. At the top of the tablet are inscribed the words, “THE TRUTH.” As Truth observes the city, he constantly records what is not according to what he was created to share—truth. There are those who walk with “their tongue out to savor every flavor.” It is not according to all that the Creator desires.


Next, the Herald says, “Let me share a symbolic scene that you were shown before in a dream. Four angels who excel in strength hold what looks like a great sail. Behind it are things that continually hit the sail, trying to break through. Understand that even though the four angels never become tired of holding that sail, it has become greatly deteriorated over time.


The Herald tells me to observe very closely what happens now, because it is very important. I see Truth raise his right hand and he calls for a very small drop of wrath to be released. I see the drop leak out from behind the sail, and then it falls on the wicked city just like Sodom. The drop spins and moves like a tornado. Yet it looks and moves as if a tongue licking the ground, trees, buildings, and highways. I keep wondering why I see this tornado as a tongue. It licks the city like a very hungry person enjoying an appetizer before the main meal. It moves about slowly as it slobbers over bricks and other construction parts, devouring many buildings and people.


I look back at Truth and watch as he writes the following on his tablet where the words “THE TRUTH” are inscribed: “These who walk with an appetite for sin shall be fed a soup.”


The Herald tells me to keep observing. And yet he tells me to remember what I just saw where Truth recorded on his tablet “These who walk with an appetite for sin shall be fed a soup.” These words will be understood.


Still in the east, I look to another area and notice several very large angels descend into a great forest. The many trees there form a large canopy. Then I see the angels spread out into many areas. In their left hand is what looks like a large container of butter. In their right hand is a very large butter knife. Each begins to spread the “butter” over an acre of trees as if it is a slice of bread. Now I notice there are many angels applying the “butter” over many acres of trees. After it is applied, the angels leave and ascend.


Then I notice Truth walk to this forest of “buttered” trees. He places his hand on his tablet and records these words: “These were instructed to stand on the wood, but they did not. The wood is the truth, and they chose to stand together in sin. These do not deserve even a single tree to stand on, because they refuse to accept Jesus who is the Truth and was sacrificed on the wood. The wood is truth.”


Truth now raises his hand and from the sail comes one very small flicker of a flame. I see it land on the tops of the buttered trees. Instantly, an enormous fire burns bright and very hot.


The Herald says he must show me something that I must completely understand. I look back at the city where I know, in God’s time, wrath will be poured out without measure. I look and see a giant soup pot sitting in a very large outside area. Underneath it is a source of heat that will heat the contents to be combined into the pot: cut and prepared carrots, small round potatoes, celery, onions, peas, green beans, corn, and a great amount of tomatoes. Next, water is added to the pot, then a great amount of different vinegars: rice vinegar, red wine vinegar, malt vinegar, and balsamic vinegar. It is now a bitter pot of soup. Now the flame begins to warm up the soup, and once it is ready, I see many people lining up. Each person holds a small soup bowl in one hand and a soup spoon in the other hand. All are very anxious and excited to receive their bowl of soup. Each has a great hunger and desire to eat. After each is served a ladle of soup, a spoonful of alphabet letters is placed in their bowl.


The Herald tells me that it is extremely important to memorize the letters. Then I am to write the letters exactly as they are shown when placed in each bowl of bitter alphabet soup. I notice the letters are always the same in each bowl. The letters are:




Soon the last person is fed a bowl of soup. Each sits with their stomachs full but swollen. I am told that now their stomachs will rot. I am told that this time I will be shown what many will overlook as to the importance of the letters. In the bowl, those letters do not make sense. I am reminded that God will place more in each message for those who desire to study and understand more.


The Herald reaches over, takes a letter one at a time and places them in the correct order. He tells me that these letters form seven important words. When he finishes, I clearly see these words:




The Herald stands quietly, allowing me to contemplate all I have seen. After a short period of silence he tells me, “I am to show you something again. God has stated that He will destroy sin and sinners.”


He asks me to please go with him so I can understand. I am instantly standing next to many others on the wall of the Holy City looking down on the lost, those who chose Satan over Jesus. Next to me, many are crying and sobbing as they are able to see below either a spouse, parents, children, relatives, or friends who are about to receive their judgment.


Some on the wall are seeing those who tortured them and took their life. Even as martyrs, they defended the name and honor of Jesus. They know that the ones they are seeing will be destroyed, because they would not be happy in heaven. It would be an eternity of misery. How could one live forever unwilling to uphold the laws God established in the beginning? If they would not adhere to His laws during their short lifetime, they would not abide by them in heaven. It was stated very clearly: “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” But those below do not love Jesus. They chose to serve self rather than God.


As I look down, I notice a very large group of people who have been segregated from the rest. I am told that these are those who chose a lifestyle that they were told not to have. This group is composed of those who chose to be gay, lesbian, transsexual, hermaphrodite, or ambiguous. This was the life each chose. They ridiculed and chastised those who showed them their error. They used peer pressure to be open regarding their relationship decisions. They claimed hate crimes against humanity. Many others were silent and did not speak about their living in open sin. Now they stand together. Those who were brought up from the grave come up the way they were when they died.


As I look down on this group, I see them standing with their arms outstretched and unable to move their feet. It is as if they point forward to accuse others of hating them and not accepting them because “this is the way they are.” They are still rebellious. They even point out the supposed wrongs of the One who will destroy them. Yet Jesus stretched His arms out willingly to be crucified on a cross.


They have made their permanent stand for what they have chosen. They chose this earth. They did not choose to stand on the wood as the wood is truth. The wood is His Word. His Word is truth. It is Truth who stands to observe and testify to the truth and validity of the decisions of God. Truth testifies that God is good and just in His decisions.


The following words are displayed on a massive wall for all assembled to read. I am amazed that even the blind are able to read the words. The writing consists of the words of Jesus as written in the Spirit of Prophecy.


Truth looked down from heaven upon the children of men, but found no reflection of itself; for darkness covered the earth, and gross darkness the people. If the darkness of error that hid the glory of God from the view of men, was to be dispelled, the light of truth must shine amid the moral darkness of the world. It was decreed in the councils of God that the only begotten Son of God must leave his high command in heaven, and clothe his divinity with humanity, and come to the world. No outward splendor must attend his steps, save that of virtue, mercy, goodness, and truth; for he was to represent to the world the attributes of God’s character; but the world, unaccustomed to gaze upon truth, turned from the light to the darkness of error; for error was more to their perverted taste than truth. The Review and Herald, August 6, 1895


I understand that Truth had viewed the scenes of mankind walking in darkness rather than choosing to walk in the path of God’s light. Man walked on a dark earth in the degradation of sin. Truth stood as a witness of the decision that Jesus, the Son of God, would be sent to save those in darkness. The world would receive light through the coming of Jesus. He lived out the true character of God. Truth saw that the only thing a sinner needed was to accept Jesus, the true light and example.[21] As the One who reflected the character of God and through His sacrifice on the cross, He would bring light to this world. However, I see here assembled so many who chose to walk in darkness instead of the light freely offered to them. They openly chose to ignore God’s commandments and instructions.


Here are those who chose their own path. Here are those who held to the claim of “hate crime” against those who objected to their open life of sin. Here are those who mocked at and transgressed God’s laws. Here are those who had an opportunity to change their ways. Across their outstretched arms now hangs the very robe Jesus would have gladly placed over their shoulders. At their feet is the crown He would have placed on their heads while calling them His brother or sister.


In this group are also those who did not agree with that lifestyle but did not state that it was wrong. They gave in to the peer pressure. However, God still holds these responsible.


Along with this very large group are others who have been brought back to life to receive their judgment. Here are those who were destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah. Here are those who rallied together, displaying their open relationship with pride and arrogance.


I turn and look back at the wall. I am made to see that here are those who will see the judgments of God poured out. I hear the Herald say a single word and next to me is an angel that excels in speed. I know I am to go quickly among this enormous gathering on the top of the wall but also all over the city. I understand I am to be shown something very quickly.


The angel who excels in speed puts out his hand. I take it and I can feel him hold tightly to my hand. We immediately move through this great throng of assembled saints on the wall, as well as those on the ground and in the courts of heaven. As we travel, we move about unseen. It seems that we are moving in slow motion, yet we are moving very fast. As we move, I am made aware of some who had willingly walked a lifestyle that was wrong, but they chose to let go of a same-sex partner and took hold of the hand of Jesus. They listened to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit. They went symbolically before the throne of God. Each one who witnessed a repentant sinner decide to never walk their old path again rejoiced with happy tears.[22]


I continue to travel as I am shown many individuals who decided to repent before the heavenly Father. Many on the wall look down on someone who remained unmoved in their wrong lifestyle. They look below with tears running down their faces, knowing that the life of that individual would soon be destroyed forever. On the ground, in the streets, and in the courts of heaven are those kneeling and weeping greatly. It is because of the individuals each knew personally but whose life is now being ended forever because they continued in sin. As I look at the scene below me, I see so many who rejected Jesus and chose to follow Satan.


Next I see a great throng of people who chose to continue transgressing God’s Ten Commandments. Then I see His laws written in the sky for all to see. Now they know why they have been found unworthy. Each has burned into the memory of their eyes the sins they committed. Because of the great sacrifice of Jesus, each was given an opportunity to approach the throne of God to repent of their wrongs and ask for forgiveness. Now each one knows which of the following laws they are guilty of breaking:


  1. Making someone or something else a god rather than the one true God.


  1. Making or forming a graven image to worship rather than the very One who bent down and formed each in His own image.


  1. Taking the name of God or Jesus in vain by casually using it in a conversation or using it to swear, and not realizing that when someone calls out the name of Jesus, every angel throughout the universe repeats that wonderful name.


  1. Forgetting to remember that Saturday the seventh day of the week is God’s chosen day of rest, and openly yielding to peer pressure by keeping another day sacred.


  1. Not honoring your father or mother in the Lord.


  1. Killing someone, whether with a weapon or with words.


  1. Openly transgressing the sacred union of the marriage institution.


  1. Living each day as a thief.


  1. Speaking false ideas, not testifying in truth, gossiping, and being devious.


  1. Desiring to have someone else’s wife, husband, or belongings.


Now I see those gathered together who bear a remarkable resemblance to our Creator. But there are also many who were spoken into existence. There with mankind stands Satan and all the angels who decided to follow him. Each is unable to move as they await God’s wrath.


I now turn to see Jesus sitting high up on His throne. I rejoice with tears of happiness as I realize He is now King Jesus. A tremendous rainbow is above Him. Then I remember how after He destroyed the earth with a flood because of sin, He placed a rainbow in the sky as a vow to never again destroy the world with water.


I think about those in the gay and lesbian lifestyle who chose the rainbow as their symbol and very subtly placed it everywhere as a sign of openly choosing a life of sin. Many knew it was wrong, but feared public reactions from those living that lifestyle who could accuse them of committing hate crimes.


Looking up to Jesus again, I see Him raise His hand—that hand that He allowed to be nailed to a cross so all could live a life free from sin and live eternally.[23] All Jesus asked in return was that humans love one another and keep His commandments as a sign of their love for Him. Now He raises His hand, and through our Father He calls fire to be poured out on those who did not love the One who was, is, and will always be the Love of the Love of the Love. He has no power of His own, because He gave that up when He removed His robe and crown and placed them on His throne. I pause to think that there on His throne is King Jesus—the King of the universe and my Brother.


Next, I am allowed to stand close to the multitude of those who either chose the wrong lifestyle or chose not to speak out against it, such as church leaders and pastors around the world.[24] I am appalled at how far they all have degraded because of sin as compared to Adam and Eve who were perfectly symmetrical. I am there to observe and report how both groups will be destroyed because they broke God’s law.[25] It is written, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.”


I know I will not be harmed as I observe and walk around freely. I am safe from the wrath of God, unlike those who stand with their arms outstretched and unable to move. An unseen hand has draped over their arms that great treasure—the very robe Jesus would have personally placed over the shoulders of each deserving one. Even the angels would have been honored to place a robe over their shoulders. Jesus would have placed a crown on each head and addressed them as His brothers. Now at their feet is the crown each would have worn if they had been a son and a prince of God.


When I look up, I am surprised to see pouring from the sky a white-hot, fiery substance that looks like clear syrup. I notice that it falls only on this huge multitude, because their destruction is different from all others.


I look at the others who stand separate from this group. They are thieves, liars, killers, adulterers, and those who coveted the belongings of their neighbors. They are quickly consumed by a different fire.


I look back to observe what happens to those in the lifestyle group. They are destroyed just like those in Sodom, differently from the others who would not keep God’s commandments. I understand I must closely observe what happens to those who chose that lifestyle. They stand with their arms stretched straight out and their palms facing inward. It is as if they are accusing others and claiming that their behavior is not their fault. Now I watch as a thick liquid slowly pours over this group who stand unable to move.


The liquid melts the clothes they are wearing as well as the robes that were placed over their arms. The beautiful crowns melt. When the liquid touches the flesh and the burning begins, screams of intense pain are heard from those who are made to suffer for their blatant disregard of God’s instructions. They are made to endure more as a result of forcing others to accept their open sin. Each stands in horrific pain and unable to move. Because these are those who greatly desired sinful flesh, great will be their destruction.[26]


Here are those who stand screaming in great agony. For what seems a long time, they continue to stand while their flesh slowly melts off their bones. After a great time, their flesh and body organs are destroyed. Only the skeleton remains, and yet each stands, still alive. Still left is something not fully understood that the Creator gave when He breathed life into that form created from the mud.


The skeletons of the disobedient now begin to fuse together at each joint in the body and burn slowly for a very long time. And yet even though there are no organs, no flesh, no lungs, and no voice, I hear horrible deafening screams that continue as a result of the extreme, agonizing pain. They willingly chose to ignore God’s solemn promise that He would destroy the disobedient.[27]


I wonder why those found guilty of craving a same sex person to bond an unnatural union with are made to burn for a long time and be destroyed. I understand that this group is composed of those who forced others to accept their sin, and in doing so, caused those individuals to sin. Killers, thieves, liars, adulterers, etc. burn because each chose to sin.


After a great time has passed, all that is left of these is the breath breathed into each—the life given by the Creator. Still standing is the form of each one that looks like light and energy. It is the most painful part for God to destroy because it is actually a part of Him.


The heavenly Father watches with tears in His eyes as He must let go forever each one of those who were His children. They did not accept His laws, which are the essence of His love. God knows they would not be happy to be with Him in heaven. I think about those who crucified His Son, because they transgressed His laws. Yet Jesus was innocent because He never broke His heavenly Father’s laws.


It is with great agony that the Father watched the final destruction of each who offended Him. Yet He wanted to hold each one, because He greatly loved them. He watched as each was slowly consumed. He felt their pain. It is difficult for me to fully understand what occurred. I think that the screams I heard from each when they had no voice were actually the cries of their Creator. We cannot even begin to understand what He will suffer when so many are destroyed who were made in His image and given His own breath. Each was a part of Him. No one can understand the tremendous grief and pain that He who is the source of all love will endure as He ends forever the lives of those He loved so much.


Now I rise back up and stand on top of the wall. I know I am here to observe and document all that I see. Yet everywhere I look, it is a day of much crying. Below and consumed in the fire were those who were brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, husbands, wives, neighbors, co-workers, or just longtime friends.


I saw the destruction of the uncountable multitude in that lifestyle. They were being consumed because they did not adhere to the moral directives established in heaven and written in the commandments of God. They did not choose Jesus who said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” All who do not love Jesus will be destroyed. God fulfills His promises.


Now I see that the only beings left are Satan and his angels. A great time will pass until they are all finally consumed. Then the whole earth and everything within the black veil will be destroyed. That is when the New Earth will be created. As I move slowly among all those on the wall, I think about everything I observed.


After a very long time, the Herald says he needs to show me something else. Like many times before, he asks for my right hand and we lift off the ground. As we slowly ascend, he tells me that we spoke earlier in this dream of this being the year 2020 and that it was called the year of seeing clearly. He says, “We have also talked of how even we who are angels, who await instructions in the courts of heaven, observe things that happen.


“We have discussed before about watching the signs of what occurs on the earth this year. It is the year of clearly seeing things that now occur almost every day. Because this dream began on January 4 of this year, it needs to be understood that you have been required to type every night and morning. You have endured sleep deprivation.”


I am reminded of the following from Ellen White:


“The Lord has opened before me many things that I must write out. I am using my pen early and late, and yet it seems as if I can make but a beginning in writing out the matters that need to be impressed upon the minds of God’s people.” {Manuscript Releases, Vol. 18, p. 177}


The Herald continues. “And now we come close to the last day of the first month of the year of seeing clearly—2020. Already this month, much has been seen. Many have endured a great sickness that will roam the world, going beyond national borders, and even crossing oceans. It will continue to intensify, sending many to their graves. It quickly spreads from person to person, affecting all races and ages. This sickness causes people to search for products that will become unavailable. Store shelves will begin to empty of necessary items. Not only will this sickness affect human bodies, it will also devastate the world’s economies. Worldwide legislation will include forced closures, even of large churches, and the cessation of many daily activities. In this year of seeing clearly, the effects of a sickness that will deeply affect the entire world will be seen clearly.”


The Herald pauses for a moment to allow me to think about the effect this sickness will have on all those who are made in God’s image. Then he speaks with a soft but very serious voice. “Those who have followed Satan by worshipping on Sunday instead of Saturday, the ‘blind sheep’ who have searched for Jesus, the great Shepherd, and followed worship guidelines not established by God, need to open their eyes wide during this year of seeing clearly.[28] If many cannot attend churches and are forced to worship alone, leaving each to seek God on their own, it will be evident that the Holy Spirit is being withdrawn from the earth.


“At this time, Satan will not be quiet and passive. He will blind the majority and lead them to ignorance and the rejection of God’s laws. He will coerce them to dishonor God by breaking His ten commandments, but especially the fourth. Satan will quickly try to coerce all he can to set aside a day to worship God. However, it will not be the day God has said to ‘Remember’ to keep holy. Many will worship God on a day that He has said not to worship on. If God is not there on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, who are they worshipping? God established that the seventh day, Saturday, must be remembered as His Sabbath. If Satan sets up Sunday or any other day of worship, who are they worshipping?”


The Herald pauses, then says, “Understand that the seventh day, labeled Saturday, is still pronounced Sabbath in several languages.[29] The fact that some calendars show Monday as the first day, and Sunday as the seventh, does not change the true historical names. Even pagans called Sunday the day of the sun. Saturday was and still is the Sabbath. Understand that many today will not respect or even consider God’s Ten Commandments.


“As this sickness moves over the earth, human beings made in God’s image fail to see that forcing immorality by governmental acceptance of the lifestyles movement is against what God says. They will not see it as the root cause of the sickness God is allowing to roam the earth. They refuse to admit that the root cause of their immoral sickness is disobedience to God’s will and His Word.”


The Herald and I now rise a great distance from the surface of the earth. I observe the earth turning slowly, and as it does, I see one part become dark with no sunlight and the other part bright with sunlight.


The Herald tells me, “In just the area you see below illuminated by the sun are places where in this year of seeing clearly are recorded occurrences of things that broke through the great sail held by the four angels. Also notice that it appears as if water rises from the earth. This is symbolic of the Holy Spirit being withdrawn from the earth.”[30]


The Herald looks straight at me, smiles, and says, “It is all over the world and not in just this area of light but also in the dark that Truth has walked the surface. As the Holy Spirit is being removed, Truth continues to notice the disinterest and refusal of those who fail to adhere to God’s holy commandments. Remember that those laws were engraved after Truth was spoken into existence.”


Pointing at the earth, the Herald tells me that Truth walks there day and night and observes what is not holy and goes against what Truth was created to do. Truth must defend the honor and the integrity of God by speaking against those things. Truth must call judgments from God to show those who have asked for perfect vision to clearly see His punishment of the wicked. In this year of seeing clearly, it is more evident that Truth who walks the earth will raise his hand and call for a small drop of wrath to be allowed to rip through the sail.


The Herald continues: “Just this month [January] while you toiled at preparing this message, just a little of God’s judgments have taken place because of His wrath. Observe the island of Puerto Rico. Truth has listened to one who calls herself a prophetess of God, but her messages contain errors. Truth raised his hand, and through that sail, angels that carry long spears descended on this island. Those angels thrust their spears into the ground and lightly moved them back and forth. Many times the island has suffered from devastation, all brought on by one who serves Satan and speaks for him.


The Herald becomes quiet then continues. “It was two years ago that an example was given of those who state they are messengers of God. You were shown a woman in Puerto Rico who wants to serve as a messenger, but she is not one of God’s messengers. Her dreams are not from God. Instead, she is motivated by her husband, who convinces her to write and speak as if she was receiving messages from God. Satan is presenting errors to her. Hurricane Maria was a result of her false teachings.”


The Herald says that Satan continues to use this individual. She was told to stop posting her false messages, because they are not from God or for His people. Then he tells me to share her name again. It is Daisy Escalante. The Herald pauses and tells me that as I record these words, the calendar shows it is still in the early parts of the month of January. He adds, “God has instructed Daisy to cease, but she refuses. Even as you record and write these words, many earthquakes can be felt across the island of Puerto Rico because of God’s wrath.”


The Herald stresses that Truth has traveled and seen God’s laws trampled on everywhere. At certain places, Truth has raised his hand and called on a small portion of God’s wrath to be poured out. The Herald says to notice Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, and other areas in the southern United States. He tells me that Truth traveled this area and saw great condemnation against God. He also walked the halls in the houses of Ivory and found those who break God’s laws, including the eleventh commandment established by Jesus. Before He left this earth, He said: “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” [John 13:34] So, once again Truth raised his hand and called for a small drop of God’s wrath all because of the stubbornness that roams the halls of the houses of Ivory.


The Herald says to observe the continent of Australia that lies in spiritual darkness, just as it sits in darkness when the earth is turned away from the sun. The fires that ravaged this continent were powered by angels of God. They were sent to destroy due to the decision of its leaders to mock God’s laws. Its leaders hold up Satan’s directive of making homosexuality an accepted practice. They voted to legalize same-sex marriage and granted domestic partnership for couples of the same sex. However, God created and blessed a union between a man and a woman. His Word speaks against unions of the same sex. He has spoken clearly that He must destroy those who destroy His laws. They will be consumed by fire. Many cite climate change as the reason for Australia’s fires. Many rally to call for controls to save the earth from destruction. Are they not aware that God must destroy this sin-cursed earth?[31]


The Herald pauses for a moment. Then he continues telling me of how Truth travels to many places and is displeased with the false walk that many have chosen. Again Truth raises his hand and calls for a small drop to make its way through the ripping and tattered sail. Evidence is seen in many places of extreme cold and snow and destructive fires in other places. God allows angels to descend to the earth’s surface to cause earthquakes around the world. Volcanoes rise up and vomit out the bowels of the earth. This perfectly illustrates God’s disgust of what leaders accept and how they ignore His moral laws.


The Herald looks at me and says how Truth walks the earth day and night. As the Holy Spirit is being removed from the earth, even the blind can see that God’s wrath is poured on the face of the earth.


The Herald is quiet now. We quietly observe the earth slowly turning as I observe small droplets of God’s wrath being placed all over the earth. I see earthquakes, fires, floods, extreme cold and snow, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and tsunamis that destroy life and land over much of the earth. It is the wrath of God on a world that tramples His Word. I think of all this in just the first month of what is called the year of seeing clearly. There are still eleven months left of the year. How can this earth endure with all that I have observed in just the first few weeks?


The Herald becomes quiet. After a time he looks up with a face that is very solemn. He speaks with a very quiet and almost reserved voice. I understand he is about to tell me something to expect very soon. I am wondering with all that I have been presented and all that I have been told and shown, how it could get much worse.


The Herald looks away then looks back at me. He begins explaining that even though all I have been shown and recorded has occurred in just the first few weeks of this year of seeing clearly, that God’s laws are greatly ignored.


The Herald continues, “I have spoken of a sickness that will at first move slowly, but soon it will be as if a great tornado was spreading quickly across the globe. Many will no longer have the gift of breathing that the Creator gave to them. The number of dead bodies will become so great that it becomes difficult to dispose of them. The dead will quickly be stacked like wood.” As I look at the calendar, it reveals a very new year.


He explains the following: Besides the great count of the dead, the living will be given instructions by their leaders to help stop the spread of the sickness. Orders will be made for the majority to stay at home while living in solitude or with close family members. This would mean not having employment, which might cause them to not have their basic needs met, such as paying for rent, utilities, and purchasing food. This will bring about a worldwide economic tragedy.


The store shelves will soon be empty. Basic items will be unavailable. Guided by Satan, mankind will hoard anything that is found. Those who are told to seclude themselves at home will no longer be able to attend church or to meet elsewhere to worship as a group. While in public, all will be told to remain a certain distance from others.


The Herald stresses that those who deceive others or ignore God’s laws will suffer. While this sickness spreads over the earth as the wind moves, the majority will not pay much attention to the many other signs God has made very clear to see this year. There will continue to be many earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes, flooding, snow, ice, extreme heat, and insects that swarm to the four corners of the earth. Many are blind to those events clearly occurring. Again, it is only the beginning of this year.


The Herald becomes quiet again. It is a time for me to think of all he has shared and what I have observed in just the first few weeks of this year. I think of the many “natural” disasters worldwide. I think of stores full of shoppers and shelves being empty. I think of how we are told that if we are faithful, our bread and water will be provided.


The Herald speaks once again and tells me that the voice of Truth should never be silent. When Truth sees and acknowledges a wrong, Truth speaks openly of the wrongs that are committed. Truth raises his hand in the name of the Creator and calls on wrath to destroy that which is wrong.


I look silently at the Herald and many thoughts flow through my mind. Then I tell him that I have tearfully observed those who daily ignore God. Yet He is a God of compassion and great love.


The Herald smiles with a look of knowing that God is just and compassionate. He tells me that God’s laws, established even before the creation of angels, show great love and order, and if kept, will maintain perfect peace and harmony throughout all heaven. It is necessary that mankind, created in the image of the Creator, keep His laws and its principles that were established.


Suddenly we are passing through a wall and entering into a large white and bright classroom. I go to a student’s chair and sit down. The Herald walks to the front and he points to a wall that grows to a large size. I see what looks like a large screen taking shape. On the bottom of the screen and moving upward, I read the following:


Before this earth was called into being, God’s law existed. Angels are governed by its principles, and in order for earth to be in harmony with heaven, man also must obey the divine statutes. …


… [T]he principles of righteousness embodied in the Decalogue are as immutable as the eternal throne. Not one command has been annulled, not a jot or tittle has been changed. Those principles that were made known to man in Paradise as the great law of life will exist unchanged in Paradise restored. When Eden shall bloom on earth again, God’s law of love will be obeyed by all beneath the sun.


“Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.” “All His commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.” “Concerning Thy testimonies, I have known of old that Thou hast founded them forever.” Psalm 119:89; 111:7, 8; Psalm 119:152. Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, pp. 48, 50-51


The Herald lowers his hand and the words disappear. Then he tells me that sadly many will say destruction is just an act of nature and not from God, because He is a God of love. Mankind prefers to make excuses. They talk about replanting and rebuilding after an earthquake or tornado. They will say that together they can start over. Unfortunately, some who are greedy will call for funding to assist those in distress. There are examples of monetary greed for fire relief in Australia and hidden and unused relief supplies in Puerto Rico. How much more has been squandered away because of greed? Unless greedy individuals ask for God’s forgiveness, the four angels will release the sail, and His wrath will be delivered in great measure to a people who deserve punishment. There may be a delay of His judgments, but they will take place. The great sickness inhaled worldwide causes many to guess how it began. Has anyone realized how the majority of mankind ignores God’s laws, the very commandments He created in the beginning of all?


The Herald pauses and says that none can say there was no warning. All that is seen and will be seen is evidence of warnings. Yet prophets and prophecies are ignored. Many are quick to dismiss and find complaints with the messengers rather than pay attention to the messages.[32]


Again, the Herald raises his hand and I read the following:


We are standing upon the threshold of great and solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling. Strange, eventful history is being recorded in the books of heaven. Everything in our world is in agitation. There are wars and rumors of wars. The nations are angry, and the time of the dead has come, that they should be judged. Events are changing to bring about the day of God, which hasteth greatly. Only a moment of time, as it were, yet remains. But while already nation is rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, there is not now a general engagement. As yet the four winds are held until the servants of God shall be sealed in their foreheads. Then the powers of earth will marshal their forces for the last great battle.


Satan is busily laying his plans for the last mighty conflict, when all will take sides. Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 6, p. 14.


The Herald lowers his hand and all disappears. Then he explains that the following message, which includes a portion of what he just showed, is given as a special guideline for the people who keep God’s law. Now the following appears:


We are standing upon the threshold of great and solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling. Strange, eventful history is being recorded in the books of heaven. Everything in our world is in agitation. . . . Only a moment of time, as it were, yet remains. . . .


Satan is busily laying his plans for the last mighty conflict, when all will take sides. . . .


Men in their blindness boast of wonderful progress and enlightenment; but to the eye of Omniscience are revealed the inward guilt and depravity. The heavenly watchers see the earth filled with violence and crime. Wealth is obtained by every species of robbery, not robbery of men only, but of God. Men are using His means to gratify their selfishness. Everything they can grasp is made to minister to their greed. Avarice and sensuality prevail. Men cherish the attributes of the first great deceiver. They . . . have become imbued with his spirit.


But the cloud of judicial wrath hangs over them, containing the elements that destroyed Sodom. Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 6, pp. 14-15


The Herald then states that in this year of seeing clearly, it is clearly evident that man is diligent at ignoring God’s laws. Greed is the god of man. Every form of greed and physical pleasure prevails. All the elements of God’s disgust hang as if smog over the face of the earth, and He has not yet poured out His wrath as He did to Sodom.


The Herald closes his eyes and looks downward. I wonder if he is communing with God. Is he being given more messages instantly? He slowly lifts his head, opens his eyes, and smiles a look of tremendous patience. He stands up straight, and it is as if to demonstrate the great strength he was created with. Then he asks if I would take his hand so he can show me something. I reach upward, because he is suddenly much taller and I am like a small toddler next to him. He looks down, smiles, and says it is his pleasure to return me once again to what I was shown before.


The Herald continues by saying that I was given a message called “God Is Angry” in 2014. He tells me that some of that dream is to be added to this dream so it may be reviewed. It is to document what was warned of almost six years ago. He continues by saying, “It is good to recall that for God a day is as a thousand years, but in some cases, six years is as a single day. So think of it as this message being given six days ago. You will have a day of rest and then all will be complete for a week. For many this will not be understood, but for a very few it will be very clear. For those who do not understand, know that God loves you no less than those who comprehend.


What is important is that each fully understands what is spoken of in this partial message.



June 7, 2014


Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Romans 12:19.


The glory of Him who is love will destroy…. The Desire of Ages, p. 764


[Break in dream]


In my dream, the guide angel stands behind me with his left hand on top of my right shoulder and his right arm pointing to the sky. He states my heavenly name and instructs me to notice the sky, which is black or gray and sometimes a dark purple. Once in a while a bright yellow ribbon of lightning streaks through the sky followed by a thunderous roar. The guide continues by sharing that God is love and all-patient, but there is an end to His patience. He explains that God is angry with what is occurring on this earth.


The angel tells me that he will show me things to better illustrate God’s anger. I now see a very large volcano that is not erupting with a fiery blast. Instead, the boiling lava simply flows from an opening. The lava is white with heat, and the air around it is polluted. The guide says that this is how we should perceive God’s anger over the things He witnesses on this earth.


The angel points in another direction, and I see a large body of water that represents a pond, a lake, or an ocean. The water is boiling, not just on the surface but even down to the very bottom. The steam that rises into the air is so hot that even it appears to be boiling. The angel says that this is another way to describe God’s anger.


Next, the guide points in another direction. I see a road made of concrete. Instead of being hard, it is boiling. Large bubbles break open on the road’s surface, which appears to have melted. The angel says to look again. I see a black, asphalt road. It also becomes hot, and the surface begins to bubble. The angel repeats that this is another way to show God’s anger.


The guide again points to the sky and says to look up and understand. I notice what I know to be airwaves from a video that is being played either at one of the apostasy-driven Seventh-day Adventist worship services, or on one of their many telecasts. Rather than showing a reverent video, such as a nature movie, it is simply entertainment. He says to notice the instruments and the way the individuals perform. We are to know that these things anger the heavenly Father who sits on His holy throne, He who is worthy of divine, sacred worship.


The guide tells me to look again. Now I see what I can only describe as different music wave patterns scrolling across the sky. Suddenly, I am able to hear all the music all at once. Yet, I can differentiate each of the sound patterns. The angel explains that this is a representation of most Seventh-day Adventist radio or television programs. With disappointment, he says that even though these claim to be doing God’s work, they are not always reverent.


The guide explains that a model of sacred worship is found in the courts of heaven. Enough examples have been shared through the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and For My People Ministry. Is the music being used sacred to God’s ears, or is it just pleasing to those who want to hear it? Is it sacred music to worship the heavenly Father, or is it for entertainment?


The angel shares that there are other things which God is angry about. We begin walking and he tells me that Protestants, including Seventh-day Adventists, are taking up the banner of women serving as ordained elders and pastors. In the Garden of Eden, Adam was instituted as the priest of the family, and this role was passed on solely to his male offspring. God never ordained women as priests; therefore, it is not to be done. It is a deception of Satan. Now most Protestants no longer promote the ideals their churches were founded on. Cain, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Levi, and his priestly line all offered sacrifices, but it was never given to women to serve as priests or to officiate in the services of the sanctuary, or now in the churches. God is not the only One who calls individuals to ministry. Satan also does, in order to lead the church astray and confuse its members.


Next, the guide says to notice a contrast between Protestants and Catholics. Protestants, including Adventists, used to worship reverently, but the majority no longer does. Even though the Catholic Church is Satan’s counterfeit of God’s Church, it is interesting to note that the majority of its members still hold reverent services. There is no rock music with drums and electric guitars, no praise or gospel singers performing, no waving of hands or praise dancing, and no loud talking or running in the sanctuary.


The angel now asks something very specific: “Does the Catholic Church ordain women priests?” No, it does not. Additionally, no woman priest is ever mentioned in the Bible. Protestants used to protest, but now they conduct irreverent worship services and ordain women as pastors. Satan has brought in a creeping compromise to lower the high standards and change the doctrines. This has led people down his path—a path that leads opposite to heaven. And God is angry.


Next, the guide discusses how leaders and pastors are pushing for the acceptance of those who choose a homosexual lifestyle, even though it is immoral and an abomination in God’s sight. Whether it is practiced by men or women, this choice is not God’s design and is never to be accepted in any situation or under any circumstances. He stresses that the heavenly Father made it very clear in the Garden of Eden that He designed marriage to be only between a man and a woman. The evil design of men with men and women with women is Satan’s plan. This style of life is never to be accepted, even if it is considered to be socially or politically correct, because it is a base crime against the second institution God ordained during earth’s creation week.


The guide now gives me an illustration from nature of how God has a male and female in almost everything. As he raises his arm, I see different kinds of animals, each created for mating and reproducing. He shows me a depiction of Adam in the Garden of Eden. He is noticing that each animal has a mate. The angel shows me that God created and designed Eve to be the mate for Adam. He explains that the Creator did not make another man for Adam, and that even in nature there is a correct balance.


Next, the guide angel illustrates how electricity has positive and negative components. The earth has positive and negative magnetic poles. If there were no opposite poles, the earth could not spin on its axis. God never intended two negatives or two positives to work together. Throughout the universe, this was never a part of His design. Then I see the angel holding a flashlight. It emits light because its batteries contain positive and negative poles. He explains that with two positive or two negative poles, no light would be emitted. Without opposites, there is only darkness.


I understand that in all of God’s nature there is a balance between the negative and the positive. Lightning results from an electrical discharge produced to balance the differences between negative and positive charges in a cloud. Sometimes the charge occurs between the cloud and the ground, or it could happen between two clouds. In fact, we could not have thunder without lightning.


The guide angel puts a hand on my shoulder and says that I was already shown in the dream, “The End,” that homosexuality is not genetic. The following was stated by the Herald:


The Creator then commanded that these two [Adam and Eve] in their marital union, through the holy institution of marriage, be fruitful and multiply. They were to populate the earth. They were not created with a genetic makeup of a man and a man or a woman and a woman to live in this holy union or to have a sexual relationship. The Great Founder created a perfect union between a man and a woman, between a husband and a wife in the sanctity He called marriage. He never created a genetic makeup that results in a life of homosexuality. Those who have chosen this path have not chosen it because of an inherited trait or a genetic disorder. It is not anything that is connected with the Creator’s grand design. Those who live this style of life live it because of what they have chosen. It is not through what was created. Those in a position of counsel who did not assist in correcting those who lived that lifestyle, those that endorsed it and spoke smooth, soft things will give an account to the Great Judge.


The guide angel continues to explain that homosexuality is a choice that God’s grace does not cover. Would we be expected to be accepting of serial killers, because we are told that they are born that way? Would it be acceptable to welcome them into our churches, pat them on the back, and then point them to the children’s classrooms? The practice of homosexuality is not to be accepted. God is angry over this acceptance.


[break in dream]


The dream changes again, and I find myself where a television is playing. In the same area, there are many computers and wireless devices that display different types of media. Suddenly, all these media devices show a man or a woman announcing that all programs will be pre-empted for a special news bulletin. One woman announcer begins to talk about an event, but I do not know what event she is referring to. However, after she describes in detail what happened, she mentions “The Seventh-day Adventist church organization….” She says that additional information and video will be shared as soon as it is available.


I now see in the sky a depiction of something that looks like an inverted volcano. Very quickly it spews out something that resembles a pure, thick, golden liquid. I know that I am watching the fulfillment of what God revealed to Ellen White about taking the bodies next, as mentioned in my dream, “Final Events and the First Supper.” It is because of His anger that He pours out His wrath, described in Ezekiel 9, and it provides evidence that God does kill. In His justified anger, God will destroy those who trample His laws and His commands. He will cleanse His church. He is a God of promises.


I am reminded that many had a chance to believe before the evidence came. I think of those who were given a chance to give to God’s work. Many of those who could have given of their excess, but instead selfishly held onto it, will have their possessions taken from them.


Those who survive the great cleansing will also need to survive the great test which will follow. They will go through a great sifting. Many will be sifted out of God’s true church and will take their place with the others who will receive God’s judgment-day wrath. Many who were once proud of being Seventh-day Adventists will quickly give up that name. Many who held onto great possessions, which could have been used to hasten Christ’s return, will then curse their treasures.


I am now made to hear other important information that all need to know. It is as if a voice is saying, “Look to the west for the deserved reward of sinners. Salvation only comes from the east. What comes from the west is not God’s salvation but rather His wrath and His destruction. Your salvation does not come from the west, but from the clouds in the east. You are given this warning, and you have been allotted a time that ends at the time of the three chimes. It will be in the quiet of the time after the chime of the three chimes.” The angel shared these verses from Jeremiah 19:1-3. “Thus saith the LORD, Go and get a potter’s earthen bottle, and take of the ancients of the people, and of the ancients of the priests; And go forth unto the valley of the son of Hinnom, which is by the entry of the east gate, and proclaim there the words that I shall tell thee, And say, Hear ye the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring evil on this place, the which whosoever heareth, his ears shall tingle.”


Immediately, I am reminded of the hymn, “It Is No Secret What God Can Do.”


The chimes of time ring out the news,

Another day is through.

Someone slipped and fell.

Was that someone you?


You may have longed for added strength,

Your courage to renew.

Do not be disheartened,

I have news for you.


It is no secret, what God can do.

What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you.

With arms wide open, He’ll pardon you.

It is no secret what God can do.


There is no night for in His light,

You never walk alone.

Always feel at home,

Wherever you may go.


There is no power can conquer you

While God is on your side.

Take Him at His promise,

Don’t run away and hide.


It is no secret what God can do.

What He’s done for others, He’ll do for you.

With arms wide open, He’ll pardon you.

It is no secret what God can do.**


I am once again reminded of the “Final Events” dream when Jesus pointed to the dark blue sky and instructed that I record these words for all to read. Each word was dark gold with a bright white edging.


Blessed Be the Ones

who Believe Before

the Evidence Mounts


The dream is now in a different setting where I am shown a representation to help me understand something. I do not see it literally. I am standing in what I know to be heaven. In front of me are three very majestic thrones. I know that even the thrones are holy. Around the three thrones stand many and many beyond many angels, each waiting to do a bidding, to serve. The heavenly Father sits on the middle throne. If I literally saw the Father in my present state on this earth, I know I would be consumed. Jesus sits on the right side of the Father’s throne. The Holy Spirit sits on the left side of the Father’s throne. He has a tangible, physical body, yet He can be everywhere at the same time. I now seem to know that the three chimes represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who sit before me. Although They are three separate Persons, They are as one, and separately declare the sound of a chime.


My mind returns to the thought of how many times Jesus has stated, “Will I find faith when I return?” And yet He has stated that those who believe before the evidence mounts are blessed. I think about those words over and over again. If we had evidence for everything, there would be no need for faith. I realize that what Jesus said could also be phrased in a different way: Cursed be the ones who do not believe even after the evidence is shown.


The Herald now comes and stands in front of me. Again addressing me by my heavenly name, he shares the following: The signs of the end are evident. Look at what is happening in nature. The Holy Spirit is being removed from the earth. The very elements seem to war with each other. Men’s hearts and minds are only on evil. A great work is to be carried out, but it will be done during a very difficult time. Funds are needed to complete God’s work. Pastors are being called, but they need means to serve. The Seventh-day Adventist organization is about to be cleansed. Let each go to the Father in prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal what they can give. Do not put your treasure on this earth, which will be consumed. Put it in heaven, so that others can hear what His pastors need to teach.


My dream changes again. I am now presented with a message to end this compilation of dreams. In this dream, I am made to understand that after the righteous have occupied heaven for 1,000 years, Jesus will destroy all evil through the power of the heavenly Father. The whole earth will be destroyed, down to its very core. Even the place where Jesus will set His feet to level the Mount of Olives into a great plain for the Holy City will be destroyed. In this dream, I again see what I saw before in the dream, “The New Earth,” when our surrounding planets will be destroyed. I now see in this dream for the first time that everything within our sinful “bottomless pit,” including our galaxy, will be destroyed.


Before that event, all the wicked will receive their judgment. Then, as Jesus sits on His throne high above the Holy City, through the Father’s power He will call fire down upon the wicked who will be gathered all around the outside of the Holy City. They will all be completely destroyed, including Satan and his evil angels. After they are destroyed, the cleansing flames will continue to burn the earth, until nothing is left. The flames will consume the first heaven until every trace of sin is removed from the universe. Then Jesus will command that there be a new heaven and a new earth, because the former will have been destroyed in the cleansing fire. “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.” Revelation 21:1.


Even though everything evil will be consumed, it will be a time of great sorrow, because it will be a time to witness the destruction of certain family or church members, friends, or acquaintances. It will include those who opposed God’s last-day messages, those who rejected God’s gift of eternal life. I see Jesus everywhere comforting the saints. He is literally wiping the tears from their faces. The redeemed will witness the immeasurable love of Jesus.


Next, I hear Jesus say, “Let us make a new heaven and a new earth,” and the redeemed shout a joyous “Hallelujah.” As I look out at the bright, vast emptiness of space where the “bottomless pit” was, I know that far, far away are myriads of galaxies with unfallen beings who have watched these final events. They know that they will never witness such events again. Never again will there be death and destruction. Never again will there be sinful planets that must be re-created.


As I look out into space again, I notice what looks like two invisible hands forming an enormous planet that I know will be the new earth. I cannot comprehend its size, and I know that no other planet created will be as large as the new earth. It will always be the largest in the universe, and God will always dwell there with the redeemed. The Holy City and the homes of the saved will always be there.


I am made to know that all the light throughout the universe is nothing in comparison to the light from God’s throne. This light shines throughout the universe a trillion times trillions upon trillions and trillions upon trillions of light years away. The light of His love flows from His throne with perfect, amazing brilliance everywhere, equally, and forever.


Next, I witness the creation week in six literal days. I see the creation of everything that will walk, fly, or swim on the new earth. Everything will be created new again, except that man will not be created on the sixth day. Instead, on that great and glorious sixth day—a day that Jesus has waited for so long—all at once, He will swing open all twelve gates of the Holy City, and the redeemed will go out across the new earth. Jesus will be heard telling all to enjoy their new earth and to build homes. I think about the first home of Adam and Eve where God told them to be fruitful and multiply. In the new earth, it will be like saying, “Divide and occupy.”


I know that all tears will be wiped away. I know that any physical or mental pain experienced on this earth will be forgotten. Yet I know that the saved will never forget that they suffered for the truth’s sake and for the sake of saving others. Most importantly, the redeemed will always remember the price that Jesus paid for their salvation. I know that we will forever teach others about Jesus and what He did for us. I understand that we could not tell newly-created beings about Jesus if we did not remember why He did what He did for us. Yes, we will forget things, but the “why” we will always remember.


In the dream, Becky and I have been standing together on the wall of the Holy City to watch the new creation. We will always be together because we want to be. Jesus comes over and calls us by our heavenly names. It is difficult to understand, but as before I am made to know that our names are synonymous, yet singular. We will be two different people, but addressed the same way.


Jesus tells us that He knows about a place that we both want to build. However, it will not be ours, but rather a special place for all the redeemed. He invites us to go, and says that He has assigned a large company of angels to go with us to help with the construction. He tells us that He also will be with us to help, and that He waits for our design with anticipation. I know that the “our” refers to the design made by Jesus, Becky, and me.


Next, Becky and I look at each other, and instead of walking away, we fly together very quickly. We both know what we are looking for. The place we want must have a very large hill behind it. Looking out and away from the hill, there must be a great flowered plain and valley. In the distance there must be a majestic waterfall that fills a beautiful lake.


After much searching, we find a place we know will be perfect. It has a large hill with trees and a stream flowing from it. The stream continues down the hill into the valley and along a great flowered plain. Beyond that is a waterfall that forms a large, beautiful lake. We both know this is the place where we will build. So Becky and I tell Jesus and our assisting angels that this is the place where we would like to build. Jesus replies, “Let it be.”


I turn to Jesus and tell Him that because there is so much water flowing out of the large, lush hillside, I need Him to stop the water from flowing for a while. Jesus lifts His hand, and with one word, the waters cease to flow. Becky and I begin to work. We both know how everything is to be. We work and think as one, but yet both of us have our own thoughts and ideas. As we suggest our ideas to each other, we agree.


Next, we begin to prepare the ground where we want this enormous country mansion to be. We know that this will be a place where the redeemed can come to walk, rest, and contemplate what Jesus did for each of them. Inhabitants from other worlds as well will come here to visit and speak with the redeemed. This place will be an eternal testament to the universe of our Savior’s incredible love.


Next, Becky and I know that the mansion will need to be made of transparent matter, so that from the inside everyone can have a clear view of the beauty outside. Jesus, the Great Creator, steps forward and tells us with a smile that He knows exactly what we need. He says to notice the clear water that always flows.


Jesus puts out His ever-creating hand, and before us appear many, many stacks of what I know to be congealed water. Each slab of crystal clear water is thick, long, and wide. The water moves inside each slab, yet the slab holds its form. When a slab is put next to another one, both form together as one, so there are never any seams. We laugh because not only can we walk on it, but we could also walk through it, if we wanted to. Because each slab is bendable, we can shape it the way we need it to be. If a slab is too long, we simply use our hands to slice through it. If it is too short, we can stretch it to the desired length, and it never loses its thickness.


The angels, who love to help, enjoy assisting us with the construction. It is their nature to serve. Becky and I talk to Jesus constantly about how we would like the mansion to be. Then it is as if Jesus instantly places the ideas into the minds of the angels, who are very quick to help lay the foundation and build this enormous place. It has many, many rooms. The size of the mansion and the land it sits on are too large to describe. Each room will always have a picture window view, no matter where a person is inside the mansion. The design is perfected by the Great Creator.


The floor in the mansion is seamless, soft, and made up of yellow, red, and blue slabs. As a person walks across the floor, it turns many different colors, which are a constant reminder of the great rainbow that forms over the throne of the King of the Universe.


After the walls are constructed, each room is filled with furniture made from the bendable slabs that form to a person’s size. When the angels complete the construction of the roof, we all gaze at this place that will always remind everyone of Jesus. It reminds us that He is the Living Water. This place is composed of living water sustained by the Creator. He spoke, and the water formed.


To the left of the mansion, we design a great trench laid with long slabs of congealed water. The slabs will protect the earth when water begins to flow out of the hill and down into the trench. The angels help dig the trench, and again, there are no seams.


Next, Becky and I talk with Jesus about our idea of forming vertical walls of congealed water to make a very large aquarium many miles in length. Jesus agrees with it. We tell Him that we would like new and different plants and coral reefs in the aquarium. Those new creations will be unique, because there will be no others like them in the entire universe. Becky and I have another request, and Jesus agrees with it by also creating unique creatures for the aquarium.


Benches are made and placed next to the aquarium for relaxing while viewing the creations. Then we tell Jesus that under the aquarium we would like tunnels, also made of congealed water, for people to walk through to get a different perspective of the underwater world. A person would even be able to pass through the aquarium walls and swim with the creatures, or fly through the air and dive into the aquarium.


In front of the mansion, we form a long walkway that goes down toward the valley below. It is made of the same material as the mansion floor. Becky plants a tree in front of the entryway that grows into two trunks, one trunk on either side of the walkway. She trains the branches to grow up along the walkway so that they form an archway of tree limbs that frame the waterfall in the valley below. The tree produces multi-colored leaves and flowers, and a variety of fruits hangs from its branches.


When the mansion and landscaping are completed, multitudes come to visit, even from the far reaches of the universe. As they discuss and contemplate what the Savior did for mankind and why He did it, they are amazed by the depth of the love of the love of the love. Because of this love, they want to continue sharing it with others, saying, “Let me tell you about Jesus.”


This mansion is not just for Becky and me, but for all the faithful. It is a place to walk hand in hand with Jesus. It is a place to remember the scars in His head, His hands, His feet, and His side. As I was shown in my dream, “Sitting by a Stream,” it is a place to sit by a stream next to Jesus and pet the fish with your feet. [End of dream]


Now I realize that as I sat there by the stream, it was the first time I was shown those of the redeemed who, if faithful, could be involved in the design and construction of the Universal Memorial. It is a memorial created for Jesus who sacrificed all for them. It is a place where visitors from across the universe will come to learn all about what Jesus did, not just for the redeemed but everyone throughout the universe. All will have a safe universe in which to live forever.


The remaining words of the dream scroll up until the screen is empty, and then it simply melts back into the floor.


The Herald walks over to me and asks for my hand. Just as before, we are instantly in the long corridor. We stand there for a very little time. All is quiet. The Herald lifts his head after looking down, as if to contemplate. Then he says, “Many need to know who each of you is.”


The Herald explains by saying, “God is very angry with those who trample His laws. He is angry with those who ignore what He instituted. God does not make idle promises. Angels and other beings from across the vast universe, we who stand in His presence, we who walk the halls of His holy kingdom know with certainty that He will release His wrath on those who no longer walk or talk with Him. The day that He sends an angel with a vial of His wrath will be a day of tremendous destruction.”


Again, the Herald and I stand a little while in the corridor, and all is quiet. It is a time to reflect on all that has been shown. Yet I know the Herald has more he needs to show me.


The Herald stresses how I was asked to serve as a messenger by sharing messages that would be given to me. I have been given many messages that have been published. Many others are private messages of instruction for individuals that are to remain unpublished. However, in all the messages I have shared, there is so much that was not understood. Realize that these are “Messages From God for His People.” These messages will not be accepted by everyone, but they will be accepted by His People.


The Herald holds out his hand and when I take it, I find myself back in the classroom again. Just like before, I sit in a student’s chair. The Herald stands in the front of the classroom. Behind him is a very special wall that displays what he says. Calling me by my heavenly name, he points to the wall as if to be sure he has my complete attention. I realize I must pay close attention to what he shows and tells me because it is very important.


The Herald begins: “God’s people need to review the following dreams:


The Great Test

The Senior Pastor

The End

Final Events and the First Supper


The messages in those dreams will help those who are God’s people to distinguish between Satan’s deceptions and the true miracles that will be performed by God’s faithful followers. In this the year of seeing clearly, it is clear that all the signs being given need to be seen and clearly understood. Each needs to rely on God and not others. With the messages that have been given, none should be deceived. We will review some very important points in the dreams mentioned above.”


As the Herald speaks, the following summary appears on the wall.


  • Satan personates Christ.
    • The dream “The Great Test” presents how Satan will personate Christ and deceive the majority of the world.
    • Reporters will broadcast Satan’s appearing to the world.
    • He will proclaim Sunday as the day for humans to worship him.
  • Remember that Satan is a created being who rebelled against God.
    • The purpose of all his works is to confuse and deceive.
  • Satan and his angels will work ‘miracles’ to ‘help’ the world.
    • He will go to hospitals and remove illnesses he has caused.
      • Because he cannot create, such as restore missing body parts, those patients are not ‘healed.’
      • He cannot give power to humans to do miracles.
    • He appears to grow food to feed the hungry.
  • Satan will make it look like humans are able to fly. God created perfect angels. But one of them, Lucifer, rebelled, and convinced one-third of the angels to follow him. Now he is known as Satan and the angels that still follow him are known as demons. However, they still possess amazing qualities and powers that God created them with. Some excel in speed, strength, intelligence, and so on. These demons are deceiving people and one of the things they will do is to hold them up in the air and make it appear that those people can fly.[33]
    • Satan’s human followers will never have the power to fly on their own.
    • All Satan’s works are done through deceit and magic.


The Herald pauses, giving me time to process this information. Then he says, “You have been shown that a few drops of God’s judgments have been allowed to happen. Heavy judgments will also fall on His church, because the leaders have disobeyed His instructions.”


Now the following appears on the whiteboard:


  • In Eden, Eve distrusted what God had said and chose to believe the snake, which was Satan in disguise.
    • Eve’s sin brought about pain in childbirth, a permanent condition extending to all future child bearers.
    • Her punishment included a demotion, which permanently lowered the position of women in society.[34]


  • Just as Eve was told to obey and submit to Adam, her descendants were not to serve in male leadership roles, such as church pastors or elders.


  • Seventh-day Adventist leaders have dismissed God’s threats and refused to follow His instructions.
    • God will punish them for:
      • Making women elders and allowing them to be pastors,
      • Welcoming practicing homosexuals into Seventh-day Adventist membership, and
      • Allowing practicing homosexuals to hold church offices.


Now the Herald stops to explain that the coming destruction of Nashville is related to the homosexual movement.[35] It is not the promised punishment for Seventh-day Adventist leaders and churches. Then he says, “What I now tell you is extremely important.”


  • God’s people need to be spiritually awake to Satan’s deceptions.
    • Study the contrast between Satan’s pretended healings and the true healings described in “The Senior Pastor” dream.


  • As brought out in “The Senior Pastor” dream, notice the following:
    • The worship service is done reverently,
    • God and Jesus are present, and
    • The prayers of God’s pastor bring healing to several, including a blind man, a demon-possessed woman, a deaf man, as well as new legs for an amputee.


  • In contrast to the way Satan’s angels transport his followers, God will enable His people to instantly travel in order to carry out His work, such as the way Philip was transported (Acts 8:26-40).


  • God’s people need to look for these signs and know that the final events have begun, which bring about worldwide chaos and the return of Jesus.


The Herald now asks if I would go with him to change our thoughts and scenery, because destruction is distressing. Hope should always be supplied to those who hunger for it.


He holds out his hand and we are instantly in a pasture overlooking a great valley with a forest far below. Around us is a great variety of wildflowers. A warm breeze rises from the valley below, bringing with it the wonderful aromas of the wildflowers. A grand chorus of songbirds can be heard.


The Herald looks at me and says, “It would be wonderful to sit down, so we can discuss many things of importance.” As I look at him, I agree and ask if he would make us one of those very comfortable benches. He smiles and asks, “Exactly who are you?” He calls me by my heavenly name and again questions me. “Have you already forgotten all you have been shown? It is a great honor for angels just to touch your robe and to place it over your shoulders. It is also an honor for angels to touch your crown and to place it on your head.”


The Herald continues. “First it is imperative to clearly understand that when Jesus lived on earth, He lived without sin each day just as each of you can. Remember that Jesus was as human as you are. He chose to walk in constant communion with His Father. He always chose that which was good, as One who was sinless. For example, since this is a dream and what you are shown is literal or symbolic, let us say that right now you stand sinless before God. You are in constant communion with your Father. You completely understand all you do is through the Father.


“As Jesus walked this earth as you do now, did He not speak about pots of water that needed to be pots of grape juice at a wedding feast? Did He not add a special blessing on the union of this man and woman with a gift of the most perfect and highest quality grape juice? Did He not heal the sick, the blind, and the deaf? Did He not cure the leper? Do you recall how He walked on the water to meet with His disciples? Do you remember how He called Lazarus from the tomb after he had been dead four days?


“Jesus and you both resemble Adam who was formed from the mud in the Garden of Eden. Jesus went to earth with no kingly robe or crown. His crown and robe and all His powers were left at His throne in heaven. All that Jesus did on this earth, and all that He does now is done through the Father. Jesus lived without sin. You along with many strive to live without sin. When that is done, and only then, you will be able to do what Jesus did.[36]


“However, so that you can better understand who each is, and believing that all your sins are removed from the book of life and that you stand sinless before your Father in heaven, extend your hand. Knowing you are a brother of Jesus, and that your breath comes directly from the Creator, understand that in this dream, what you now do is symbolic for all to understand who each is.”


While the Herald had been speaking, I listened carefully and thought about what he shared. Calling me by my heavenly name, the Herald now instructs me to extend my hand and form places where both of us can sit. I extend my left arm toward the ground, while extending my right arm up as if grasping the hand of the heavenly Father. In my mind, I envision two very large but intricate chairs comprised of water interlaced with those wildflowers that surround me. A wooden foundation made from the roots of the valley forest forms the base of the chairs. The base serves as rockers under the chairs. At the bottom and in the front of each rocking chair is a part that extends out to recline and support the feet. It serves as a rocker or a recliner.


In front and between the chairs is a table made of water. A small fountain of water rises from the center of the table with two beautiful goblets also made of water. If thirsty, one could simply fill a goblet with the ever-fresh water that rises from the fountain.


We both sit down and rock quietly for a while. After a short time, the Herald looks over at me, and with a big smile he says that I have received my heavenly Father’s creativeness. He looks ahead at the flower-filled hill that slopes downward and ends at the thick forest in the valley below. Leaning back as the foot rest supports his feet, he says, “I could get used to this.” He places his hands behind his head as he sits enjoying the magnificent view.


After a very short while, the Herald looks over at me and says that there is much I still need to see and document. He sits back up and stands. Then he extends his hand, and the table of water moves away from us and becomes a wall that can display words. His chair reverts to a field of flowers. My chair becomes a small student desk. Suddenly everything changes and we are back in the white classroom, and I am sitting in a student chair. The Herald tells me that even though I began receiving parts of this dream in the fall of 2019, the month of January was spent in preparing all that I have shared so far in this dream. He says that as we begin the month of February, there is still much that I have yet to prepare.


The Herald walks over to the wall and tells me that it is important to take steps each day to grow stronger spiritually. As the Holy Spirit is being withdrawn from the earth, it is vital that we greatly increase our connection to the Father. It is very important that each asks: Do we know who we are?


The Herald pauses, calls me by my heavenly name, and says, “What I just told you is very important. What I tell you now is equally important. Focus your thoughts closely on what I say and show you now.


“As each prays daily for added protection of angels, if it is God’s will, He sends them to help. Each must understand what a special honor and privilege it is to be able to speak directly with the heavenly Father. It is all because of what Jesus did not just for angels but specifically for each of you.”


The Herald explains something symbolic about angels and beings on other planets waiting for the Father to speak to them. Those on the earth who choose to believe in Jesus and His sacrifice have the privilege of speaking directly to the Father at any time.


The Herald continues: “Listen closely to make this understood very clearly, even though it is symbolic. Angels and beings spoken into existence must wait to speak with the Father. But when even one of you calls out His sacred and holy name, He raises His hand and all step aside while each is ‘escorted to the front of the line.’ He places each of you on His knee and holds you close to His chest. For each of you, there is a love and a bond that is strong. When one of you cries and calls out His name, He directs countless angels to stand by your side. When one cries and feels alone, an arm that is unseen and unrecognized is wrapped around them.”


At this point, the Herald says he will share important information on the topic of prayer. He will include this for each individual to study. He begins by explaining that because Jesus gave up His life on this earth, everyone has the privilege of speaking directly to the heavenly Father at any time. Revelation speaks of the writings and testimonies of Jesus Christ.


The Herald asks, “What are the testimonies of Jesus?” He points to the wall and the following appears from Revelation 1.


1:1          The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:


1:2          Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.


1:3          Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.


The Herald lowers his arm and says that it is to be understood and accepted as it is written that the Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimonies of Jesus. It is to teach and to show things that will happen shortly and that these things will come to pass. It will show as it was written by John the things that he saw. It is to be understood that those who believe, hear, and keep these things will be blessed. Now the wall becomes blank again.


The Herald raises his arm, and the questions he asks and the answers that appear are displayed as engraved words on the wall, as follows:


  1. Is prayer really that important to my salvation?


The idea that prayer is not essential is one of Satan’s most successful devices to ruin souls. Prayer is communion with God, the Fountain of wisdom, the Source of strength, and peace, and happiness. {Child Guidance, p. 518}


Satan well knows that all whom he can lead to neglect prayer and the searching of the Scriptures, will be overcome by his attacks. Therefore, he invents every possible device to engross the mind. There has ever been a class professing godliness, who, instead of following on to know the truth, make it their religion to seek some fault of character or error of faith in those with whom they do not agree. {The Great Controversy (1888), p. 519}


  1. Why do I feel sad or oppressed if I am trying to live a Christian life?


The darkness of the evil one encloses those who neglect to pray. The whispered temptations of the enemy entice them to sin; and it is all because they do not make use of the privileges that God has given them in the divine appointment of prayer. Why should the sons and daughters of God be reluctant to pray, when prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse, where are treasured the boundless resources of Omnipotence? Without unceasing prayer and diligent watching we are in danger of growing careless and of deviating from the right path. {Steps to Christ, p. 94}


  1. Why is secret prayer so important?


We should pray in the family circle, and above all we must not neglect secret prayer, for this is the life of the soul. {Steps to Christ, p. 98}


  1. Why is it so important for me to pray when I am being tempted and oppressed by Satan and his demons?


Satan cannot endure to have his powerful rival appealed to, for he fears and trembles before His [Christ’s] strength and majesty. At the sound of fervent prayer, Satan’s whole host trembles. He continues to call legions of evil angels to accomplish his object. And when angels, all-powerful, clothed with the armory of heaven, come to the help of the fainting, pursued soul, Satan and his host fall back, well knowing that their battle is lost. {Counsels for the Church, p. 319}


  1. What does it mean to pray without ceasing?


There is now need of much prayer. Christ commands, “Pray without ceasing;” that is, keep the mind uplifted to God, the source of all power and efficiency. {Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 510}


  1. Why do I need to pray without ceasing?


The strength acquired in prayer to God will prepare us for our daily duties. The temptations to which we are daily exposed make prayer a necessity. In order that we may be kept by the power of God through faith, the desires of the mind should be continually ascending in silent prayer. When we are surrounded by influences calculated to lead us away from God, our petitions for help and strength must be unwearied. Unless this is so, we shall never be successful in breaking down pride and overcoming the power of temptation to sinful indulgences which keep us from the Saviour. {The Youth’s Instructor, August 18, 1898}


  1. Do I take prayer for granted?


There are few who rightly appreciate or improve the precious privilege of prayer. We should go to Jesus and tell Him all our needs. We may bring Him our little cares and perplexities as well as our greater troubles. Whatever arises to disturb or distress us, we should take it to the Lord in prayer. When we feel that we need the presence of Christ at every step, Satan will have little opportunity to intrude his temptations. It is his studied effort to keep us away from our best and most sympathizing friend. We should make no one our confidant but Jesus. We can safely commune with Him of all that is in our hearts. {Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, pp. 200-201}


  1. Why do I need to pray daily?


Through daily prayer to God, they will have wisdom and grace from Him to bear the conflicts and stern realities of life, and come off victorious. Fidelity, and serenity of mind, can only be retained by watchfulness and prayer. {Messages to Young People, p. 80}


  1. Am I automatically saved and ready to go to heaven because I have been called?


The victory is not won without much earnest prayer, without the humbling of self at every step. Our will is not to be forced into cooperation with divine agencies, but it must be voluntarily submitted. {Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, p. 142}


  1. How can I lose my connection with God?


Neglect the exercise of prayer, or engage in prayer spasmodically, now and then, as it is deemed convenient, and you lose your connection with God. The Christian life becomes dry, and the spiritual faculties have no vitality. The religious experience lacks health and vigor. {The Signs of the Times, July 31, 1893}


  1. What happens when I don’t pray?


Without unceasing prayer and diligent watching, we are in danger of growing careless, and of deviating from the right path. The adversary seeks continually to obstruct the way to the mercy-seat, that we may not by earnest supplication and faith obtain grace and power to resist temptation. {The Review and Herald, December 8, 1904}


  1. Does God expect me to be on my knees praying all the time?


Cultivate the habit of talking with the Saviour when you are alone, when you are walking, and when you are busy with your daily labor. Let the heart be continually uplifted in silent petition for help, for light, for strength, for knowledge. Let every breath be a prayer. {Temperance, p. 135}


The way to the throne of God is always open. You cannot always be on your knees in prayer, but your silent petitions may constantly ascend to God for strength and guidance. When tempted, as you will be, you may flee to the secret place of the Most High. His everlasting arms will be underneath you. {Counsels on Health, p. 362}


  1. What if I do not feel like praying?


When we feel the least inclined to commune with Jesus, let us pray the most. By so doing we shall break Satan’s snare, the clouds of darkness will disappear, and we shall realize the sweet presence of Jesus. {Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists, p. 146}


  1. Are we in a critical point in history that I should be taking prayer and my spiritual walk more seriously?


If those engaged in the warfare are not wide awake, earnest, vigilant, praying for wisdom, watching unto prayer, . . . Satan comes off victor, when he might have been vanquished by the armies of the Lord. . . . God’s faithful sentinels are to give the evil powers no advantage. {Letter 47, 1893}


The Herald pauses while I look up at the wall that is now very tall. He tells me that God provides much for all to discover as they study. Then he points to the wall and asks, “How many questions and answers has God asked us to review?” I tell him there are 14. He replies, “I will assist in revealing one of many aspects that God includes as we study. Let me illustrate the 14 points so that it is clearly understood how much the Father wants to spend time with each of you, as shown in the dream, ‘Sitting by the Feet at the Throne of God.’ He longs for that day when He can walk with each along a forest trail or a white sandy beach, sit by a stream, or enjoy a waterfall.”


Next, the Herald points to the wall. I notice that 7 boxes are formed and spaced equally from left to right. Underneath that row, he forms 7 more the same way. Above the first box in the first row, he places the word SUNDAY. He continues across the row with each day of the week, ending with SABBATH for the seventh box. Then he looks back at me and smiles as if he is revealing the secret to a great puzzle. Now he places the name of each day over each box in the second row. He looks at me again and says, “Now we need to fill in each of the boxes.” He starts with SUNDAY and places the question and answer in the first box. He does the same for each box, ending with box 14 labeled SABBATH.


The Herald continues: “Each day is a study—a time to think about the aspects of prayer—and a time to pray. Notice something special placed in the boxes for days 7 and 14. For day 7, the question is asked, ‘Do I take prayer for granted?’ Remember that in the Garden of Eden, God enjoyed very much the conversations with Adam and Eve during their Sabbath walks. Let me ask a question. Do many take for granted those special Sabbath days when God waits to talk and listen to each, even when they share their little cares and greater troubles? Or must He walk without them? Whatever arises to disturb or distress you, take it to the Lord in prayer. Now notice one additional aspect for Sabbath. Make no one your confidant but Jesus. All that is in your heart, you may safely share with Him.


“On day 14, the question is asked, ‘Are we in a critical point in history that I should be taking prayer and my spiritual walk more seriously?’ In this second question for Sabbath, it can be understood that God desires greatly to walk together with His people on the Sabbath. To be safe from Satan and his warfare, we must be wide awake, earnest, vigilant, praying, and walking next to God.


“A great study is available for each who desires to search. When the second week is completed, continue spending each day with prayer, especially on the Sabbath. It is those walks in communion with you that God enjoys and treasures greatly.”


The Herald now points to the wall as if to clear it. He stresses, “Prayer is vital for all at this time of earth’s history. The signs of seeing clearly have already established that all are on the verge of witnessing that blessed event of Jesus coming in all His glory. It is through constant prayer that each will be prepared for the battle ahead. Each must understand that the most important walk they will have is with Jesus. It is through that walk and constant prayer that each can be prepared. Each will need to endure much, but they can succeed if they walk with their eyes on Jesus. Do not let the negatives of others destroy the communion you have with your Creator.”


The Herald tells me that as a reminder, he is to show me what I was shown before in the dream titled, “In the Heart of Jesus.” He points up to the wall again, and I see the following words.


We are in a time of final sifting. Soon the Workman will be done sifting and He will move on to the next part of the project. You have this sifting time to realize that you can either be an artificial, hollow stone or you can subject yourselves to the furnace.


That may result in exposing your imperfections or hidden sins. However, through His hands He can use you to do His work. You were shown that many that walked away will return. It is up to each to listen to that still small voice, not just family, friends or church leaders. Remember what is written in Amos 3:3.


‘Can two walk together, except they be agreed?’


Those that do not agree with you will walk their own way. That also applies to their walk with the Father. The path they decide is up to them. Remember that you are to deliver the messages and it is not to be your concern what others say about you or the messages you share. Each will stand before the Judge of all judges and receive their personal judgment. Earth is at the last moments of its sinful existence. The whole universe is poised and watching the final, rapid moments. Satan, the deceiver of all, is doing what he can to deceive. You were told to let no one deceive you. You have seen how easy it is to be deceived. After six thousand years of sin, Satan finds it easy to deceive even the very elect. As mentally and physically perfect as Eve was when she was deceived by the serpent, do you not realize how degenerated the final generation has become? Yet this final generation will stand sinless before God. That means they will no longer sin. They will stand with the records purged of any known and forgotten sins.


Our Father is looking for only the genuine type that will not crumble under pressure, the type that are not pretending on the outside or trying to be something they are not. He is looking for the type that does not paint themselves to look how they want to be seen. After a thorough sifting and shaking, a thorough separation and selection, after each is placed in a furnace and had the imperfections and impurities removed, after each has allowed themselves to be molded or reshaped to fit, what is left is a scene of perfection and love.” The Workman takes me to where I can view the finished artwork. I look up at the Workman and then the Herald who says, “Remember, I told you there is a wonderful study of Jesus and the Garden of Gethsemane.” As I look at the artwork, I realize that what I see is made up of thousands of stones. Each is a little different color and size. Together as one they make up the most beautiful scene. The Herald now says to the Workman that I need to understand how many stones were used to create the artwork. The Workman responds, “144,000.”


Let none imagine that without earnest effort on their part they can obtain the assurance of God’s love. When the mind has been long permitted to dwell only on earthly things, it is a difficult matter to change the habits of thought. That which the eye sees and the ear hears, too often attracts the attention and absorbs the interest. But if we would ever enter the city of God, and look upon Jesus in his glory, we must become accustomed to beholding him with the eye of faith here. The words and the character of Christ should be often the subject of our thoughts and of our conversation; and each day some time should be especially devoted to prayerful meditation upon these sacred themes. From: The Review and Herald, May 3, 1881


The Herald moves his hand and the words disappear. He lowers his arm and instantly we return to the field of flowers looking down into the forest below. The wall that before was a table of water reverts back to a field of flowers. He asks if I will stand, because he wants to take me somewhere. I stand and notice my chair reverts back to the field of flowers. Then the Herald and I rise slowly off the ground. He explains that many times I am shown something that is symbolic. Sometimes I am shown in a dream how I can see the Father. It is important to understand that for now, because of sin, looking on Him would destroy me. So I am shown Him in a way I can understand. It is also the same with Jesus. Sometimes I am shown Him walking beside me or someone else on this sinful earth. But it is understood that He will not walk this earth until He returns to destroy it along with sin. There are also times when I am given a message so there can be a better understanding.


After the Herald and I have risen quite a ways up, I look back and notice the earth as it slowly spins around. Then I see several angels arriving to where we are. The Herald says that within this message much has been shown regarding whom each of us is. It has been well established that we are and were created differently from all other beings in the universe.


The Herald reveals that the one I call the Guide angel has been sent for a very special reason, and I notice several angels with him. A great many other angels are assembled. Some form a choir, and others either hold trumpets or what looks like large baskets of flowers.


The Guide approaches and calls me by my heavenly name. He says, “I have been instructed to take you somewhere very special. As the Herald explained, much you are shown is to be understood as symbolic.”


He holds out his hand and we begin moving very quickly. All is dark because we are in the same galaxy as the earth. Now the angels with trumpets sound a fanfare as if announcing something, and I observe several angels come in quickly from the left and right. They hold what resembles lanterns on a long pole and gather in front of us to illuminate the darkness. I look behind us and see an innumerable retinue of angels. We all move very quickly through a vast dark space.


Suddenly, we pass through the same black veil that I have seen in my dreams. Then we quickly leave the darkness of our galaxy. The angels with lanterns now become a circle that resembles festive lights. This parade of angels continues on for a great distance. I am not aware of how far or how long we travel before I notice ahead a bright but vast emptiness of space. I think of how sometimes on earth when I see a large empty field, I imagine a house that could be built there, along with many trees or a fruit orchard planted, or a large pond made. But what I am seeing here in space, it is just an expanse of brightness.


We stop moving now, and I immediately wonder why I am brought here to see nothing. The Guide looks at me and says, “You need to think of who you are. Think of what could be, not of what you do not see.” Now angels raise their trumpets and play a most amazing fanfare to announce an event. Then for the first time, I see a great gathering of angels raise to their lips a different musical instrument. It is somewhat similar to the trumpet but comes in varying sizes. Those angels now perform a most wonderful sonnet. As they play, the choir begins to sing.


Now I wonder how it is possible that I hear all this in the vacuum of space. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice answer, “Because that is the way you were created to think and because of who you are.” I turn around to see Perceivous arriving, along with the Announcing angel and innumerable angels. All are smiling and looking excited. Perceivous smiles and says, “It is in the empty vastness of space that we enjoy observing what occurs. You will understand more of what I mean in a moment.”


The Announcing angel comes forward and all the angels lower their trumpets. Then he raises his trumpet and begins playing a fanfare. Now all the angels with trumpets raise theirs. The tremendous fanfare they play sounds familiar to me. As they do this, I look to the far right and observe a brightness approaching.


The angels who held the baskets of flowers now quickly divide into two groups. Many stand directly in front of me. Others move to the far right. The Guide instructs me to stand, stay where I am, and to observe closely. I see both groups of angels moving slowly as they place flower petals all over (I am not sure how to explain this) the “ground” of space where I stand, yet there is no ground. Both groups of angels continue moving slowly toward each other as they form a very wide upside down V. The group in front of me moves toward the other group but at the same time to the right. The group in the distance move toward me but to the left. As each group makes a walkway of flower petals, they soon meet and together form a large square resembling a platform. Angels who hold the lanterns stand at each corner of the square flowered platform. The rest form a row on each side of the walkway going away from me as well as the walkway coming toward me. The choir angels gather a short distance away from the bottom of the upside down V.


I look back to the far right and see that the brightness approaching is very close to the other side of the upside down V walkway. As I watch the bright light, it quickly arrives at the other end of the flowered walkway. Now I see that it is a very bright white cloud with Jesus sitting on His throne. As He stands up, the Announcing angel plays a new fanfare that is more appropriate for Jesus. He is wearing a most glorious robe and a very bright crown which is hard to describe, because there is no other like it. I think how appropriate both are because He is King Jesus. He descends down the steps in front of His throne. There are many angels who attend Him. Several take hold of His robe as He descends down the steps. He walks toward the flower petal walkway then turns and speaks to several angels who hold something. They quickly leave and head directly toward me.


Perceivous leans over to me and whispers, “Remember that all you see and hear next is symbolic. It is important that you know who you are and understand what you will be shown.” Several angels quickly approach me. One of them says to me, “It is a great privilege and honor for those of us who have been instructed to place this robe over your shoulders and this crown on your head. May we have permission?” I am in shock, feeling very unworthy, and wondering why this is happening to me. I am just an old man having dreams and sharing them as I was instructed.


Next, the angels holding the brightly-illuminated lanterns line up on the flowered walkway. The lanterns illuminate an already greatly illumined far corner of a remote area of space. The Announcing angel raises his trumpet and plays a special fanfare. Instantly, all the angels with trumpets and the angels with different instruments begin to play a most wonderful sonnet. As they play, the great angel choir sings.


Jesus now steps from the cloud onto the flowered walkway. Perceivous whispers for me to step down onto the flowered walkway and continue on to Jesus. When I do so, I notice my feet sink into the rich red petals that are as soft to walk on as plush carpeting. As I continue walking, some of the petals stick to my ankles, and a most wonderful scent exudes from them.


As I continue on, I look at Jesus whose smiling face beams with happiness. I begin to cry and wonder how He could be so happy to see me. At the same time I am overcome with joy, because it has been a long time since I have seen Him. I know we will both meet at the same time and ascend up the raised platform of flower petals. As we ascend, I instinctively want to wrap my arms around Him.


When Jesus and I finally meet again, I remove my crown and robe and place them at His feet. Still crying, I tell Him I am unworthy to wear them, because I am a sinner. Yet He reaches down and wipes the tears from my face. He hugs me with that hug that I have missed so much. His big hands pull me close and hold me.


Now Jesus places His hands on my shoulders and begins talking of how I had a mother who cared for me as I grew. I was fed, bathed, picked up when I fell, had my tears wiped away, helped me get well when I was sick, taught me much, played with me, and so on. Then Jesus talks of how my mother had a mother, and that mother did the same for my mother when she was little. Jesus smiles and says how that mother had a mother, and then that mother’s mother had a mother. He finishes by saying how that progressed back to the beginning with Eve who was the first mother ever.


Then Jesus pauses for a minute and says, “I had a mother. She cared for Me. She fed Me, bathed Me, and helped Me get well when I was sick. She picked Me up when I fell, and wiped My tears when I hurt myself.”


Next, Jesus explains: “That means you and I have the same mother. My mother is the same as your mother. That makes us brothers.” Then He reaches down, picks up my robe and places it over my shoulders. He reaches down again, picks up my crown, places it on my head and says, “You are My brother. That is Who You Are! You and I both have within us the very breath that was given to our mother and our father in the Garden of Eden. You and I were not spoken into existence. We are the result of a very special breath breathed into a form of mud alongside the stream in the Garden of Eden.”


I stop to think that Jesus is not only my Brother but He is also my Creator. He is also the very One who breathed into that form of mud along the stream in the Garden of Eden.


Now Jesus puts His hands on the sides of my face, pulls my forehead toward His lips and kisses me on my forehead. Then He says, “Yes, but I laid My robe and crown on My throne, and came to the earth to become your Brother.” He gives me another tight hug, and I feel His hand against my back. As He hugs me, He says there is something very important He wants to show me.


While standing on the platform of flowers, He points outward and a screen rises up a distance from us. He explains, “It was two years ago that instruction was given as to who each of you are. It was two years ago that instruction was given in the dream you called, ‘Do You Know Who You Are?’ Yet it is very sad that many still find it difficult to understand who each is and what each is capable of doing.”


As Jesus points toward the screen, He says I was shown and instructed to write these words from that dream.


“When My Son sat next to Me, He was endowed with all, just as I AM. Jesus is My Son, but not as a procreated son. I did not create Him or speak Him into existence. Jesus IS. When He removed His robe and crown, He went to earth and willingly became a created being, with all His powers void and absent. All He did—walking on water, healing the sick, making juice from water, stopping storms, and commanding away demons—all this Jesus asked Me to do. He is your example. This makes it possible for My faithful to work the same miracles as My Son, when it is My will.”


Jesus then says that He instructed His other messenger to record these words.


The Signs of the Times, March 7, 1895

The invitations of mercy were made a jest, and they denied the divinity of Jesus Christ and derided the idea of His pre-existence before He assumed human nature. But the tattered shreds of human reasoning will be found to be only as ropes of sand in the great day of God.


Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 333

As the will of man co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent. Whatever is to be done at His command may be accomplished in His strength. All His biddings are enablings.


Jesus looks at me and says, “We are brothers. We both can be traced back to the same mother in the Garden of Eden. We both have a human nature. Neither of us can do anything except what our Father in heaven allows us to do. But as it is stated, His biddings are our enablings.”


As I listen to Jesus, and knowing I am in a dream, I remember He told me just a few moments ago how He was instructed to take me somewhere very special. Now Jesus reminds me how the Herald explained that much of what I am shown is to be understood as symbolic. Jesus points to the vast empty area of space and says, “Here is a great area of emptiness where nothing exists. But here from nothing can be anything.” Jesus turns to face me and says, “Remember that it must be clearly understood that you and I can do only what our Father in heaven allows us to do.”


I am thinking that I know for many it will be difficult to understand what is being shown. When sin is no more, God’s divine laws will be kept. Those created in God’s image will follow the orders of their Creator. They will serve Him in full agreement with whatever He commands, and He will greatly enable them.


Again, Jesus points to the large vastness of space ahead of us. He says, “If we are bid with the Father’s enablings to go and create in His name, what would we create?”


As I look at Jesus, I am thinking how He is the Creator but became a human like us. Yet He never sinned because He stayed in constant communion with His heavenly Father.[37] I am thinking how He did so much while on this earth. He turned water into perfect grape juice. He touched a blind man and gave him sight. He raised Lazarus from the dead. He walked on water. He did that and so much more. As I look at Him, I am thinking that this is the King; this is King Jesus. Who am I that I am worthy to stand here with Him?


Jesus turns, gives me a hug, and begins to cry. He asks, “Who are you? You are My little brother. I gave all, everything I had, everything I was just for you. Who are you now? You are My brother. When sin is no more, you will see that you will be called a prince. As King, each of those I surrendered all for will serve as princes throughout the universe.” I stand there with His arms wrapped around me for a while. I think of how I need this so much, and I know that each who walks a difficult path needs to feel His hug. With Jesus still hugging me, I think back to the dream “Do You Know Who You Are?” when the Father said how many will need to speak to Jesus, since all are there because of Him. The following comes clearly to my mind as if each word is illuminated on a wall of water.


The Father says: “Jesus is like each of you, His brothers. For now, He is only able to place His arms around one of you at a time.” The Father looks at me, smiles, and then continues: “For Him to spend tomorrow with just one individual in this very special place would nullify His being the Love of the Love of the Love. Do you think it would be right for Adam to walk and speak with Jesus while the rest simply observed?”


Instantly, the Father has a single individual brought to His side. He says, “What about this brother? He served and worshipped Satan, but he gave up all and chose to follow Jesus. Where is love if this person met and spoke with Jesus all day, while everyone else only watched?”


Now the Father lifts His hand, and next to Him appears another person. “This is an individual who is one of ‘these who are they’ with a noticeable number on his forehead. When I see him, I see My Son. I accept him through My Son. How would it be if he conversed with Jesus all day, while the rest of you only watched?”


Next the Father brings another person to stand next to Him. He says, “Here is an individual who was tortured for not worshipping as he was instructed. He endured tremendous pain, because he loved Jesus and refused to worship the deceiver. How would it be for the rest of you to sit all day watching these two with their arms around each other?”


Now the Father points to a vast multitude and says, “Here are those who cannot be numbered. We are only here for the Sabbath. How fair would it be for just one to be selected?”


The Father continues by questioning the possibility of Penny being the only person selected to walk holding the hand of Jesus? She is the one mentioned in the dream, “The Universal Memorial,” and whose name is that of a worthless coin. The Father concludes by stating, “All who are here are precious jewels—My Son’s treasures. These are the ones He holds up to the universe and claims as His, because of the blood He shed.”


The Father turns to Jesus and says, “My Son, You are endowed with no powers; You only walk as those of Your kind. On Your throne, in the great throne room, lay Your robe and Your crown. They have not been moved since the day You took them off and placed them there. Each day You walk and move as one of mankind. Can any of them move instantly from one ocean to another? Can any of them hold up a basket and cause it to provide a never-ending supply of food? Can any of them pick up a stone and have it become a loaf of bread? Can any of them make endless water flow from a great stone mountain simply by touching it?


I see the Father smile and say, “I am referred to as the Source of all love, and You are called the Love of the Love of the Love. I AM also all-powerful. Through My power, You will be with each one, all at the same time. Let each one wrap their arms around You individually. When the saved bow at Your feet, You will welcome their kisses. Take the hand of the one who would like to speak with You. Let others simply climb on Your lap and place their head on Your chest. Sit at the prepared tables and feed them. Touch the places where there was once pain. Cradle the ones who would like to be held. These are Yours. You have paid in full a great price for each one. Go and be with all the redeemed at the same time, and I will be with You as well. Together, We will be with those who are Ours.”


As I stand there observing, tears of joy run down my face. I realize that the Guide no longer holds my hand but has wrapped his arms around me and is holding me up while I tremble. I watch Jesus stand next to one, but yet I see Him with many. Each one is focused on Jesus.


Still standing on the platform of flowers, Jesus and I continue to hug and I feel the warmth of His arms as He holds me. We are looking at a vast area of empty space. It is in this most precious moment that I hear a single note sounded by the Herald.


The angels start to play their instruments, and then Jesus and I turn and face the angel choir as they begin to sing. Because they know who Jesus is and what He has done, they play and sing this hymn from the heart.


O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!


Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.


When the music ends, Jesus and I hug again. He says, “There is something I want you to see and do. Understand that when sin is no more, know that He will bid us to a task and enable us to do His will. Here before us is emptiness with nothing.” Now Jesus speaks and there before my eyes is a brightness that becomes a galaxy. Within that galaxy are many planets. On those planets are plants, birds, and other animals, but most importantly, many new life forms waiting to learn about Jesus and how He is their Creator.


Perceivous suddenly appears by my side and whispers in my ear. “Remember I told you how we were all here to enjoy something? For you it is like watching the birth of a new son or daughter. Angels just enjoyed the birth of a new galaxy.”


At this point, Jesus turns to me and says, “I am to tell you that our Father in heaven has instructed that you perform the task of speaking and He will enable you to do as He has instructed.” I look at Jesus and say, “I am not a creator. And I am sinful. I do not have a ‘number’ on my head. And I have not received a robe and crown or the ‘keys’ to a heavenly mansion.”


Jesus places His hands on my shoulders then takes both of my hands. He says, “Remember this is a dream. Remember exactly who you are. You are simply being asked to create. I was an example for you. As I lived without sin, so can you. As I walked on water, so can you. As I spoke and life began, so can you.” Jesus pauses for a moment and smiles at me. Then He says, “Know that this is not about you. It is about everyone understanding who each is.”


I turn and I tell Jesus that if allowed, I want to create something, but it will not be for me but as a testament to the truth of our Creator. I tell Him I know a Universal Memorial will be created on the New Earth and that it will be a memorial to all of what Jesus did. It will be a reminder for eternity for all who visit from across the universe to learn about King Jesus.


I point out toward the vast emptiness of space and command, “Let this area greatly illuminate and let all who come to this bright beacon observe and learn of the testament to the truth of our Creator! Let this area of the universe increase greatly in size.


“Deep within this vastness, let there be three separate groups of constellations. Let each group be made up of seven other constellations, each one in the shape of an infinity symbol. Let those twenty-one constellations come together as a giant ball having the clearly-defined shape of an infinity symbol.


“Let their movement be fluid, always moving in perfect uniformity. Within each constellation, let there be galaxies that move in the form of the infinity symbol.


“Within the galaxies, let planets move constantly in the form of the infinity symbol. Let them move together in perfect timing. On the planets, let there be life as the heavenly Father will allow.


“Place a clear dome over and around everything spoken about here, and mark it to be a reminder to all of the Source of all Love, the Love of the Love of the Love, and the Great Comforter. Let this place be a memorial to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Together they are the Creator.”


With a smile, Jesus looks at me and says, “The one you call the Herald stated you have inherited the Father’s creativity. What you have requested is an easy task for Him.” Jesus points to the vastness of space. Before us I see appear from nothing all that I mentioned, yet much better.


Jesus moves His hand above the enormous dome that encompasses all that was spoken into existence. He says, “This creation will always exist as a memorial of truth. Truth exists because the Father speaks the essence of truth. The hands of Truth hold the deed to everything that appears here.”


When I hear Jesus speak a word, the Herald comes to me and takes my hand. Then we are instantly in space and looking down at the earth as it slowly turns.


As mentioned in the “God Is Angry” dream, I am made to understand that after the righteous have occupied heaven for 1,000 years, Jesus will destroy all evil through the power of the heavenly Father. Because Jesus chose to come to this earth, all that He does now and always will be done only through His heavenly Father. This is why Jesus is called the Love of the Love of the Love.


The Herald tells me that soon this earth will no longer turn. Soon Jesus will raise His hand and fire will fall from the heavens, causing the earth to be consumed, along with all that is within the black veil. The reason for the destruction will be understood when the time of teaching is finished.


As the Herald and I continue viewing the earth turn, the Herald raises his hand and I see a screen display the following.


He [Christ] carries sanctified humanity to heaven, there always to retain humanity as it would have been if man had never violated God’s law. {Manuscript 156, October 26, 1903}


The Herald lowers his hand and the screen disappears. The Herald continues: “You now begin the third month of preparing the messages. Since the time you began, there have been many earthquakes, many fires destroying homes and land, great flooding, and major cold weather with snow storms. There have been volcanoes and reports of pending volcanoes. Lives were lost during the great tornado witnessed in Nashville, Tennessee.


“Besides all these disasters, there is a great sickness ending the life of many in various places in the world. It is to be seen as a symbol of the great moral and spiritual sickness of a perverted and corrupt people around the world.[38] Many products are missing from store shelves. Much talk and precautions are made to stop this disease. World governments strive to end this pandemic. The media is inundated with discussions about this issue.”


The Herald now informs me that even though I am almost done with this dream, I still have more to share. He says, “As you were told before, those who read the dream will not know about the many trials you experienced, the many nights you were awakened, the long days spent in typing, the many corrections that were made, or the attempts Satan made on you. Each time, he and his angels were reminded that you are a servant of God.


“You endured many days and nights with but a few hours of sleep. All heaven knows about the timetable that must be followed. All heaven waits for the coming months. In the halls and courts of heaven, many angels are busy with preparations for the great final moments. We praise God who rules from His throne in heaven, because He will soon send a clear sign to those who keep the manmade laws of this earth and greatly trample on God’s laws.”


The Herald places his hands on my shoulders and tells me that this dream will cause a great stir from those who have set up their own laws. However, those who breathe their disdain against the messages will soon take their last breath. God has said that those who serve in a position of authority, but do not make a stand against the rising moral degradation, will be held accountable. He has said that those with great pride, who are a part of the lifestyles movement that clearly goes against God’s established laws, will be held accountable as well. Some of them will see the destruction He has spoken of many times. The destruction that occurs will affect the entire world.


With the Herald’s hands still on my shoulders, he says: “Remember you are a messenger. You are simply to prepare this message and deliver it. When the message is delivered and understood, you are not the guilty one. You are a messenger giving a warning just as other prophets in the Bible. As it was then, it is today. Most people, especially the leaders, ignore God’s messages until it is too late.”


The Herald pauses, smiles, and says, “This message will reach more people than you realize. Remember who you are. Remember you serve as a messenger. All that is written is not your words but what is instructed by God to be written. It is to be understood they should not complain against you, because your job resembles that of a mailman delivering letters. Those who have a problem with the messages in the letters are to take it to the One who sent the messages—their Creator who gave them breath.”


The Herald pauses again and then tells me: “From where you stand, keep your eyes fixed toward the east. With each breath, watch when God pours out His wrath on those who have trampled and mocked His words. When God releases His wrath, great will be the instant burning and destruction. Along with the sickness that is moving across the world, the earth will move and convulse with earthquakes, floods, fire, freezing temperatures and snow, tornadoes and hurricanes.


“These events will show the wrath of God on an earth filled with sin. The earth will reel at the impact of His might. Nashville will become just a hole in the earth. Let it be remembered that this city will receive God’s wrath because of the choices its inhabitants are making. They are continuing to walk in moral and spiritual darkness, rather than following God’s sacred precepts. It will be as in the days of Sodom. The entire world is sick, because it is a world filled with sin.


“For each who accepts salvation, fully understanding who you are, remember that if it is God’s will, you could choose to speak and a comfortable recliner of water, flowers, and roots would rise to serve you. Or you may want to tell Jesus that you would like to create a great and extremely complex constellation composed of many other constellations. Then it would be formed with a single word, and you will be told that nothing is too difficult for the Creator. As you strive to imitate Jesus, let these examples encourage you to overcome by remaining in constant communion with your heavenly Father.”


The Herald looks back at the slowly turning earth, and says, “Remember when we sat on a down-sloping hill carpeted with flowers and enjoyed looking at a great forest in the distance? Remember when you commanded the earth to prepare a place for us to sit and enjoy the valley view? I remember that we rocked together as we looked at the beautiful scenery.”


The Herald looks at me and this time points at the spinning earth. He explains, “Below are those who no longer walk with God. Below are few who communicate constantly with their Creator. Below are those who no longer want to observe God’s laws, because they have chosen to make their own rules and legislate what they think is best for themselves and everyone else.


“Tell those who grasp the importance of maintaining a constant communication with God that it is important to prepare for the spiritual battle that is escalating. Understand who you are. Do not be afraid, because Jesus has prepared the way. He has provided His spiritual armor and sword that will defeat the enemy. Each may walk into battle fully protected and assured of defeating the evil ones. Each is and will be a prince of the heavenly King.”


Next, the Herald shares the following. “There is still more that you need to include in this dream. There is still much to do, because there is a great work to be done. There is no more time to sit and recline. From the dream titled ‘Much to Do,’ the last thing you were instructed to do in that dream was to ‘Tell them your story and what Jesus said, then we need to get started. We have much to do and little time.’ These words still apply now. We still have much to do and there is very little time. In spite of all that has been explained in this message, many still will not understand who they are.”


So that I have time to understand what the Herald said, he is quiet as he watches the earth turn. Again I think of all that I have been asked to prepare over the last two months. I think how day after day, I slept only a few hours before hearing a gentle voice instruct me to wake up and continue with the messages. The words were constantly brought back to my memory as I typed. I was instructed of corrections and additional information to add, as well as footnotes to include.


The Herald begins again. “Several months ago, you were instructed to share a private message with someone, and you did. Now you are to share it in this dream, and some who read it will know through the Holy Spirit that it is also meant for them. To share the message, you are to assign a gender and change the name.”


As I watch the earth spin, I hear my heavenly name called. I know it is the voice of the Guide angel. When I look up, I see him quickly descend, as if just sent to speak with me. When he approaches me, he says, “I am to take you to a place immediately. I will explain while we travel. May I have your right hand?”


The Guide takes my hand, and we immediately ascend. He explains that we will be escorted to a place so that I may document what I see, but more importantly what I hear. He explains that what I will observe is to help me understand later. I will be shown an image of the heavenly Father in a certain way so that I can report what I observe. I do not wonder where the Guide and I are going but about what he explains. He assures me by saying, “You are not to fear, because no harm will come to you. You will be instructed in small parts, and then you will be told when and how you are to share this.”


I look down and notice we are descending to the top of a large granite mountain. It is a place where large parts of the mountain could be used in construction where much granite is needed. Next, the Guide tells me that we have arrived early. As I smile, I tell him I understand that we hurried so we could wait. He smiles and says, “Patience is a great character trait.”


After a few seconds, he says, “You will not be seen, but you will see and hear all. Prepare the things you see and hear. You will be given further instructions when the time is correct.”


I look up at the rich blue sky. There is a comfortable and gentle breeze blowing, and the air is very fresh. When I glance to the right, I notice coming from the east a small, bright white cloud moving very fast. I turn and face the cloud as it quickly becomes larger, whiter, and brighter while coming closer to the mountain I stand on. It approaches very near to where I am, slows down, and comes close to the ground. Parts of the cloud flow downward to where I am. During this time, everything was quiet.


Now I see several angels with trumpets quickly descend from the cloud. They form a line and stand turned at an angle to the left and right while facing the great white cloud. When they lift their trumpets and play a sound as if announcing someone important, I notice what looks like an older individual walking slowly down what resembles a ramp. I have decided to say it is a female in this dream. I know she cannot see me. Many other angels follow behind her. She walks slowly as if having a little trouble. I am thinking that she must be very important.


I watch as she walks around the top of the mountain. She does not see the angels or notice the cloud she came on. She did not even hear the great fanfare that the angels played to announce her arrival. She looks like someone who only sees herself and feels alone. Her face shows stress, as if she has judged herself a constant failure in battle. I wonder who she is and why she looks that way when she has so many angels with her. The Guide says that what I am seeing is how she feels right now.


Then I look up and see a very large brightness coming from the sky. The light contains the form of a man as it quickly descends and stands in front of the woman. She looks at the light and immediately becomes afraid. A voice I immediately recognize begins talking to the woman. He says to her, “You do not need to fear, as I AM the One who is and will always be the I AM. I had you brought here, because I have heard your heart crying out to Me.” He reaches out, takes hold of her hands, and says: “This is similar to the time when I met with Moses, who was physically impaired. He served with his disability and overcame much to become one who served greatly. When Moses stood before Me, I commanded him to remove his shoes, because the ground on which he stood was holy. As it was with Moses, the ground you stand on is holy. Remove your shoes, because they desecrate this place. You are one of those who are My crowning act of creation.” I realize that in this comment, God the Father shows that with the creation of man, with that breath of air He breathed into the dirt, all mankind is God’s crowning act of creation because they are created in His image.


Next, the heavenly Father tells her that they should get comfortable. He looks at the granite and speaks. The rock rises up and forms into a large, circular chair. He says, “Before we sit down we need to form it to be more comfortable for you.” He speaks, and on top of the granite appears wood that shapes itself to be comfortable when it is sat on. The wood is not just boards, but ornate, creatively crafted wood that forms into a chair. He smiles and says, “We need one more thing. The seat needs to be made softer and the right temperature—not too hot or too cold.” He speaks, and a cushion of water forms on top of the wood.


The Father continues by saying, “We should always place ourselves on a solid foundation. It has been stated that the wood is truth. My Son showed the truth when He was crucified on the wood. It is very important to understand that My Son came to this earth not as a deity with great powers, but as a man created as you were. He did much by simply speaking, but His words were commanded through My name. The water refers to the Holy Spirit, the Great Comforter. He is always with you.”


Now the Father tells her that six thousand years of sin has brought disease and suffering on His creations. Smiling at her, He adds, “As Moses was burdened with physical imperfections, I can use you to do even the simplest things.” As she stands there embarrassed, He asks her, “Why do you feel embarrassed?” After a short pause while she thinks about it, He smiles and says, “Let us sit and talk.” When He speaks, both float up from their standing position and descend to sit inside the circular chair. Smiling again at her, He says, “It would feel good to soak our feet in warm water.” Suddenly, water flows up from the bottom of the chair and begins to bubble. While smiling, He leans back and says, “This feels good.”


The woman sits troubled, with her arms crossed in front of her. Her heavenly Father smiles and with great patience, He brings her much peace and comfort with His words. Then He pulls out a clear, heart-shaped pillow, as if from His chest. Along the edge is something that resembles a vibrant red bead sewn into the pillow. He tells her to take the pillow, which is like His heart, and hold it close to her chest. She takes the pillow and clutches it tightly. He leans forward, smiles at her and says, “My child, I look forward to the day when we can sit and talk face to face.” He pauses for a moment and then begins talking again. “You feel as if you do not walk next to me. In truth, I do not walk next to you. I carry you. With great joy, I cuddle you in My arms. In your heart, I see one whom I created, and I look forward to the time when you will not be burdened with affliction.”


Next, the Father reaches over, takes her hands, and explains the following. “You are My beloved Bethany. [I used this name, since I am not to use the real name.] You do not know who you are. Satan knows very well who you are, and you allow him to torment you. You are to know one very important thing: You are My daughter. You are the sister of My Son. Why do you think I would care less for you than for My Son? Why do you think I would love you less than I love My Son? Just as My Son, Jesus, commanded Satan to leave Him when He was tempted in the wilderness, all you need to do is, like Him, command the demonic forces away. My beloved Bethany, speak aloud with great confidence, knowing you hold My heart next to your own heart. Command away those who try to oppress and depress you. Great are the things you can do by stating a simple command.”


The Father continues: “You are human, as was Jesus. Yet He spoke, and those who were dead came to life again. Many were hungry and in need of food. He spoke and from His lips came words that resulted in fish and bread to feed a great multitude. From pitchers filled with water came grape juice for a wedding. Sight was given to the blind. Many who had lost parts of their flesh due to leprosy were healed and restored. Many who could not speak or hear were given the ability again. Demons were cast out from many who were possessed, and those individuals walked free from oppression. Satan oppresses you, because he does not want you to know who you are. Bethany, you are My beloved child. You must understand who you are. Satan knows very well who you are, and you allow him to torment you. You are to know one very important thing: you are My daughter. You are the sister of My Son. Why would you even consider that I would care less for you than for My Son? Why do you think I would love you less than I love My Son?


“You state that you are filled with jealousy and that you break down with anger when you remember past issues. I have sent messages saying that these imperfections must be removed from the character. I said that I would bring these instances to memory so each can ask for forgiveness.”


The Father tells her that He instructed these words to be written and recorded to help strengthen the spiritual life of His people. He points to the side of the circular chair and I read these words:


All who endeavor to excuse or conceal their sins, and permit them to remain upon the books of heaven, unconfessed and unforgiven, will be overcome by Satan. The more exalted their profession, and the more honorable the position which they hold, the more grievous is their course in the sight of God, and the more certain the triumph of the great adversary. Conflict and Courage, p. 69


It is the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, which Jesus said he would send into the world, that changes our character into the image of Christ; and when this is accomplished, we reflect, as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord. That is, the character of the one who thus beholds Christ is so like his, that one looking at his sees Christ’s own character shining out as from a mirror. Imperceptibly to ourselves, we are changed day by day from our own ways and will into the ways and will of Christ, into the loveliness of his character. Thus we grow up into Christ, and unconsciously reflect his image. The Review and Herald, April 28, 1891


The Father now declares: “When I see a sincere, repentant heart, I can forgive, and then I forget. In the same way, you need to forgive and then forget. Putting away these things will give you a walk of peace. Never focus on your own self. Instead, place your focus on others and what you can do to help them.


“You—My child—one who holds My heart: Claim Me as your Father and command in the name of Jesus. With the authority of who you are, command that Satan and his demonic angels leave you alone. Then command the angels who have been sent to protect and serve you. You do not see them, but they are always there. If they wait for instructions from Jesus, why would you think they do not wait to hear a command spoken from your lips? Who are you? You are the sister of My Son! You are My daughter, My beloved Bethany!”


Now the Father points to the right and says, “Let me show you who you are.” Instantly, a video scene appears in the area to her left and His right. The setting is after the earth made new. Bethany is walking into the courts of heaven with an attitude of authority that commands respect. She walks and talks like the princess that she is. I watch her invite several thousand angels to accompany her, and with great joy, they volunteer to follow her. They leave on an enormous cloud and travel quickly to a distant planet somewhere in the universe. Several angels with trumpets and angels who excel in speed travel ahead to prepare for the visit. Upon arrival, they explain to the newly created beings that soon a daughter of the heavenly Father will arrive with a message for them. The angels instruct them to prepare for her. Happily, they do so and then await Bethany’s arrival.


Soon I see the beings looking up as the white cloud approaches their planet. Trumpets sound and excitement fills the air. While the heavenly Father and Bethany watch the scene of what could happen in the future, I hear the Father say: “If you are faithful, you will go to tell them who Jesus is and that you are His sister. You will tell them who you are! You will fully understand this as you read and reread My message, ‘Do You Know Who You Are?’ It will be your task to create places of education for beings throughout the universe and those who will be created. When you share, you will speak and a structure will rise from the ground as a testament to all of who My Son is and all He gave up to be your Brother. The beings will learn that Jesus is their Savior because of what He did on earth.”


After I awake and before I continue preparing this dream, I understand who this dream is for. It is intended for those who maintain a constant communion with their heavenly Father. It is for those who adhere to the laws and rules that He established in heaven immediately after Truth was spoken into existence and before angels were created. It is for those who are greatly loved more than they know. They will do great and tremendous things when they fully understand who they are. In the words of the Father, they are His beloved children!


When I begin to document more of this dream, I remember and understand what was just shared with me. The previous message ends and the next message begins.


I hear the Guide speak my heavenly name. I am still standing on top of the large mountain. Besides the granite rocks, I see the special place the heavenly Father had created for His personal visit with the one I called Bethany. The Guide tells me that many will not understand all that has gone into the preparation of this dream. He explains that within this dream there are many messages. Those who read this message very carefully can find new insights. There is much to be discovered from deep study. Those who read quickly will miss much of what God has shared.


The Guide extends his hand, and up from the large granite mountain top rises solid granite that becomes a very intricate bench of water. Calling me by my heavenly name, the Guide looks at me and says, “It was through the Father’s power that this bench was formed from the granite.” The Guide walks over to the bench and asks me to sit down with him. He begins by saying, “It will soon be three months since you began typing the dream. Because it is very long, there is much to comprehend. Those who read it will not know all that has taken place during the instruction and preparation. Many trips were made back and forth by those who were dispatched from the Father’s throne. They shared with you what to write about and what to correct.” The Guide looks over at me, smiles, and says, “Some have accumulated many air miles.”


The Guide continues, “It is with a joyful heart that you will prepare the beginning of the last portion of this dream. It is to end as it began. However, the ending of this dream will include new light. You recall that I said if you are instructed to walk down a path and it is daytime, your way would be well lit. However, if you were instructed to walk down the same path and it was at night in the dark, you would want a flashlight with new batteries. If you plan to travel down a long dark path, you would get new batteries for your flashlight, because you would want to have a very bright flashlight. To be able to see and avoid tripping over many obstacles, you would need new light. In this part of the dream something will be shown that is to be seen as new light. Individuals who do not accept and believe this new light will trip over their preconceived ideas. As we walk together down this path, it is important that the way be well lit, so everything can be seen and understood. In this dream, the Father has decided to present something new. He wants everyone to understand that He is the Creator and there are no limits to His wisdom and creative power. He will continue to create forever. Remember that He never creates just to create. Everything He does is perfect and planned through to the end.”


Suddenly, I hear my heavenly name spoken and I look up to see the sky illuminate because countless angels are descending. I recognize Perceivous and the Announcing angel with them and wonder why so many angels have been sent.


Now Perceivous asks me to come with her to the classroom, because there is much to be shown there. I extend my hand and once again I am back in the familiar room, sitting in the student chair. In front is the wall where things appear. She says, “You were told that this dream will end as it began. I was instructed to begin showing you the first of several examples to help everyone understand.” She extends her hand and points to the wall. “If you recall, almost three months ago this dream began as follows.”


We walked through an open door. I immediately saw a young woman sitting on a bed with her feet tucked in close to her body. She was crying and clutching her knees and legs close to her body.


There were several angels standing and some sitting on the bed next to her. The angels that were standing had spread their wings as if a canopy covering her. Others comforted her by placing their arms and hands over her. She did not know the angels were there or that they reached out to her. I am told that she did not know that the angels wept along with her.


As if understanding that this was a solemn moment of quietness, I asked what was wrong. All the angels looked at me with tears streaming down their faces. Then I noticed that many of the angels sitting with her were Perceivous. I immediately felt a cold remorse. I looked at Perceivous who stood holding my right hand. My eyes began to water. She smiled at me and told me, “Many still do not know who they are! She had conceived, and a child had begun growing in her womb of life. However, because of sin the baby ceased living. It still needs to be understood that a baby is not just a baby. The importance of each baby needs understanding.”


Perceivous continues, “As soon as each of you begins life, you receive a great heritage. You are a direct child of the Father Himself. You could be either a prince or a princess. Each of you needs to understand the importance of each egg, which when it is fertilized, becomes who each of you is. We will discuss more about that later.


“First understand that each one who is born is important to the Father. You also need to better understand the importance of each one who is born but not given an opportunity to live beyond the first breath.” She asks if I recall the following that I was shown in the dream “A Child Named Promise.” The wall displays this:


I see the young couple at the funeral. I see the small casket lowered into the ground. The minister says that this little one sleeps until that glorious day when Jesus descends from the heavens and calls for His people to awake. He will call for the innocents to arise and be placed back in the arms of their faithful mothers.


“However, what about women in heaven who on earth conceived and miscarried?


“What about women who carried life in them for nine months, as God designed, who went through great pain but the newborn created in God’s image died soon after birth?


“What about the mothers who lost a child during the toddler years?


“What about women who were never mothers but had a nurturing nature?”


Perceivous continues, “Know that many innocents lie sleeping in the ground. Because of sin, many of them did not make it to the day of their birth. Some died while they were still growing in the womb. Others were purposely removed from the womb as a result of a forced conception, or because of the partners’ immaturity or lack of spiritual integrity. Regardless of circumstances, these innocents belong to God and are covered with the ‘white blanket of innocence.’”


Perceivous smiles and says, “This provides another glimpse into the marvelous truth about how humans are covered with Christ’s righteousness. All children before the age of accountability, as well as aborted and miscarried babies, are accounted by God as not having rebelled or deliberately disobeyed His commandments. Therefore, the robe of Christ’s righteousness will be placed on them, and God will welcome them into His kingdom. While you inherit the tendency to sin, there is no such thing as original sin. You are not born in sin; you choose to sin or to obey.


“What I explain to you now is in a way that all may better understand the logistics and dynamics of God’s great plan. He will fulfil a promise to return each child to the arms of a waiting mother.”


After a short moment of silence, Perceivous says, “I am to teach you more regarding the innocents. You will see that they are two groups. The first group is composed of those who have taken their first breath as a newborn. Some have lived but a few seconds; others, a few years. However, they are those who have not reached the age of accountability.


“Later we will spend time discussing the second group which is composed of those given the spark of life but never completed growing into a child that would result in a birth. These include those who come forth from the surface of the earth as a small ball of light. They were never given the chance to develop, leave the womb, and take their first breath.”


Perceivous says that for now, we will focus our thoughts on those in the first group—those who were newborn and those who died before reaching the age of accountability. She says, “You will recall that at the beginning of this message we were in a hospital delivery room watching a woman and her husband who were about to become parents. Many in attendance around the mother-to-be were busy with their assigned tasks. A short moment later we all heard the sound of a newborn crying loudly. An infant had just been born. The doctor said that he would now cut the umbilical cord. The attending nurse handed the doctor a surgical instrument. Suddenly, all became quiet and those in attendance immediately rushed to a table with the newborn. The child died moments after being born. You looked at the mother laying on the delivery bed and her husband next to her. You saw the nurse walk over and explain that the child died due to complications. You will recall that I, as many, stood around the mother. The husband’s legs became weak, and he fell to the floor, unable to stand.


“Then you were shown a scene of an accident. You saw a young mother driving her car, and her four young children were with her. There was a toddler and three other small children; the youngest was an infant. All four children died. At this accident you saw many angels with their hands at their sides. They had been instructed not to assist, but to lower their ever-helping hands and provide no protection. You saw tears running down the faces of all those angels.”


Perceivous explains the importance of even a small child’s life that is taken in an accident. Each belongs to their heavenly Father who sees them as precious in His sight. Perceivous tells me that as individuals watch current events, they will notice how many innocents have been laid to rest. In this year of seeing clearly many will take their last breath. They are ones who became very sick or did not survive an accident. Others experienced a catastrophic flood, tornado, hurricane, and so on. What about the innocents throughout history whose lives were cut short due to wars or the cruelty of mankind?


The wall displays the following:


“Soldiers were at once sent to Bethlehem, with orders to put to death all the children of two years and under. The quiet homes of the city of David witnessed those scenes of horror that, six hundred years before, had been opened to the prophet. ‘In Ramah was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.’ … This act of cruelty was one of the last that darkened the reign of Herod. Soon after the slaughter of the innocents, he was himself compelled to yield to that doom which none can turn aside. He died a fearful death.” The Desire of Ages, p. 66.


Perceivous continues: “This is only one example that is recorded. Even today many evil world leaders have called for the extermination of so many innocent ones. Some exterminate due to overpopulation or because of being a certain gender.”


Perceivous becomes quiet again. Then she tells me the number is great of those who sleep in the ground. Great are those beginning with the innocent ones that took their first breath to those before the age of accountability. Each waiting innocent one will be called up by the voice of the One who is their Savior, the very One who places a special robe over them because each is one of His innocent ones. The first group is composed of those who took their first breath and will wear the robe of innocence. A promise was made to return each to the arms of the one who carries the title of mother. But only if that mother is given also the title of faithful, a commandment keeper, one who held the precepts of God close to her heart.


Perceivous emphasizes the importance of knowing that each mother who has lost an infant after birth and remains faithful, a promise is given that her child will be returned to her arms. Many angels with great joy will ask to assist each mother. Perceivous says that there are many of these young ones who sleep and wait for Jesus to gently call them to awake. It is over six thousand years of ones who will wear a robe marked as an innocent. It is a tremendous number of those who are presented before God, knowing that the blood of Jesus is sufficient for each of them.


Perceivous is quiet then looks over at me sitting on the student chair. The text on the wall disappears. She begins by explaining that the details must be understood about when Jesus returns and calls for the innocent ones who sleep in the ground to rise in the air to meet Him. Each is marked on the forehead with a special symbol to show it is an innocent one.


She continues, “But there is a second group who are those that break from the surface of the earth as a small ball of light. They were never given the chance to take their first breath outside the womb. We will discuss those in detail later.


“For now we will focus on those children who are old enough to no longer need a nursery. Also included will be infants who require feeding in a way that the female of mankind will no longer be able to do, because in heaven they will no longer be male or female but as us who are angels.[39]


“There will be many children attended by angels who will seek out their mother. As promised, the angels will place those children into their mother’s arms. But for those mothers who lost a child at the onset of birth, would it be correct to place a grown child in the arms of a mother where that would negate the very reason a mother was created to nurture and to raise up a child? Where would the great blessing in being a mother be for an infant to be placed into the arms of a mother as a toddler? You will recall that God the Creator always creates after careful planning and then pronounces it good.”


Perceivous walks to the side of the classroom, and now the Announcing angel walks to the front while all that was written on the wall disappears.


Next, the Announcing angel smiles and tells me that all who have watched the Creator bring something out of nothing have seen that everything is good. It is also very important to understand that He always plans before He creates. The dream, “Do You Know Who You Are?” explained the Godhead’s discussions about certain individuals who would be called to serve, such as Enoch, Abraham, David, Elijah, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, John the Baptist, Christ’s disciples, Stephen and many others mentioned in the Bible. There were also plans for Ellen White to write out testimonies and instructions for not only Seventh-day Adventists but also the world.


Some were planned to serve as symbols during the last days. For example, one is to serve as a symbol of John the Baptist to announce the second coming of Jesus, just as the biblical John the Baptist announced the first coming of Jesus. Others were planned to serve as symbols of the Early and Latter Rain, the Alpha and the Omega, as well as God’s perfect church.


There is another I am to tell you about who was spoken of before the foundations of the earth were formed. She is also one called to serve as a symbol. I am not to share her real name but will refer to her as Divinia. This name means “beloved, divine, and heavenly.” She is called to serve at the very end of earth’s history. If she is faithful, she will also serve as planned in the new beginning.


When she grew up, she had a deep desire to care for expectant mothers and their newborn babies. Because of that, she spent years learning how to be a labor and delivery nurse. Then she served in preparing mothers who would soon give birth. After the child was born, she instructed the mother how to care for the newborn. Divinia worked directly with the mother and newborn during that special time of bonding. She was also there to comfort mothers if their little ones fell asleep in the arms of Jesus. She was not aware that she worked along with Perceivous. Divinia birthed and cared for her own children. Even to this day, she continues to serve as a nurse.


Divinia would like much time with the Creator to discuss her many questions and what she did not understand while caring for the innocent ones. She longs to sit down and speak with her heavenly Father about what she has observed and does not understand.


She has shared her desire to serve as one who would assist in caring for the little ones in heaven. Divinia fully understands that her privilege of speaking directly with her Father in heaven is because of Jesus and His great sacrifice. She has spent hours privately conversing with her heavenly Father about it. Yet she does not know that He listens very closely to all of her thoughts and questions. The Father longs for the day when He can hold her on His lap and ask her to pull out her list of questions.


Divinia has thought about the innocents who did not even have a chance to walk or run. Many of them will not have their mothers in heaven, because God decided they would not be happy there. They never accepted Jesus as their Savior in order to receive everlasting life. On judgment day, they will hold their robe in their childless arms. Those mothers could have watched as Jesus placed a special crown and robe on their child. If faithful, they could have worn their own robe and held and cared for their child. After a thousand years, those children will have grown to adulthood and will receive keys to their own mansion.


Divinia has wondered about the great number of little ones in the grave now who will be in heaven and wear a crown and a white robe with a red border on the hem.[40] They are innocents who are covered by the blood of Jesus.


Divinia has asked her heavenly Father in prayer about who will teach and care for the children in heaven as they grow. Her heart has a concern for them, because this is how she was created to be. She was planned and will be called at a time when she is needed to fulfill a certain task. All that God plans is good.


As a nurse, Divinia communed with the Father as she witnessed the miracle of a new life as well as the end of a life, both a reminder of a promise. However, she was puzzled about how a mother would feed her infant if it was placed in her arms when she arrived through the gates of heaven.


Now the Announcing angel reminds me about the accident scene when the young mother lost her four very young children. Would she be able to care for her infants in heaven?


Divinia also wanted to know about the great many women who wished for the opportunity to serve as a mother because they were never able to on earth. Could these individuals possibly care for those infants? However, she wondered how a mother or someone who wished to serve as a mother would be able to care for an undeveloped fetus.


The Announcing angel pauses for a time. It is as if I can take time to think about all he has explained. He continues by telling me that I have been shown much about the first group. They are the innocents—the babies, the toddlers, and those on up to the age of accountability. When Jesus returns, they will be called up from the ground to wear a robe of that of an innocent. For the toddler, it will be a great joy for each to be returned to their mother.


The first group also includes those who were just born but died soon after. Everyone will rejoice to see the newborns wrapped in their white robe of innocence and placed in the arms of their mother. However, there is more to be considered about how infants will be cared for when mothers are no longer female.


The Announcing angel pauses for a moment and then says, “You will recall in the dream titled, ‘A Child Named Promise,’ that you could feel the softness of the cloud beneath your bare feet. You saw countless angels holding infants or with small children by their side. With tears of happiness running down your face, you witnessed as angels approached certain mothers who had lost their little ones and returned their children to them. Thus God’s promise is fulfilled. Angels care for others who wait for parents. However, they still have their heavenly Father, and each one is His child. In spite of all you were shown in that dream, you need to understand more about what is to be.”


He continues, “It is important to understand the timing of the fulfillment of this promise. It is not until the cloud arrives at the gates of heaven that some mothers will receive the fulfilment of God’s promise—the return of their children. Their young ones will be taught in the school system of heaven.”


Next, the Announcing angel says that I am to include the following from the dream called “A Child Named Promise.” He raises his right hand and the following is displayed:


As I stand there in awe over all that I see, I realize something I had never noticed. None of the babies cry. Instead, as they are returned to the waiting arms of their mother, each little innocent smiles or laughs. The mothers’ joyful tears at the fulfilment of God’s promise are a testimony to the love that flows from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Next, I am taken to the same couple I saw earlier whose infant was laid to rest. I watch as this same baby who was removed from these parents is returned to them. Why was that infant removed from the parents? Why was the infant returned? “In the heart of Jesus, There is love for you, Love most pure and tender, Love most deep and true.”


As the great cloud travels to heaven, I see infants and children being cared for by angels. Their parents were not saved due to their unfaithfulness. I watch angels approach those saved who were not able to have children on earth. They are asked whether they would like to care for one or more of these children. No one is forced to do so, because the heavenly Father never forces. Some will inquire for themselves. Others will receive children later. It will be done in God’s way and in His time, because He is always correct.


Now I notice certain men and women in heaven who were never married on earth because they were seen as undesirable. Yet they longed to have a family and children. Now they wait for one or more children. They are not male and female or husband and wife, but become friends who join as one to raise innocent children together. They teach them about the great love and work of the heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.


As I look out over the cloud, I see the countless of the redeemed from the beginning of the earth. Some stand with a lofty height; some do not have parents. Yet they all have one thing in common: Jesus is their Savior. I have absolutely no words to explain what I witness before me, except for these very precious words: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Love! It is the love of the great I AM—a love of the love of the love that is the Source of all love. They are Love. Even if we remain faithful, we are still unworthy to receive that incredible love that has been given so freely. It is because of God’s great love that we can receive a crown and robe.


The Herald takes my hand, and I am immediately back in the corridor. He patiently waits while I get my emotions under control so that I can once again serve. After a while he reminds me that I serve as a messenger. What I am shown is revealed in a way that all may understand.


I now stand with the Herald as an observer. He explains that he is to show me a certain event that will take place after the 1,000 years in heaven. The Great Heavenly City has descended upon the plain Jesus prepared. He is sitting up high on His throne and is about to call the final judgment upon the wicked outside the Holy City. Those who have served in the temple for the 144,000 have finished reviewing the records. Those who were babies and children are the only ones who will grow in heaven. The rest keep their same height. In the New Earth, everyone will grow to the height of Adam.


Now I am looking at the innocents who stand as adults with their crowns of pure light. I notice their crowns are unlike all other crowns. Each fits perfectly around the forehead. Along the many bars that make up the crown are thin, bright beams of light that project outward at different angles. It resembles the reverse of the crown of thorns that Jesus wore. The crowns will be like beacons for all to see, and constant reminders of their innocence, death, and resurrection to eternal life. In the same way, Jesus was innocent yet put to death, and was resurrected to eternal life.


The innocents, now grown to adulthood, rise to the top of the city wall. I watch them as they look out over the vast multitude of the wicked with their innocent, childlike eyes. I watch as, for the first time ever, with their innocent eyes, they see for themselves the evidences of what sin has done. They look upon Satan and his angels and then look at the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the great number of angels that did not follow Satan. They see how the wicked have lost the glory that the Great Creator created them with. They look upon those who are lost and have the distinct mark of sin, because they followed Satan rather than accepting Jesus. The unsaved came up from the ground with the same degrading, sinful look as when they were put into the ground.


The innocents look back at the redeemed, then at the innumerable multitude of people who did not accept the free gift of eternal life. The innocents understand who Jesus is, what He gave up, why He came to the earth, why He died, and why He will serve as the King of the Universe. Tears flow down their faces, because for the first time they witness sin with their innocent eyes. For the first time they see what Satan has done. I watch as they are comforted by those who adopted them.


The Herald takes my hand, and I am immediately in the corridor again. He says that he is to show me something else. I quickly wonder how with all I have been shown that there could possibly be anything else. He smiles and says, “Eye has not seen and ear has not heard.”


The Announcing angel becomes very quiet. He moves to stand directly in front of me but a short distance away. I notice that the Guide angel stands to the left of him. On the right side, Perceivous stands next to the Announcing angel. Then I notice a great throng of angels standing behind them. There are so many different kinds of angels assembled that it seems as if it is an infinitude of angels—an infinite number that would be extremely difficult to know. They stand as myriad legions of angels, all with the purpose of serving.


The Announcing angel steps forward, and with a solemn face, he asks, “What about all those who were never born, like the embryos? What about those who are not toddlers or young children who could be given back to their mother?”


The Announcing angel steps back, then Perceivous walks over and stands closely in front of me. She smiles that special smile that I know is from the source of patience and love. She takes both my hands, and we begin to slowly rise off the ground. As we do, all the angels remain below, and then I see an overwhelming view of the enormous “ocean” of many different types of angels. When I look down at the horizon from left to right, I see much more clearly the incredible number of angels that serve together as one.


I ask Perceivous, “Why am I being shown all these angels when you said we are discussing embryos that have never taken their first breath?” She replies, “Notice what I shared with you before.” She points to my right and I see the following words appear:


“I am to teach you more regarding the innocents. You will see that they are two groups. The first group is composed of those who have taken their first breath as a newborn. Some have lived but a few seconds; others, a few years. However, they are those who have not reached the age of accountability.


“Later we will spend time discussing the second group which is composed of those given the spark of life but never completed growing into a child that would result in a birth. These include those who come forth from the surface of the earth as a small ball of light. They were never given the chance to develop, leave the womb, and take their first breath.”


Perceivous moves her hand and what I saw on my right disappears. I notice her special blue wings begin extending out as if flowing from her like a mist or a continuously-moving fabric.


She explains, “As we begin to discuss the second group, there needs to be a better understanding. First, you will recall that in the dream ‘A Child Named Promise,’ you were shown the following.” She raises her hand and these words appear on the wall.


I now stand on the earth as an observer. The ground that Satan has walked on is broken apart in many different places. It is the sign that sin is widespread. I look upward and see Jesus in the sky. He has just finished blowing His trumpet. As I have seen before, I know this is His Second Coming─a promise He made to all. I quickly remember His words of leaving this earth so that He could prepare a place for His people and return for them.


Next, I see that worldwide the ground is opening up. It is no longer able to keep the saints where they were placed as a seed, waiting for Jesus, the Great Harvester, to gather His fruits. To give eternal life to His people, He died on the cross where His blood was placed into the earth, and He entered the tomb and was raised. At the command of Jesus, I now observe the righteous, from the beginning of the earth, awake from the depths of the ground or the oceans. Their bodies are made new and perfect, with no sign of sin. As I look into the eyes of Jesus, I immediately have an overwhelming sensation of instantly receiving a whole new body.


Perceivous explains that this dream showed those above the age of accountability called from their graves. As she speaks, the following appears for me to read:


What about the countless embryos?


What about those who need to grow in a womb, but there are no wombs for them?


What about all those who were aborted?


What about all those who were miscarried?


What about all those who were never able to grow until the time when an embryo would become a child, ready for its first breath?


Perceivous moves her arm again and all that I saw disappears. Now she tells me that we need to go back to the beginning to learn the basics. She says, “In the dream ‘A Child Named Promise’ is a part that requires review. We need to look again at seeds and eggs. The Herald explained it in much detail.” When she raises her hand, I see the following appear on the wall.


The Herald has now taken me and I stand in a large field. Several angels stand next to us. They each hold a bag full of seeds. The Herald walks over to one of the angels and takes a handful of seeds from the bag. He tells me that these bags hold many seeds. Then he begins to explain that these are only seeds. He asks, “Are these plants? Are these flowers? Are these trees? Are these corn? Are these watermelons? Are these peppers?” He answers, “No, these are only seeds.” He reaches down and makes a small, straight row in the soil. Then he takes some of the seeds and distributes them along the row. He covers up the seeds with the dirt alongside the row. As we stand there, a gentle rain begins to fall. Then the rain stops and the sun shines brightly. Next, I see a very bright light shine from heaven on the seeds that were placed in the dirt. Instantly, plants of different kinds start growing up through the soil.


The Herald explains that all life comes through the heavenly Father, through Jesus, and through the Holy Spirit. The Herald was allowed to assist in giving life to the plants, to serve as a pro-creator. However, he did not give life to the plants but simply placed the seeds in the earth, nurtured, trained, and watered them. Water is essential for plants to grow. Otherwise, they will wither and die. In the same way, we must have the Holy Spirit, represented by water, so that we do not wither and die spiritually. It is equally important that plants receive sunshine in order to grow as they should. In the same way, we need the Sun of Righteousness. Without God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the seed is just a seed. It is God who gives life to the plants, and this life is His. The Herald continues by telling me that the plants do not belong to him; they belong to God.


I am instantly standing next to a chicken coop that is fenced, so that other animals cannot get inside. I notice many chickens walking around. Some are in the nesting boxes. The Herald tells me these are female chickens. We walk into the coop and he shows me several eggs in one of the nests. He tells me these are chicken eggs. Next he says to notice that here in this chicken coop there are only hens and eggs. He tells me three times that the eggs are only eggs.


Next I am taken to another chicken coop. The Herald says to notice that not only are there many hens, but there are also several roosters. He explains that the hen is the female and the rooster is the male. He tells me that after a rooster fertilizes the hen, the egg that she lays is no longer just an egg. Three times he says to notice that the egg is no longer just an egg but that now it contains life. In the egg is what in time will become another chicken. Placed around the inside of this precious egg is a membrane that will hold the needed water for it to grow. The hen will sit for hours to keep the egg warm, just as the sun warmed the plants. Placed under this hen is a life that will be nurtured and cared for until the time when a baby chicken emerges from the eggshell.


Next, the Herald shares that he simply put the seeds in the ground, covered them with dirt, watered them, and let the sun shine on them. However, it was the Creator who gave life. The hen and rooster simply do what they are created to do. The hen does not create the egg; it only lays the egg, as hens are designed to do. The rooster does not create the egg; it simply fertilizes the egg, as roosters are designed to do. Just as the Creator planned, fertilized eggs become chickens.


The Herald and I now return to the young couple who discovered they were going to have a child. The husband’s seed fertilized the wife’s egg; then the fertilized egg was placed in her womb, as it was designed to be. In what seems like only brief moments, but actually over many months, we watch the wife’s body change while carrying a growing child in her womb.


When that special day arrives, the mother gives birth. I know that no man can understand the great love a mother can have for the infant she has given birth to. For many months she and that baby have been as one. An even closer bond forms as she begins to feed and care for her newborn.


Perceivous smiles and then very gently, with a feeling of great peace, she says: “There is another part of that dream which requires reviewing.” Now the following appears.


I am in the temple of the 144,000 and see a couple watching what I call a video of someone who did not get to heaven. After the video ends, the two exit the temple and begin talking about what they watched. This couple was married on earth, but in heaven they are not husband and wife nor male and female. (Please note: In the parts of this dream that discuss heavenly matters, male and female terms are used for the sake of understanding. In heaven and the new earth, humans will not have the physical characteristics of male or female. However, they will retain their male or female personalities. “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” Matthew 22:30.) The couple will be together as best of friends forever. I seem to know that they have been in heaven for only a short time, and that the earth has not yet been made new.


Just ahead of them is a little child about two years old. I knew that this child, aborted on the earth, would have been a boy. Even though he was discarded, he still belonged to His heavenly Father who created him. They walk towards the child who sits alone on the grass. Butterflies, birds, and other animals surround him. Sitting down next to him, the man asks what he is doing. The boy looks up and says that he was wishing he had someone to play with. The man asks, “Where are your parents?” The boy answers that he does not think he has parents there. The man and woman look at each other. Then the man asks the little boy what he would like to do. He says he would love to play chase. The man and woman laugh and say that they do not believe he would have a chance, since they are so much bigger. Then the man tells the boy that they would love to play with him and asks if he would like to come with them. The boy smiles a big smile and says he would love to go with them. Because God would not force the child on this couple, they could have simply said hello and continued on with what they were doing. The little boy would have continued to wait.


As they all stand up, the boy looks at the temple and then back at the couple. He asks, “You were inside; you are “those,” aren’t you? They smile and answer, “Yes.” Reaching down, the man takes the child’s right hand and the woman takes his left hand. They start walking and talking. Soon they arrive at the woman’s mansion.


Jesus is there with them. I understand that Jesus is with each of the redeemed forever. As the man looks at Jesus, he asks if they can have a large sandbox to play in. Jesus looks at the man as if thinking about what they are going to do and replies, “Yes, absolutely.” When the man, woman, and little boy climb into the large sandbox, the man looks at Jesus again, and I know that he would like to ask for something very special. He asks Jesus if he can have some toy cars, trucks, tractors, and bulldozers. Jesus looks at the man as if remembering His own toys as a boy on earth. He smiles a very large smile and again answers, “Yes, absolutely.”


Now the man and child sit down in the sandbox with all the new toys and begin to play together. The woman looks down at them and says she is going to get some food for them and will be back soon. As the man and boy continue to play, the man teaches the boy how to make roads and tunnels the way it was done on earth. The little child laughs at the motor sounds the man makes and quickly starts making the same sounds.


What seems like moments later, but roads and tunnels later, the woman returns with a large platter of food. She spreads something large and white on the grass, and they all sit down on it. They eat and talk and laugh. The little boy eats what looks like a giant, juicy cherry. They laugh as the juice runs down the child’s face. As they continue to feast, the woman suggests that when they finish eating they can go for a swim. It is then that I first hear the child ask, “You promise?” The couple glances at each other, then at the little boy. She replies, “We promise.”


After eating, they get up and the woman instinctively reaches down and picks up the little child. He wraps his legs and arms tightly around her and almost whispers to her, “You promise not to let me go?” The woman squeezes him tightly, kisses him on his cheek and says, “We promise to never let you go—forever.” The child closes his eyes and puts his head on her chest as if to rest, because he feels safe and contented.


At this time I receive a deeper understanding that this child who was aborted—who was let go—also symbolizes Jesus. We all have aborted Jesus at some point in our lives. Now He comes to each of us, asking that we promise not to let Him go!


Without discussing the “heavenly adoption,” the man and woman know that they should welcome the little boy into their family. They both make the decision as one. In His wisdom, God will wait for the correct time, and will not force an adoption. It will be a choice. However, those who are willing will be given the wonderful opportunity to raise a child in a perfect place.


I watch as the new family begins walking towards a stream. Arriving there quickly, they wash the juice from their child’s face. The father tells his boy that he would like to teach him how to swim. Looking up at his father, he asks, “You promise?” The father replies, “I promise. Let’s start right now.” The mother sits on the bank and watches them both swim and play.


It seems like minutes go by, but after what could have been hours, they return to the mother’s home. With tears of joy in her eyes, she calls him “son” and says that she is his mother and promises that he will be with them always. The man tells his son that he is his father and that they will be together always as promised. He explains that as his mother and father, they have two mansions in the heavenly city for their family. The boy also learns that when the time is right, God will have a mansion built for him. The mother reveals to him that he has family that they would like him to meet. The little boy asks, “I have brothers or sisters?” She smiles at him and says that he is part of a family that will always love him, and that will always be a promise. However, she stresses that, most importantly, he must first learn of Jesus. The boy asks, “Who is Jesus?” The father replies, “We have much to tell you. Let’s go into your mother’s house and rest for a little while.”


After what seems like moments, but what could have been hours later, all three walk out of the mansion. I hear the father tell his son that they are going to take him somewhere special to begin teaching him about Jesus. He picks up his son and holds him in his arms. The mother reaches over and places her hand around the father’s arm. He tells his son, “We are going up. Are you ready?” Their little son asks, “We’re going to fly?” The parents respond, “We promise.”


They lift off and fly into the vastness of space. They pause and look back at the heavenly kingdom sitting as if supported in space by majestic, unseen pillars. Before them in all directions is a view of many brightly illuminated galaxies teeming with the Father’s creations. The father begins the child’s first lesson by saying, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”


As an observer, I understand that the child’s lessons begin with the creation of earth and all the events that took place on creation week, ending with the seventh-day Sabbath. His instruction continues with Eve’s deception by Satan and the entrance of sin; earth’s destruction by the flood; the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; and major events until His Second Coming.


Next I see the three of them on a planet. They are enjoying a magnificent view while sitting at the top and close to the edge of a beautiful waterfall. I listen as they continue their discussion about Jesus. I watch as the three of them travel throughout the universe, and the son meets many other created beings. He listens as his parents tell them about Jesus and their life on earth.


I know that time has gone by now, because I see them for brief moments as the child quickly grows. As he is taught daily, he learns more about Jesus. There is no better place than heaven and the entire universe for this child and others to learn about God’s love—forever. They tell their son that he will travel one day, and for eternity he will share about Jesus and the innocents’ love for their Savior. He listens as his parents tell him about the promise Jesus made to return to the earth to make it new. I watch as this small child grows to be a young boy and then a young man.


I am now able to watch as the parents and many others witness him standing with Jesus for a great presentation. A choir of many angels surrounds Jesus. He calls for a bearing angel who approaches and hands Him a pure white robe. On the hem of the robe is the word “INNOCENT” in pure gold letters outlined in very bright red. As his Savior, Jesus takes the robe and places it around this now-grown man. He proclaims, “It is through My blood and our heavenly Father’s promise that I bestow upon you My robe of righteousness.” Another angel approaches and hands a crown of bright light to Jesus. He takes the crown and places it on the young man’s head and says, “It is through the crown of thorns that was placed upon me that I now present you with a crown of light and life.”


Jesus now turns and calls upon the heavenly Father. As we watch, in what looks like a great empty area of the heavenly city a most beautiful mansion is being built. All raise their voices in a song of praise. The young man, found to be innocent, discarded before birth, yet claimed as a bright jewel by the heavenly Father, now stands robed and crowned as a prince of the heavenly kingdom. This young man is witnessed by the universe as one who Jesus calls a brother and who the Father in heaven calls a son. He is a child named Promise.


I look back at Perceivous as she stands with tears rolling down her face and smiling from ear to ear. She tells me, “Here we see the true nature of God our Creator. This now young man, found to be innocent, discarded before birth, yet claimed as a bright jewel by the heavenly Father, now stands robed and crowned as a prince of the heavenly kingdom. The universe witnesses him become one whom Jesus calls ‘My brother’ and whom the Father calls ‘My son.’ He is a child named Promise.”


Perceivous wipes the tears of happiness from her face and says, “It is important to review something within this message that takes place literally in the actual life of two who were joined in marriage and began a life as husband and wife on earth. But for a reason that does not need to be discussed, the two decided to end the life they procreated. This decision bothered the consciences of both.


“It is important to understand that when those parents arrive in heaven, God does not immediately place their child into their arms, since it is only a fetus. After arriving in heaven, these two serve in the temple for the 144,000. As they exit the temple one day, they notice a little child in the grass. When the mother picks up the small child and promises never to put him down again, they both become aware of the special bond that she and her son had begun on earth. At this point, the mother and father fully understand that she holds the very child they had carelessly aborted. God will wait until it is the right moment to place their child before them. It is important to note that at that point, he will no longer be a fetus.”


Perceivous says, “I want you to pay close attention to this. I shared with you that as soon as the woman’s egg is fertilized, it is at that point when the special bond begins between the mother and the child. However, as with all life and death, until Jesus commands a life to begin again, that being will be as if it was ‘asleep.’ Those who die and are awakened by the powerful words of Jesus will not know how long they rested in the earth. They will not know if they ‘slept’ for a few hours or thousands of years. It is the same with an embryo and a fetus. Once ‘awake’ the bond will continue to form.”


Now the Announcing angel explains that, in order to understand, what will be shown next is symbolic and literal—a part of God’s perfect plan for all those who will need to complete their growth. In the end, all He creates is complete and good.


The Announcing angel says that I am to review the following from the dream “A Child Named Promise.” He raises his right hand and the following is displayed:


I now stand on the earth as an observer. The ground that Satan has walked on is broken apart in many different places. It is the sign that sin is widespread. I look upward and see Jesus in the sky. He has just finished blowing His trumpet. As I have seen before, I know this is His Second Coming─a promise He made to all. I quickly remember His words of leaving this earth so that He could prepare a place for His people and return for them.


Next, I see that worldwide the ground is opening up. It is no longer able to keep the saints where they were placed as a seed, waiting for Jesus, the Great Harvester, to gather His fruits. To give eternal life to His people, He died on the cross where His blood was placed into the earth, and He entered the tomb and was raised. At the command of Jesus, I now observe the righteous, from the beginning of the earth, awake from the depths of the ground or the oceans. Their bodies are made new and perfect, with no sign of sin. As I look into the eyes of Jesus, I immediately have an overwhelming sensation of instantly receiving a whole new body.


As I slowly ascend higher into the air, I know that I am to turn and look down at the earth, which is nothing but a large grave of death. Suddenly, I see something that I know is important and must be explained clearly. Yet I know that what I will observe is symbolic and shown in a way for all to understand. From small holes in the surface of the earth, I notice what resembles small, perfect balls of bright light quickly shooting upwards into the air. With great interest, I watch as even more quickly innumerable angels descend. Each angel takes hold of one of these small, bright objects in the palm of his hand and covers it with the other hand. Each of these objects is one of the countless innocents who belong to the heavenly Father. The brightness that surrounds them is the white robe of Jesus.


The Announcing angel lowers his arm and what I read slowly disappears. He says, “Earlier the Guide, Perceivous, and myself stood before you. You noticed assembled behind us a vast amount of different kinds of angels, all with the purpose of serving. You will recall the discussion we had and the thoughts of what was shared. As if a transcript, I read the following:


The Announcing angel steps forward, and with a solemn face, he asks, “What about all those who were never born, like the embryos? What about those who are not toddlers or young children who could be placed back into the arms of a mother?”


The Announcing angel steps back, then Perceivous walks over and stands closely in front of me. She smiles that special smile that I know is from the source of patience and love. She takes both my hands, and we begin to slowly rise off the ground. As we do, all the angels remain below, and then I see an overwhelming view of the enormous “ocean” of many different types of angels. When I look down at the horizon from left to right, I see much more clearly the incredible number of angels that serve together as one.


I ask Perceivous, “Why am I being shown all these angels when you said we are discussing embryos that have never taken their first breath?” She replies, “Notice what I shared with you before.”


Now Perceivous tells me that she will show me what she shared in the “Do You Know Who You Are?” dream about what will happen the day Jesus returns to earth.


“It is symbolic and shown in a way that can be understood. As you looked down on the surface of the earth, you noticed small holes open up and what resembled small but perfect balls of bright light shoot up into the air. As you watched, many angels descended quickly, and each took one of those small, bright objects in the palm of his hand and covered it with his other hand. You were shown that each of those objects was one of the countless ones who are innocent and belong to the heavenly Father. The brightness that surrounds them is the white robe of Jesus.


“You also saw that these were not on the cloud, because they are taken somewhere until they grow to the size of a baby. Since an embryo or fetus cannot be placed in the arms of a mother, these who are innocent are taken to the Father to finish their creation process.[41] At the right time, each will be given to their mother. Many of these will not have a parent to receive them, and there will be many who were never parents on earth. Those who are eager to have children in heaven will be blessed with as many children as they wish to call their own. Until then, angels will care for these little princes of God.”


“You were shown before that on the great cloud there are four groups. The first group closest to God’s throne is composed of those who had most closely followed Satan on earth but left him and followed Jesus. The second group consists of the 144,000, and the third group is made up of the martyrs. In the fourth group are those called the great multitude.


“You were also shown before about the fifth group. It is composed of a vast number of the innocents. Some of those will have their names recorded in red and will have a red border on their robes, because they were murdered. The Father eagerly accepts and considers very valuable those who are aborted or died at the hands of evil individuals seeking cruel entertainment, the miscarried, and premature babies who die at birth. These will all be returned to the Father.”


Perceivous becomes quiet. I know this is a time for me to think about all that she has shown me. I think back on the scene when I looked down at earth’s surface and Jesus calls His redeemed to come up from under the ground. I began to rise up to where all will meet Jesus on the cloud. From that distance, I again notice the vast amount of angels.


I recall how I was shown small, perfect balls of bright light quickly shoot up into the air from the small holes in the earth’s surface. Then I watched the great assembly of angels descend to intercept the balls of bright light. Each angel took hold of one of those small, bright objects in the palm of his hand and covered it with the other hand. Each of these objects is one of the countless innocents who belong to the heavenly Father. I think of the great number of angels who each hold an innocent in their hands. Those little ones greatly outnumber those in the great multitude.


I now think that this is the reason why when the earth is made new, it is tremendous in size. I instantly recall the following from the dream “God Is Angry.”


As I look out into space again, I notice what looks like two invisible hands forming an enormous planet that I know will be the new earth. I cannot comprehend its size, and I know that no other planet created will be as large as the new earth. It will always be the largest in the universe, and God will always dwell there with the redeemed. The Holy City and the homes of the saved will always be there.


I am made to know that all the light throughout the universe is nothing in comparison to the light from God’s throne. This light shines throughout the universe a trillion times trillions upon trillions and trillions upon trillions of light years away. The light of His love flows from His throne with perfect, amazing brilliance everywhere, equally, and forever.


Next, I witness the creation week in six literal days. I see the creation of everything that will walk, fly, or swim on the new earth. Everything will be created new again, except that man will not be created on the sixth day. Instead, on that great and glorious sixth day—a day that Jesus has waited for so long—all at once, He will swing open all twelve gates of the Holy City, and the redeemed will go out across the new earth. Jesus will be heard telling all to enjoy their new earth and to build homes. I think about the first home of Adam and Eve where God told them to be fruitful and multiply. In the new earth, it will be like saying, “Divide and occupy.”


I am amazed at the great number of innocents and their importance. Perceivous now breaks the silence and says that each precious gem is delivered to the Father and that each will be made available to parents when the time is right.


From the dream “A Child Named Promise,” I remember the example of the two who served in the temple of the 144,000. I recall seeing them walk out together discussing what they had just watched. I also know that those two are always together. As they leave the temple, one notices a little ahead of them a very small boy playing in the grass. When they approach him, the man asks the little boy where his parents are. He responds that he does not think he has any. Then the man asks the child what he would like to do, and the little one says that he would like to play chase. The couple laughs, because the little boy would not have a chance, due to the size difference. When the man asks the little boy if he would like to go with them, he answers, “Yes.”


As they walk to the woman’s mansion, Jesus is with them. I understand that He is with each of the redeemed forever. When they get there, the man looks at Jesus and asks if they can have a large sandbox to play in. Jesus looks at the man as if thinking about what they are going to do, and replies, “Yes, absolutely.” When the man, woman, and little boy climb into the large sandbox, the man looks at Jesus again. I know the man wants to ask for something very special. He asks Jesus if he can have some toy cars, trucks, tractors, and bulldozers. Jesus looks at the man as if remembering His own toys as a boy on earth. With a very large smile, Jesus again answers, “Yes, absolutely.”


Now I see the man and child begin to play together as they sit in the sandbox with all the new toys. The woman looks down at them and says she is going to get some food and will be back soon. As the man and boy continue to play, the man teaches the boy how to make roads and tunnels the way it was done on earth. The little child laughs at the motor sounds the man makes and quickly starts making the same sounds.


Outside of this dream, I am thinking about the character traits of the man and woman illustrated in the example of those two parents. The little boy is in the sandbox with the father who, with his own nurturing character trait, begins to build roads and bridges with the toys. The mother, with her nurturing character trait, goes in to prepare food for her little boy and husband. This will be their first meal together as a family in heaven.


Now I begin to recall more of the dream where it seems like moments later, but roads and tunnels later, the woman returns with a large platter of food. She spreads something large and white on the grass, and they sit down on it. I watch them eat, talk, and laugh.


After eating, they get up and the woman instinctively reaches down and picks up the little child. He wraps his legs and arms tightly around her and almost whispers to her, “You promise not to let me go?” The woman squeezes him tightly, kisses him on his cheek, and says, “We promise to never let you go—forever.” The child closes his eyes and puts his head on her chest, feeling safe and contented. I notice the woman cradles his small head as tears flow down her face. She looks over at him who was her husband on earth, smiles, and seems to clutch the little boy tighter than before. She will fulfil her promise to never let him go—forever.


I am shown something very interesting that occurs when a newborn is placed upon the chest of the mother. I understand it is one of the differences between males and females. When a newborn is placed on a mother’s chest, I see a special energy, a form of brightness I have never seen before. It is an energy that seems to flow to the child as an essence of the greatest love, a love that only a mother can have for her child. Here I observe the forming of a bond of love between a mother and her child. I know that no man can understand the great love a mother can have for an infant she begins to grow. For a time, the woman and that baby had been as one. But even if a child is lost or aborted, there is, and always will be a connection between a mother and her child. Men cannot understand that special connection.


This woman now realizes that a bond already exists. She knows who this child is—a child she conceived that she and her husband created together. However, a foolish decision was made that she never forgot. I know God did not place this child in her arms when she arrived, but waited until the time was right. As soon as she picked him up and held him, she knew that was the child she chose not to have, yet the bond was confirmed when he placed his small head on her chest and she promised to never let him go—forever.


Without hesitating, the man and woman know that they will welcome the little boy into their family, and both make the decision as one. In His wisdom, God will wait for the correct time, and will not force children upon anyone. It will be a choice. Those who do so will be given the wonderful opportunity to raise a child in a perfect place.


I recall how I noticed the mother’s nurturing instinct given to her by the Great Creator as she feeds their little boy what resembles a giant, juicy cherry. They laugh as the juice runs down his face. He has gotten “dirty” while eating, and now she is going to “bathe” him at the stream.


I remember watching the new family walk to the stream after eating to wash their little boy’s face. Because of the father’s male nurturing instinct given to him by the Great Creator, he tells his son that he would like to teach him how to swim. Looking up at his father, the boy asks, “You promise?” And the father replies, “I promise. Let’s start right now.” As the mother sits on the bank and watches them swim and play, I can only imagine her thoughts. All her life she knew that she had made a wrong decision. However, her child is placed back in her arms, giving her the chance to love and raise him.


With tears of joy in her eyes, she calls him “son” and says that she is his mother and promises that he will be with them always. The man tells his son that he is his father and that they will be together always as promised. When the mother tells the little boy that he has family that they would like him to meet, the little boy asks, “I have brothers or sisters?” She smiles at him and says that he is part of a family that will always love him, and that will always be a promise. She stresses that, most importantly, he must first learn about Jesus. When the boy asks, “Who is Jesus?” the father replies, “We have much to tell you. Let’s go into your mother’s house and rest for a little while.”


After what seems like minutes but what could have been hours, they return to the mother’s home so they can sleep together for a while. It is here that I think of how this woman along with her husband aborted the very child they started. They never heard the footsteps of this little gift they were offered on the earth. Yet now in the mother’s house in heaven, the three are able to rest for a while together as a family. This house is now a home. This is just another example of the great love of the Great Creator to return one of love to the arms of a mother and father.


Notice something mentioned above about the little boy feeling safe and contented as he closes his eyes and puts his head on his mother’s chest. Immediately after a child is born and placed on the mother’s chest, a very important part of continuing the bonding relationship takes place. For a time, the mother and baby had been as one. However, even if a child is miscarried or aborted, there is, and always will be a connection between a faithful mother and her child that she conceived. The bond will not be as strong with a substitute mother, compared to the birth mother. That is why this woman now realizes that a bond already exists. She knows who this child is—a child she conceived. This is a child she and her husband procreated together. God did not place this child in the woman’s arms when she first arrived in heaven, but waited until the time was right.


In the case of an unfaithful mother who is not saved, a substitute mother can fill the void, and the infant will only remember the bond with his new mother.


I look back to Perceivous and I ask, “What about the time from when an angel received that small ball of light and served as an honor guard? The child called Promise could have been 2 to 4 years old in the dream. Where was that fetus that needed to grow? I know that it was taken to the Father, but what happened to it? How did it grow up? How did it eat? Who cared for it?” Perceivous smiles and says, “Remember that all God plans is good. You will recall that a memorial will exist as a testament and will serve as not only a place of instruction but where every being in the universe can spend special quality time alone with Jesus.


“Remember the constellation of galaxies you asked to be created in the shape of an infinity symbol? You said to let this place be a memorial to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Together they are the Creator. This will be a place where all can witness much teaching about the truth of their Creator. In the center of this great constellation is a planet that will house the law of God in a special building. This shows the importance of the commandments that were formed in the very beginning.”


Next Perceivous tells me, “Realize that nowhere has it ever been written that within the halls of heaven there will be a countless number of growing children. Therefore, I will review some specific questions you wonder about because of your observations. Then I will provide a better understanding of our great Creator, remembering that all He plans is good.


“Where is that small embryo that needs to grow? What happens to it next?

“How will it grow up?

“How will it eat?

“Who will care for it?


“First understand that angels cannot care for them in the way they would need. The angels know they could not have served as Jesus did. Throughout the universe there is no being created that can care and provide for these. Even I who was designed and created to serve in the caring of each procreated being cannot serve, because it is not my place to do so. The only ones who can serve in the caring are those who were designed and created to—the Creator’s crowning act—the female of mankind.


“As you recall, there are certain individuals called to serve in specific ways at a specific time when God needs them. They were planned and spoken of by name before the foundations of the earth were created. Noah, Abraham, and Moses are examples. Noah was the protector of but a handful of people in the ark. Abraham served in the building of a great nation. Moses was a deliverer and protector of many held in bondage.


“We spoke earlier of Divinia. She was also one who was planned and spoken of by name before the foundations of the earth were created. Our Creator knew that she would be another one called to serve as did many others. She will lead out in the great caring of those who make up the fifth group that seem to be as if an infinitude.


“Divinia spoke often with her heavenly Father in prayer about who will teach and care for the children in heaven as they grow. How and who will care for each who are but a fetus or an embryo? Her heart has a concern for them, because this is how she was created to be. She was planned and will be called at a time when she is needed to fulfill a certain task. All that God plans is good.


“On a typical day, after a long shift caring for many little ones, Divinia would go home and continue working as she prepared meals for her family, did the laundry, and performed many other domestic chores. Yet all the time, she was in a constant communion and full discussion with her Father. Those who observed her thought she was simply a very quiet and reserved person. However, inside her mind, she was busy in a full conversation with her Creator as she discussed questions and ideas. What I show you now is an illustration which is symbolic and literal. It shows how important Divinia’s job will be and that all God plans is good.”


[NOTE: The symbolic part is the interaction between Divinia and the Father during a setting not on the earth. The part of the innocents is literal.]


Perceivous continues. “When Divinia begins to pose a question to the Father, He holds up His hand to all those who stand in line to speak with Him. There is a line of angels and beings from other planets, but He simply motions for them to step aside. He instructs that Divinia immediately be ushered to Him. Then He picks her up, places her on His lap, and holds her tightly to His chest. Here is that bond of a Father with His very own child. It is a reminder of the child named Promise, who places his head on the mother’s chest and instantly there is a recalled bond, because she is the mother of that child.


“As Divinia sits with the Father, they discuss her many questions about the innocents. One day while Divinia was posing her many questions and giving her ideas and thoughts, the Father says to her that He would like to take her somewhere. He stands up at His throne and takes her hand. The two of them begin walking. There is a grand excitement from all who observe Divinia and the Father. What a scene it is to see the heavenly Father walking hand in hand with His daughter.


“They immediately walk to a great emptiness of space. He looks at her and smiles. He tells her to speak of what will be needed. She explains that a separate but special place needs to be a part of all that will take place over the course of a thousand years. She speaks of how in heaven it will be a time of healing and a time of meeting again after long separations. It will be a time of many sitting quietly under a tree pondering all they recall. It is a time where many will simply sit with the arms of Jesus around them as they talk, cry, or laugh.


“Divinia shares about the need for a boundless area of quiet solitude where small ones will receive the required nurturing and growing. It needs to be a place where mothers will fulfill the nurturing characteristic that God created in females. Divinia mentions to the Father that there would be no blessing if He simply handed a small child to a mother upon entering the gates of heaven. What about those who were never given an opportunity to function as a nurturing caregiver?


“Now the heavenly Father commands that a grand palace be placed for all those who are His little princes in each ball of light. Each will wait for one whom God designed to nurture, to hold close to her chest, and to form a bond with. The Father looks at Divinia and shares how she was designed to watch over those who will require care. He explains that she will also be able to help in caring for the many princes who will grow to become what God intended them to be. She will observe those who will come to receive one of the heavenly Father’s innocents who are His very own. She will realize her purpose as she serves the many mothers who were designed to nurture.”


For a moment my mind reflects on the fact that Jesus will want to be with His own mother just like all the saved. He will have and maintain a special bond with her. He will desire to hold His mother and be held, because of the bond He had with her on this earth.


The heavenly Father now extends His hand, and immediately I see the most unique solar system that exists nowhere else in the universe. Its vastness of space is colored in many hues of light pastels. There are no words to describe the beauty of that planet in its galaxy with its gentle illumination of light. Our Father is the great Creator, and truly all He does is good. Then I think, not good, but very great!


In this dream, I have new questions because of witnessing the creation of this heavenly nursery that will be used only temporarily and for a short time, yet it will always be. The time it takes for a small embryo to become an infant or toddler is but a short time. Yet it will be quite an endeavor to find caregivers for each child. This new galaxy will hold for a little while those who were called up from the surface of the earth as a small ball of light.


Now I hear Divinia discussing the nursery as a place where those that began their life are able to grow naturally. In time, the last little prince will grow to an age where he can be placed in the arms of one called “mother.” This place is also for those who desire to be a mother by caring for and bonding with many children. I stop to realize there are mothers from the earth who are only able to have one or two children because of situations such as health issues or legal restrictions, but now they are given the opportunity to nurture as many as they desire. With great happiness, they can say to others, “These are all my children.” I think about the first mother, Eve, who lived for hundreds of years and had not only Cain, Abel, and Seth but possibly hundreds of children.


I realize there are women today with the nurturing characteristic who could easily have been mothers but chose not to have children. These will be given another opportunity to fulfill their design by the Creator to nurture and care for their very own child. All that will be needed is to accept a child waiting in the large, protective hands of one who is an honor guard angel.


Divinia continues by saying that once this place is no longer used for the nursery, it will become a memorial to Jesus and the creation of mankind with the right to procreate male and female—those that are His very own children. For all who travel to this place throughout eternity, it will be taught how mankind was created. It will be shown how Jesus left heaven to be placed in the womb of a virgin girl, then to be born and live as one of those He created in His image. He is the One who became a sacrifice so others can be saved from sin.


My dream changes, and Perceivous reminds me about the specific questions I had asked:


Where is that small embryo that needs to grow? I know it will be taken to the Father, but what happens to it next?

How will it grow up?

How will it eat?

Who will care for it?


Perceivous says that Divinia set into motion the resolution to your questions. She takes my hands and says that it is better to see than to just speak about it. Immediately we are where it is the time when all had just arrived in heaven after a week of travel throughout the universe. On the way, everyone had enjoyed a very happy Sabbath sharing time together on that special planet, as mentioned in the “Do You Know Who You Are?” dream. Best of all, it was their time in solitude with Jesus to sit, walk, and talk.


Now the cloud arrives at a point where the gates of heaven can be seen. Jesus opens those gates and then personally presents each one with a robe and crown. Now there is that special moment when children who were removed from their mother are now returned to her waiting arms as the fulfillment of a great promise. Yet many other children cannot be placed into their mother’s arms, because she was unfaithful to God. Also an embryo or fetus cannot be given to its mother until it is fully developed.


Next, Perceivous explains something important to understand. Upon arriving in heaven, there is a time of choice, because God never forces anyone. Each one on earth who was a female with the nurturing trait but never had children is given an opportunity to care for one or more, serving as a mother for the first time. Females from the earth will no longer be females in heaven with the ability to grow a child, because they will no longer have a womb where the embryo can grow. However, other arrangements will be made to assist in the growing process.


What I see next is hard to explain. A vast number of the redeemed prepare to leave heaven immediately. They quickly but carefully place their robe and crown in their mansion. Many are excited because of their desire to care for the little ones. They stand together with the one who was their husband on earth. For a great many, an instant relationship is formed, not as husband and wife on the earth, but together as male and female nurturers. I think for a second of Promise and how he was about two years old before his real parents found him. He was no longer a fetus. Both had chosen to serve in the temple of the 144,000. Someone would have left immediately to serve as a post-delivery caregiver—a substitute mother.


Perceivous now says to come, because I need to see something to better understand. We are immediately back where this new galaxy is prepared. With Perceivous, I now witness and follow many angels holding the small balls of light. They descend to the ground of a very large planet where they await for those who will come to receive from their hands that which is a most precious gem. For some it will be an innocent that was forcefully removed or sacrificed while still in a womb. That same mother will have placed back in her hands that which is hers. For others, it will be a small infant, too little to be anywhere except in this nursery. Many others did not finish growing due to a miscarriage. But for so many, there are those who were unwanted and aborted. However, these will be given the opportunity to be placed back with the mother, if she chooses to accept that which was hers. I think of the example of the child named Promise who is raised by a substitute mother for a short time. It is then that an angel delivers him to the path of those two who exit the temple of the 144,000 after serving that day. There are also many eager to serve as a post-delivery caregiver—a substitute mother to one whose earthly mother was not faithful. No embryo or fetus is left uncared for. Each of these simply waits as an angel holds and guards the heavenly Father’s gem.


Angels are everywhere on this enormous planet. They serve as a part of a vast number who have the honor to hold in their hands a life which belongs to the Father. Each of these diverse angels serves as a special honor guard. Each one is special in the way they serve and each will always be an honor guard. Each holds a prince, a son of God the Father. The recorded count of those assembled is staggering.


Perceivous says for me to look up so I can view the greatest event of birthing to ever be observed. I see those with a female nurturing characteristic full of excitement and great anticipation. They are observing the multitude of angels with the ball of light cupped in their hands. Each of the angels is beaming with happiness. Those with a female trait are looking forward to holding in their arms a life waiting to be held, nurtured, and loved as only a mother can do.


As they reach the ground, specific angels automatically approach certain mothers to place back into their waiting arms that which was removed, leaving a void in each mother’s heart. Many angels approach others to see if they would like to accept the treasure they hold. It could be an experienced mother or one who will be a mother for the first time. Even though they are no longer female, they were created to serve as a mother. I know that neither angels nor beings on other planets can serve as mothers. Only those of a nurturing trait can serve those who stand as innumerable princes.


I watch as an honor guard angel approaches a mother who lost that small glimmer of life and is now offered this life that began. As she reaches out to accept the small ball of light, the angel uncovers the light and she watches as an infant is instantly formed. What would have taken months now occurs in the blink of an eye. There in the large hands of this angel is a newborn. It is interesting that as an angel stands with their hands covering a bright light, that as a mother accepts this small glimmer of life, the wings of the angel form a private canopy over the mother-to-be and the child. Each and every birth is a special, private moment. I stand there observing a newborn infant that God the great Creator cared for until the mother accepted the child, and then He formed the infant. Now there is something that quickly returns to my mind. It is the birth of the twins in the dream, “Do You Know Who You Are?” I recall what was instructed as follows:


The Herald tells me to look at the clock again. I tell him I notice that twelve minutes have passed since the birth. The Herald says, “Watch carefully and notice the amazing power of God. This is why He is the Creator.” Suddenly, the mother calls out in pain. A nurse goes to her and is shocked at what she sees. She runs to the delivery room door and calls for the doctor to return immediately. The physician and nurses position themselves once again around the delivery bed, and I hear the doctor exclaim, “How is this possible?” One of the nurses states that it is truly a miracle. The Herald says to notice how the doctor and other personnel review the ultrasound and heart monitor records. They comment that there was no record of a second infant. There was no second heartbeat. The placenta had been removed. During the post delivery process, there was no sign of another baby.


The Herald smiles and says, “There is nothing too hard, nothing impossible for our Creator. He spoke and instantly another baby emerged in the form of an identical twin.”


When I look up, I see the amazement of those who have been observing what the Creator had done. There before all is the birth of a baby formed instantly in an empty womb. Even though there was no placenta, the baby bears the mark where a cord would have been.


Back on the very large planet, as the mother accepts the offer to care for that child, and as the angel uncovers his large hand from that bright glimmer of light, a newborn is instantly formed. There is a noticeable mark where a cord would have been attached to a placenta. It is a mark that all those will always bear because they are a part of the family of procreated mankind, made in God’s image. This child has a belly button, like the second born twin and like all others born. Again I think about why all God does is good!


Now I watch as each who wishes to nurture accepts a child. Some desire to accept several, knowing they will receive much help. As each angel uncovers a bright light, a newborn infant is formed in his hand. After the mothers have taken all the children they want, there are still a great many angels who patiently stand with a ball of light in their hands. They will wait until the time when mothers finish raising the children they accepted and return to ask for more. However, none are forced to do so.


Now I turn to Perceivous and ask my other two questions.

“How did it grow up?”

“How did it eat?”


Perceivous tells me that here on this nursery planet is all that the Creator needs done to allow each infant to grow until the day he can eat on his own. God will provide what it will need. I smile as I realize there will be no dirty diapers. Then Perceivous smiles at me and says, “And not a single tear from a crying child.” It is then I understand how raising an infant would have been if sin had never happened. On this planet, no baby will suffer from colic. No mother will work to care for a sick child or endure sleepless nights. Instead it will be a joy to raise a child. Instead, the literal birth will simply involve the honor guard angel uncovering the ball of light and then for the mother to instantly see her infant. No umbilical cord will be cut, but a belly button will remain as a sign to the universe of the child of God who was procreated. What a joy and a privilege it will be for each waiting mother to receive a child as a newborn from the protective hold of an angel. Then she will have the opportunity to hold, care for, teach, and love her child. Think of the opportunity for those who immediately accept to serve as a mother for one of God’s innocents, even for a little time compared to all eternity.


I now ask, “How do they eat?” Perceivous points to the far distance, and I see what looks like a veil of fog that serves as a great wall. She smiles and says, “Beyond the veil are the answers, but for now know that the saved from the earth will no longer be man in the form of a male or female, but each will retain the characteristics of their gender. God the Creator allows each to serve as they were created to serve. Divinia was created to develop a place where the innocents could be cared for. Moses served to free the Hebrew slaves. Noah served in building a great ark. Regarding your question as to how the infants eat, is anything too difficult for our Creator?”


As I ascend with Perceivous, I am amazed at the size of the planet, and the number of angels who wait for mothers to finish raising children so they may live within the walls of heaven. Many children will be placed into the arms of their mother who is unaware of receiving that which is hers. I know that there will be many still to be received from a waiting angel. However, there are a thousand years in which the balls of light have time to receive a mother. I think of how each as an embryo becomes a newborn that will grow quickly. I think of how it is but a short time compared to a thousand years when each newborn grows up and receives “the keys” to his mansion.


I pause for a moment to review and think about all I have been shown on this planet.


I think of all who are and were mothers to one child or more.


I think of the nurturing ones who will be given an opportunity to be a mother again. But for others it will be the first time because they chose not to while on the earth.


I think of those men and women who were infertile on earth, even though they had a desire to nurture children. They were never able to be fruitful and reproduce. These will be given the opportunity to simply accept an innocent and have the honor of becoming parents for the first time.


Some chose a career and were too busy to have a child.


Some did not have children because they were not desirable to any man.


Some grew up with an abusive mother, so they chose not to birth a child because of their own experience.


I think of all those who chose to abort a child that began or were forced into aborting, for whatever reason.


I also think of those disappointed mothers who lost a child that ceased growing in their womb. After Jesus returns, God will give back to faithful mothers their children who died before they were fully developed but were lost for some reason through a miscarriage.


I think of those mothers who nurtured and offered many prayers for their children, but entered the gates of heaven without them. Because those children were unfaithful and did not keep God’s laws on earth, they will not be saved and wear a robe and crown. I think of all the mothers who will greatly desire to raise one or more innocents and see them receive a robe and crown.


I think that this is why God our Father is the great Creator. It is an example to the Eves of this world to receive from the Father a complete pardon—an example of forgive and forget. All those who were born with the DNA of a female will be given an opportunity to accept and nurture as many children as they wish. Each of these will be able to nurture as God created them to do, except in heaven there will be no womb and no birthing as a female does now on this earth. What a privilege for those of a nurturing nature to know that they will be given an opportunity to serve as they were designed and created to do.


My mind goes back to when the small child named Promise asks, “Who is Jesus?” and the father said he has much to teach him. It is all because of Jesus leaving His throne and becoming one who would be born and bear the mark of a human—a belly button. A mother opens her arms to receive a small child; Jesus opened His arms wide and was nailed to a cross. He died to allow many to be saved. He served by offering Himself to take on the sins of the world. His offering would cover not only each person who accepts Him as a Savior, but Jesus also covers all innocent ones created in the image of God. Remember Jesus saying: “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14.


Here on this planet within this galaxy will be a place where for all eternity, a visitor can come and see that God is not only the source of all love but a love of such depth that He will even create a place for those who need to finish growing. It will be a place separate from those who were born, lived, and died. It will be a place throughout eternity that will teach all who the Creator is and who He created when He knelt down and said, “Let us make man in Our own Image!”


The Guide angel now addresses me by my heavenly name and says, “Son of God your Father, brother of Jesus, spokesman and defender of the truth and the honor of God, and the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ who is the Savior to all throughout the universe, may I have the honor of taking your right hand to escort you to a place where you are to be taken?” I slowly raise my right hand and utter an “Okay.” In disbelief with what the Guide just said and all I just observed, I am thinking “What? Me? Who am I to deserve this?”


The Announcing angel moves to the middle of all the angels behind him who hold banners. Behind those are several angels with trumpets. Behind those are many other angels who move to a specific placement. The Guide and I stand behind them. Many more angels are behind us.


The Announcing angel raises his trumpet and plays a fanfare. Together as one, we all start traveling a great distance very quickly with the angels who excel in speed. We go through the galaxy with the beautiful pastel colors. It is a place where new life begins and will continue as promised. It is a place of a promise fulfilled and yet a place where the promise will be fulfilled. This place overflows with the essence of all love and where the Love of the Love of the Love is sustained.


I notice much further ahead what looks like the dark veil. We quickly approach and pass from the brightness of the universe to the all-engrossing darkness of space. I see many stars that illuminate as seen in the night sky of the earth. We quickly travel through the great darkness of space.


It is then I recall the beginning of this dream when I walked through an open door and entered a room. I immediately saw a young woman sitting on a bed. The room was very dark and dreary. It had an essence of sin and death. My mind searched for words to serve in the description of not just what I saw but what I experienced. I could only think that this was a very dark and dreary place.


The woman was crying and clutching her knees and legs close to her body. Several angels stood and some sat on the bed next to her. The angels who stood had spread their wings like a canopy to cover her. Others placed their arms and hands over her to comfort her. She did not realize the angels were there or that they reached out to her. I thought of how she did not know they wept with her.


Next, I see the earth in the far distance. We move very quickly then slow down as we approach it. As I look around, I remember our planets. They look as if they hang invisibly in space, each moving smoothly in the path where it was placed.


I now see Jesus standing in the darkness and looking down from space at the earth. I hear the trumpets sound, and I am quickly ushered to stand on the left side of Jesus. As I look at Him, He stands very quietly looking down on the earth as it slowly spins in its placed orbit.


I begin thinking that I was rushed here because this is His Second Coming as promised. However, now I see He has come, and the people on this earth are so corrupt that very few are ready to receive Him. It reminds me of the dream “Remorse or Rejoice.” This part of the dream unfolds vividly in my mind.


I now watch as Jesus walks out of the house. I hear Him saying how He sent a message telling all to get ready because He is coming. He says how He told us not to say He is coming soon because that implies that it will be sometime down the road. He told us to get ready because He is coming. He says He came to the church and was not welcomed because they do not worship the Father but rather Satan. He says how He went to the small home church, but they were not ready and instead told Him He came too soon.


Jesus slowly descends the front steps, walking away unwelcomed, unwanted and rejected. I now hear another voice saying, “He gave so much for a world that does not want Him.” I now see that the Herald stands next to me. He addresses me by my heavenly name and explains that Jesus, the King of Kings, the One who holds the keys to eternal life, wants so much to be with His people each Sabbath, to sing and glorify the heavenly Father’s name. He says that Jesus longs for the day when He can throw down the censer and return to claim His people, and that our Lord, our Master, our King gave up everything to save us from sin and to rescue us from this earth.


I stand there quietly next to Jesus. I think how it was with such a fanfare and excitement that we traveled here, and how we moved a great distance at such a great speed. Now all is very quiet and solemn.


Jesus turns and looks at me. As He does so, I understand I am there simply to document what I observe. I am not there as one who would be saved. I am not there as one of the 144,000. I am not there as one who was lost. I am simply there to look and testify in truth.


Jesus explains that He made it very clear about each preparing for His return. He looks toward the earth again and says, “Do you remember how you were shown sitting in an old-style church service? You commented how you sat quietly listening to a very reverent service. You said the topic of the message was ‘The Great Blessed Hope.’ The blessed hope is My return. The Holy Spirit instructed the speaker that day to talk about preparing the heart through repentance. It was about the great sacrifice I made for My people and what each must do to prepare for My imminent return.


“Then the candle that burned brightly grew dim. The interest changed to that of a carnival. What was a sacred time of worship became a time for entertainment. No one was able to repent, because the instruments used for repentance were removed. A time to come together to love each other and to ask for forgiveness was removed. The Lord’s Supper table and the Ordinance of Humility were removed. Those reminders were removed, so they forgot to “Do This in Remembrance of Me.” All was forgotten and a party time of celebration took place. During the week it was a time of striving to succeed in all that the heart desired. Each cared only to serve self.”


Jesus becomes quiet now. He looks straight ahead. As I look at Him, I see an energy glowing outwards from Him. It reminds me of the love of a mother when she holds her infant and a glowing energy of love flows to that child. However, I also see an energy flowing out from Jesus that encircles the earth. It is not for our planet but for each of those on it. I see that special energy of love in the form of brightness that flows to each person. It is the essence of the Love of the Love of the Love—a love that only Jesus can have for His brothers and sisters.


Jesus looks at me and smiles. He looks back at the earth and says, “There are so many who were told many times what to expect and how to prepare. They were told to just remember Me. I said that if they truly love Me to keep My commandments which were established in the courts of heaven.”


Jesus looks at me again and explains that He knows many are now suffering, and that many struggle to exist each day until He returns. He knows that because of the earth’s rotation being in turmoil, destruction causes many to lose their homes and the comforts they have accumulated. Jesus reveals that our heavenly Father has been very patient. He has asked each to do as He instructs. However, they act like spoiled and disobedient children. Because of that, they must be disciplined through afflictions.


Next, Jesus tells me that instruction was given that I am brought here, because it is the end of this dream. In receiving the messages, four months were given for instructions as to what I was to record. Then I was given four months with which to prepare the messages. As I complete this dream, the calendar shows I am at the end of the four months to prepare it. From the time of recording and preparing this dream, eight months have passed. It is an example of conception and the birthing process which takes nine months. This dream is so vitally important that it resembles a premature birth, which can be caused by infection and illness due to the mother either smoking, using alcoholic drinks and harmful drugs, or food that should not be eaten. Likewise is the need for this message. Because of what is happening now, time needs to be cut short.


Jesus turns and looks directly at His people on the earth. Very softly He tells me that the sufferings of His brothers and sisters will be great. Our Father is very angry with how they ignore His requests. It is a mockery and a total disregard of His commandments. And just think; our world is the only planet in the universe with beings in God’s likeness.


The fifth commandment about honoring your father and mother is being ignored by so many. It can clearly be seen that there is much disregard for the elderly. So many children place their aged parents in a nursing home and do not return to visit them. They are forgotten by their own children whom they had cared for and nurtured. Instead, healthcare workers are employed to ‘care’ for those parents. In these places, many are discovered to have died and simply stored away as the great sickness ravages through nursing homes. Where is the care for the elderly?


Then there are the small innocent ones whose parents place them in a child care facility because they are eager to return to a ‘normal’ life at their workplace, yet their children are not receiving the quality of care that they deserve to have in the home. The parents are self-serving and only interested in the quality of their own life. The exception is those parents who must work to survive financially. It is in these care facilities that the great sickness quickly spreads. The counter that counts the daily deaths quickly spins. Where is the care for those little ones?


While standing there with Jesus, a scene appears in my mind as if I am seeing a news announcement about the great many children that will die due to other strains of the great sickness. It is like a blanket of gray fog over the surface of the earth. Children’s deaths could exceed the number of those who die in nursing homes.


As Jesus continues to observe the earth, He says that each day there will be visible signs of God releasing just a small part of His wrath.[42] Each day an example of an act of God in some form of natural destruction will occur, whether earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, high winds, fire, freezing temperatures, extreme heat, flooding, or drought. Infestations of ants will not be the only one. Crawling and flying pestilences of some kind will be witnessed in every corner of the world, whether locusts, roaches, or other insects.


The illness that now flows like the winds over the earth is for those made in God’s image. It is a symbol of the spiritual sickness of the world. Many will suffer greatly. Many will have struggled with their last breath. That breath given to each by the heavenly Father will leave until the time they are called to stand in judgment. Many others will have their lives put on hold. At that final moment, it is a chance for them to listen to the gentle whisperings of the Holy Spirit. With nothing to do but be separated from all others, it is a time to seek out He who is their Creator. They will rely completely on Him for their sustenance. The sickness like a black fog will travel as a wind devouring all it can. Great will be the sufferings. Great will be the loneliness.


Jesus looks at me and says that some will understand. Ice that melts is water. Many will receive permanent damage by being too quick to pick up a hot frying pan. However, a child who hears his parent’s instruction to not pick up a hot frying pan will not receive a burn.


Jesus continues: “There was a farmer who went out before the hands of the clock showed even the closeness to the hour of spring. During the cold time of the year, he quickly rushed to break apart the frozen earth with his plow. Then he connected his seeder to his tractor and spread the seeds on the frozen clods of earth. The next day he returned to the fields and noticed a great gathering of crows and other black birds. In the far distance he could hear the sounds of the cows, sheep, and goats. They were forming the words, ‘You planted too soon.’ The farmer was in such a hurry to earn money that he rushed with what he was to do. He planted much too soon.”


Jesus turns, walks to stand in front of me, and then places His hands on my shoulders. With a stern voice, He says, “It is now the time for Truth to serve as Truth was created to do. Truth is to defend the honor and integrity of God our Father before every created being throughout the universe. Truth has walked day and night upon the earth. Truth has observed those who bear the likeness of their Creator yet stand too rebellious to honor Him by upholding His commandments. God who is the Source of all Love observes no love from those He breathed life into. It is time for Truth to call out a sign to the whole world full of people who have turned their face away from God their Creator. It is time for Truth to raise his hand and his voice to proclaim the destruction of a city that will stand as an example to the entire world. It will be a destruction that serves as a wake-up call to a world rotting in sin. It is to serve as a reminder of the destruction God sent upon Sodom and Gomorrah.


“Truth can call for destruction but even as with Me and all I did, it is Our Father’s decision to allow an example to be given. Those who herald a rainbow flag over the city of Nashville have chosen not to celebrate because of the great sickness. However, even though they have chosen a sinful lifestyle, it should be seen as a God of love vacating a city so that those He wants to be saved will have an opportunity, to repent, and turn from their wicked ways.”


Jesus turns and looks again at the earth. In agreement with the Father and with a soft voice, He declares, “It is time. Truth, raise your hand and command the angels who hold the four corners of the sail that contains God’s wrath to be released. Truth has traveled and observed a united people rebellious and defiant to His commands.”


Jesus begins walking, and I notice He is on what resembles the surface of a very wide wooden table top. He walks to the edge and stares down at the earth. Once again He begins speaking of those who walk alone. He says, “Right now there are so many who cry out My name, so many who dwell alone and are required to distance themselves from others. There are so many who require products from stores with empty shelves. There are so many who have no funds to purchase their basic needs. There are so many unemployed, so many who cannot pay for a dwelling they can call home even for a night, and so many who no longer have a bed to sleep in. There are so many who struggle each day, so many who are sick or know someone who is sick. There are so many who call out My name in need of help! I love them so much, but they do not know Me. How can they truly love Me? Even when I stand at their door and knock, they do not answer. Those who answer the door ask who I am.”


Jesus then begins talking of a message I was given titled “Sitting by a Stream.” He says, “The words shared ring even more loudly and more true today. You will recall that the heavenly Father will cause things to happen that will shake the foundation of all mankind. Even Satan will fear for his existence, just as he did at the time of Noah’s flood. The Father wants each of His faithful ones to know that the Comforter will be with them. If they need the help of angels, they may simply ask. Many will be laid to rest as a result of what happens, so they will not have to experience the greatest days of trouble. Those who had My name on their lips and in their hearts will be called from their sleep in the ground to meet with Me in the air when I return as promised.


“Those who stand waving a banner with My name and holding true to the commandments I established in heaven and asked you to keep if you love Me will sit next to Me and our Father. Those who overcome will be dressed in the whitest of robes. Before the assembled universe, I will present each of them to our Father and the angels.


“I ask each not to become discouraged. All these things need to happen. This is only the beginning. Continue to watch. Before all are signs of signs. The focus needs to be placed on things not of this world, because it is only a temporary home for My people.”


Jesus reaches for my right hand and we walk close to the edge of the wooden table we stand on. He points down to the earth then gently and softly tells me to pay attention to what He says now. “I want My people to know of a promise I make. I will stand up to honor each of these words.” Jesus calls me by my heavenly name and then tells me to share these words.


“To those of you who suffer on the earth, I promise to make things good at My Second Coming and in heaven. To those of you who suffer hunger, I will provide a banquet and place the cup personally to your lips. To those who are beaten and hurt, I will personally heal your wounds and you will stand whole. To those of you who are put away in solitude, I will sit with you by a stream, and you will place your feet into the water, and together we will enjoy eternity. To those of you whose families have turned against you, I will place My arm around each of you and I will walk with you forever, because I will be your Brother and your Family. To those of you who suffer and die for My sake, I will raise you to stand and walk with Me forever. To those of you whose names are cursed and ridiculed, I will write on your hearts a new name, which will be spoken of by our Father throughout eternity.”


I stand there holding the hand of Jesus as we look down at the earth—a planet where sin moves over the surface like a gray, dusty and smelly wind. I look over at Jesus and realize that He is the only hope this planet has. The things I have seen and the things to come will cause much hardship to so many. Yet the love Jesus has for each cannot be comprehended.


After a time of silence, I hear my name spoken again. I turn my head to the far right behind me and notice Perceivous descending. She calls me by my heavenly name and says, “You are not seeing things correctly. You need to look at the scene before you in a different way. All is made clear. All is made so even the blind will see clearly. Rise up with me so that you may understand.”


Perceivous and I begin to rise. I see Jesus standing again on what I think is the top of a very large wooden table. As Perceivous and I rise upward, I notice that we look down on the earth. The sun is behind us. The side of the earth I look at is brightly illuminated by the brightest part of the day.


As we rise higher I notice it is not a table we stood on. It is more of a very large, wide, and thick wood. As we continue to rise further, I see the earth far below and Jesus standing on this large wooden beam. It is then I realize that from space and looking down that Jesus is standing on an enormous wooden cross about the size of a very large building. With the sun at our backs, I immediately think that this cross that Jesus stands on should be visible from the ground on the earth and cast a large shadow on the ground. Yet as I keep looking, I notice that it is the opposite. The cross actually emits an extremely bright light on the earth. I see clearly that the wood is the truth. Truth clearly illuminates the earth with the truth of light. All is made very clear.


As I look down, I see the reverse of a shadow reflected on the earth. It is a bright shadow of light illuminating the surface of the earth. The top of the cross extends to the North Pole, and the bottom of the cross extends to the South Pole. To the west is the left side of the cross; to the east is the right side of the cross. The illumination over the surface of the earth is a bright shadow of the cross. It is a reminder of Jesus serving as a sacrifice for each of us. The cross is as if Jesus is extending His arms to hug the earth. It is the Father clearly saying that He so loved this world that He gave us His only begotten Son, Jesus, who was not the result of procreation, but rather a begotten Son, the only Being of His kind. Clearly, Jesus is the Love of the Love of the Love.


[1]    Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 1, p. 193

I saw that the slave-master would have to answer for the soul of his slave whom he has kept in ignorance; and all the sins of the slave will be visited upon the master. God cannot take the slave to heaven, who has been kept in ignorance and degradation, knowing nothing of God, or the Bible, fearing nothing but his master’s lash, and not holding so elevated a position as his master’s brute beasts. But he does the best thing for him that a compassionate God can do. He lets him be as though he had not been….

[2]    Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, pp. 48, 50

Before this earth was called into being, God’s law existed. Angels are governed by its principles, and in order for earth to be in harmony with heaven, man also must obey the divine statutes. …


… the principles of righteousness embodied in the Decalogue are as immutable as the eternal throne. Not one command has been annulled, not a jot or tittle has been changed. Those principles that were made known to man in Paradise as the great law of life will exist unchanged in Paradise restored. When Eden shall bloom on earth again, God’s law of love will be obeyed by all beneath the sun.


Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, p. 55

Jesus proceeded to show His hearers what it means to keep the commandments of God—that it is a reproduction in themselves of the character of Christ.

[3]    The Hebrew name “Gabriel” means “God is my strength.”


[4]    Psalm 33:6, 9

By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast.

[5]    Psalm 119:89

For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.


Psalm 111:7-8

… All his commandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and uprightness.


[6]    Adam did not become a male until the creation of Eve.

[7]    “If you took the DNA from all the cells in your body and lined it up, end to end, it would form a strand 6000 million miles long (but very, very thin)! To store this important material, DNA molecules are tightly packed around proteins called histones to make structures called chromosomes.”



[8]    Manuscript Releases, Vol.10, p. 326

The Lord created man out of the dust of the earth. He made Adam a partaker of His life, His nature. There was breathed into him the breath of the Almighty, and he became a living soul.


[9]    Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 129

God has always tried His people in the furnace of affliction… It is by close, testing trials that God disciplines His servants. He sees that some have powers which may be used in the advancement of His work, and He puts these persons upon trial.

[10]  Christ Triumphant, p. 317

The history of the Reformation teaches us that the church of Christ is never to come to a standstill and cease reforming. God stands at the head, saying to them as He did to Moses, “Go forward.” “Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.” God’s work is onward; step by step His people advance onward through conflict and trial to final victory. The history of the church teaches us that God’s people are not to be stereotyped in their theories of faith, but to be prepared for new light, for opening truth revealed in His Word.


The past history of the advancement of truth amid error and darkness shows us that sacred truth is not cherished and sought after by the majority. Those who have advanced in reform, obeying the voice of God—“Go forward” have been subject to opposition, torture, and death; and in the face of gaping prisons and threatened torture and death, they deemed the truth for their time of sufficient importance to hold tenaciously, yielding their life rather than to sacrifice their faith. They counted not their life dear unto them if sacrificed for the truth of God. The truth in our day is as important as it was in the days of the martyrs. . . .

[11]  Isaiah 43:27-28

Thy first father hath sinned, and thy teachers have transgressed against me. Therefore I have profaned the princes of the sanctuary, and have given Jacob to the curse, and Israel to reproaches.

[12]  The Great Controversy (1888), p. 49

Almost imperceptibly the customs of heathenism found their way into the Christian church. The spirit of compromise and conformity was restrained for a time by the fierce persecutions which the church endured under paganism. But as persecution ceased, and Christianity entered the courts and palaces of kings, she laid aside the humble simplicity of Christ and his apostles for the pomp and pride of pagan priests and rulers; and in place of the requirements of God, she substituted human theories and traditions.

[13]  https://www.adventistarchives.org/seventh-day-adventists-on-womens-ordination-a-brief-historical-overview.pdf

[14]  Manuscript Releases, Vol. 17, pp. 81-82

God has a church. It is not the great cathedral, neither is it the national establishment, neither is it the various denominations; it is the people who love God and keep His commandments. “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” Where Christ is, even among the humble few, this is Christ’s church, for the presence of the High and Holy One who inhabiteth eternity can alone constitute a church. Where two or three are present who love and obey the commandments of God, Jesus there presides, let it be in the desolate place of the earth, in the wilderness, in the city, [or] enclosed in prison walls.

[15]  Lamentations 4:11

The LORD hath accomplished his fury; he hath poured out his fierce anger, and hath kindled a fire in Zion, and it hath devoured the foundations thereof.

[16]  The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, p. 995

Like the enemy who rebelled in heaven, they do not like to hear, do not correct the wrong they have done but become accusers, declaring themselves misused and unappreciated.


Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce, p. 120

Just such a state of things as exists today existed before the flood and before the destruction of Sodom. Dissipation is on the increase in our world… These corrupt imaginings are followed by defiling practices like those in which the Sodomites indulged.—Letter 1, 1875.

[17]  The Great Controversy (1888), p. 38

When life is going on in its unvarying round; when men are absorbed in pleasure, in business, in traffic, in money-making; when religious leaders are magnifying the world’s progress and enlightenment, and the people are lulled in a false security,—then, as the midnight thief steals within the unguarded dwelling, so shall sudden destruction come upon the careless and ungodly, “and they shall not escape.” [1 Thessalonians 5:2-5.]

[18]  Sermons and Talks, Vol. 2, p. 175-176

Do you suppose that after Christ gave His precious life to redeem the beings He created He would fail to give them sufficient power to enable them to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony? He has power to save every individual.

[19]  Revelation 22:11-12

He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.


[20]  Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White 1888, p. 341

I was then pointed to the flattering things taught by some of these transgressors of God’s law. I was shown also a bright light, given by God to guide all who would walk in the way of salvation, and also to serve as a warning to the sinner to flee from the wrath of God, and yield a willing obedience to his claims. While this light should continue, there would be hope; but there would be a time when it would cease,—when he that is holy will remain holy forever, and when he that is filthy will remain filthy forever. When Jesus stands up, when his work is finished in the most holy, then not another ray of light will be imparted to the sinner.

[21]  Ezekiel 18:23, 32

Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and live? … wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.

[22]  Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce, p. 119

Not one particle of Sodomitish impurity will escape the wrath of God at the execution of the judgment. Those who do not repent of and forsake all uncleanness will fall with the wicked. Those who become members of the royal family and form God’s kingdom in the earth made new, will be saints, not sinners. Isaiah 30:1-3, 8-16.

[23]  The Review and Herald, February 8, 1898

The agonies of the garden of Gethsemane, the insult, the mockery, the abuse heaped upon God’s dear Son, the horrors and ignominy of the crucifixion, furnish sufficient and thrilling demonstration that God’s justice, when it punishes, does the work thoroughly. The fact that His own Son, the Surety for man, was not spared, is an argument that will stand to all eternity before saint and sinner, before the universe of God, to testify that He will not excuse the transgressor of His law.—Manuscript 58, 1897.


[24]  Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, p. 240

Every advance step toward the world was a step away from God.


[25]  Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 162

We are taught the fearful and solemn lesson that while God’s mercy bears long with the transgressor, there is a limit beyond which men may not go on in sin. When that limit is reached, then the offers of mercy are withdrawn, and the ministration of judgment begins.


The Great Controversy (1888), p. 542

Could those whose lives have been spent in rebellion against God be suddenly transported to Heaven, and witness the high, the holy state of perfection that ever exists there … could those whose hearts are filled with hatred of God, of truth and holiness, mingle with the heavenly throng and join their songs of praise? Could they endure the glory of God and the Lamb?—No, no; years of probation were granted them, that they might form characters for Heaven; but they have never trained the mind to love purity; they have never learned the language of Heaven, and now it is too late. A life of rebellion against God has unfitted them for Heaven. Its purity, holiness, and peace would be torture to them; the glory of God would be a consuming fire. They would long to flee from that holy place. They would welcome destruction, that they might be hidden from the face of Him who died to redeem them. The destiny of the wicked is fixed by their own choice. Their exclusion from Heaven is voluntary with themselves, and just and merciful on the part of God.


[26]  The Great Controversy, p. 605

Not one is made to suffer the wrath of God until the truth has been brought home to his mind and conscience, and has been rejected.


[27]  Zechariah 14:12

… Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.


The Great Controversy, p. 544

But those who have not, through repentance and faith, secured pardon, must receive the penalty of transgression—“the wages of sin.” They suffer punishment varying in duration and intensity, “according to their works,” but finally ending in the second death.

[28]  Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White, p. 101

Then I was shown a company who were howling in agony. On their garments was written in large characters, “Thou art weighed in the balance, and found wanting.” I asked who this company were. The angel said, “These are they who once kept the Sabbath, and have given it up.” I heard them cry with a loud voice, “We have believed in Thy coming, and taught it with energy.” And while they were speaking, their eyes would fall upon their garments and see the writing, and then they would wail aloud. I saw that they had drunk of the deep waters, and fouled the residue with their feet,—trodden the Sabbath underfoot,—and that was why they were weighed in the balance and found wanting.


[29]  Italian – sabato; Spanish – sábado; Polish – sobota; Bulgarian – събота; Greek – Σάββατο; Somali – sabtu ….

[30]  The Youth’s Instructor, November 30, 1893

After God sends light and evidence, calculated to convince any rational, unprejudiced mind, and it is not received or acted upon, but rather treated with contempt, resisted, and refused, the Holy Spirit is withdrawn, and men are left in their chosen obstinacy.


The Review and Herald, September 3, 1889

As the restraining power of the Holy Spirit shall be withdrawn, because of the impenitence and ingratitude of men, terrible things will be witnessed in the earth.

[31]  The Review and Herald, June 9, 1896

When the sin-cursed earth is purified from every stain of sin; when the Mount of Olives is rent asunder, and becomes an immense plain; when the holy city of God descends upon it,–the land that is now called the Holy Land will indeed become holy.

[32]  Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 147

We are living in the last days of this earth’s history, and we may be surprised at nothing in the line of apostasies and denials of the truth. Unbelief has now come to be a fine art which men work at to the destruction of their souls. There is constant danger of there being shams in pulpit preachers, whose lives contradict the words they speak; but the voice of warning and of admonition will be heard as long as time shall last; and those who are guilty of transactions that should never be entered into, when reproved or counseled through the Lord’s appointed agencies, will resist the message and refuse to be corrected… The Lord’s word will come to them; but if they choose not to hear it, the Lord will make them responsible for their own ruin.

**  It Is No Secret What God Can Do, lyrics by Stuart Hamblen

[33]  The Review and Herald, August 25, 1885

Satan gives his power to those who are aiding him in his deceptions; therefore those who claim to have the great power of God can only be discerned by the great detector, the law of Jehovah.


[34]  Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 3, p. 484

But after Eve’s sin, as she was first in the transgression, the Lord told her that Adam should rule over her. She was to be in subjection to her husband, and this was a part of the curse.

[35]  Ecclesiastes 8:11

Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.

[36]  Christ Triumphant, p. 53

The Lord draws people close to His side, to walk with them, to work with them, to teach them how He overcame every temptation in humanity, and how, therefore, they may overcome through the provision the Lord has made. With every temptation there is a way of escape, by walking humbly with God. Without faith, ever increasing faith, it is impossible to please God.


In their fallen nature people can do the very things God expects them to do through the help provided for them. They can walk and work and live by faith in the Son of God.

[37]  Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 420

To His faithful followers Christ has been a daily companion and familiar friend. They have lived in close contact, in constant communion with God. Upon them the glory of the Lord has risen. In them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ has been reflected. Now they rejoice in the undimmed rays of the brightness and glory of the King in His majesty. They are prepared for the communion of heaven; for they have heaven in their hearts.

[38]  Deuteronomy 32:5

They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation.


Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, p. 141

In this degenerate age many will be found who are so blinded to the sinfulness of sin that they choose a licentious life because it suits the natural and perverse inclination of the heart. Instead of facing the mirror, the law of God, and bringing their hearts and characters up to God’s standard, they allow Satan’s agents to erect his standard in their hearts. Corrupt men think it easier to misinterpret the Scriptures to sustain them in their iniquity than to yield up their corruption and sin and be pure in heart and life.

[39]  Selected Messages, Book 1, pp. 172-173

They should forever settle the question of marriages and births in the new earth. Neither those who shall be raised from the dead, nor those who shall be translated without seeing death, will marry or be given in marriage. They will be as the angels of God, members of the royal family.

[40]  Matthew 18:14

Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.


Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White 1880, p. 216

With them was a great number of little ones who also had a hem of red on their garments. These, said Christ are children who were murdered for my sake and for the faith of their parents.

[41]  Psalm 139:13-16

For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvellous [are] thy works; and [that] my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, [and] curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all [my members] were written, [which] in continuance were fashioned, when [as yet there was] none of them.

[42]  Confrontation, p. 73

Were all the sins, which have brought the wrath of God upon cities and nations, fully understood, their woes and calamities would be found to be the results of uncontrolled appetites and passions.


List of Dreams

1. At The Table
2. The White Blanket
3. A View of Heaven
4. Old Gray Gate
5. Buildings Falling
6. Call to Repentance
7. Angel on a White Horse
8. Go Forth
9. Stand on the Truth
10. Sabbath vs. Sunday
11. Prepare
12. Build An Ark
13. The Mailroom
14. Creeping Compromise
15. Keep Going
16. Watch, as I AM Coming!
17. Only One Place To Be
18. Two Roads
19. If You Love Me
20. Sudden Darkness
21. The New Earth
22. The SDA Church
23. Much To Do
24. The ABC
25. Pray For Protection
26. A Great Work
27. The Work Now Begins
28. Stand Fast
29. Get Ready
30. Love and Rebuke
31. Testing The Spirits
32. The Cross
33. In His Time
34. Repent, as I AM Coming!
35. In The Heart of Jesus
36. Two Cars
37. The Treasure Box
38. The Amusement Park
39. Two Men
40. The Senior Bishop
41. The Yellow Corvette
42. The Vessel
43. Titus
44. The End
45. The Good Driver
46. The Great Test
47. Reverence My Sanctuary
48. The Pickup Truck
49. Amazing Facts
50. Smooth Sayings or Surrender
51. Come Aside and Unify
52. Justice and Mercy
53. Where Are You Looking?
54. The Journey Home
55. The Hourglass
56. Entertainment vs. Truth
57. Remorse or Rejoice
58. The Senior Pastor
59. The Lord's Prayer
60. Sitting By A Stream
61. Regarding Angels
62. Fields of Color
63. Other Sheep
64. Final Events and the First Supper
65. A Song and A Prayer
66. Sitting by the Feet at the Throne of God
67. A Child Named Promise
68. Call on the Name of Jesus
69. God is Angry
70. The Tree, the Wood, the Truth
71. Submission: A Message for Today
72. Leaders in Cloaks and Masks
73. The Universal Memorial
74. Do You Know Who You Are?
75. Barren Ground
76. Houses of Ivory
77. The Great Walkway
78. 2020- Year of Seeing Clearly

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