July 27, 2016

I have read all of the dreams now, the four volumes, and the first book, “The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth vol. 1.” I am now on vol. 2 which is in regards to the apostasy in the Adventist Church and Knoll’s repentance. This is amazing and my life is changing. I cannot express to you my thankfulness to God and how many prayers have been answered through my journey of reading Knoll’s dreams. After reading through the dreams my mindset and way of thinking immediately reverted back into the original great love I had for the Spirit of Prophecy.


At first I could see the dreams changing me and then something incredible happened, as I began to read the Truth book vol. 1, “A Response to the Critics,” I could start seeing some interesting changes producing within. I was learning how to correct people without sinning against them or God. My faith has increased exponentially. My focus is back on the truth and I understand God’s law even more so than I ever believed was possible! I have a new love for Jesus and a new, greater, deeper understanding for God. I am incredibly grateful for the For My People Ministry. Since reading Knoll’s dreams and studying the For My People Ministry material, a reformation and revival has happened in my life that words cannot accurately describe.


Upon studying vol. 2 of the Truth book, and learning of the apostasy in the Church, I have a deeper understanding of what God considers right and wrong. I have learned forgotten truths not taught in today’s churches, such as accountability, responsibility, victory over sin, and so much more. Since beginning the work of reform in my own heart and getting confirmation with many other things that I have repented from, my life has truly never made more sense. This ministry is an action ministry. The material has brought me to my knees literally.


I have repented from many things. I have sent letters to various family members repenting for the ways I’ve acted in my past and they have thanked me for them. I will continue to send letters and confess sins until I’m clear and clean…. I have dedicated my entire being to the truth regardless of opposition and condemnation. I am entirely more bold, loving, and compassionate for others. I am learning to love myself the right way. I have more love for Jesus, faith in the Spirit of Prophecy, Scripture, and God. I have a purer love for myself, a greater disdain for sin, a deeper understanding of doctrine, a clearer understanding of sin, authority, and accountability. I have learned how we can share in others’ sins if we choose to “look the other way.”


Upon reading these dreams I have been convicted of many things. This is the good kind of conviction. I have stopped eating all forms of spicy foods, cheeses, candies, all forms of desserts, and more. I no longer “snack” in between meals and He is helping me add more to the list daily. This is in addition to what God has already helped me overcome.


This ministry has really put the fire under me and has started the beginning of a revival in my immediate and intermediate families. This is largely due to what I have learned from the material. I have done my best to act according to what He has taught me. I’m beginning to introduce the dreams to them, though much opposition has come to me.


I have been giving all my fruit and knowledge to my wife and children. This has really helped all of us. My wife is now interested in Child Guidance. She is beginning to read it, and she is looking into other SOP books. My wife has just finished the Desire of Ages and has convinced my mother-in-law to read it. She just finished the entirety of it and it touched her deeply. My wife is also changing. She is now coming to understand Knoll’s position. She is seeing that the ministry is doing nothing to spiritually harm the Church. She would not initially accept the messages due to the strong opposition against him. Through fervent prayer and pleading before the throne, God gave my wife a dream about the authenticity of Knoll. This was a major victory and turning point for my wife. God has communicated rebuke and other important revelations to my wife over the years through her dreams. When she received the dream about Knoll, she immediately accepted his dreams as inspired by God. The dream was very likely because of her skepticism of Knoll.  Since then my wife has read the vol. 1 of the “dream book” and will be continuing to read and study them along with the Bible and SOP.


We are also reading the dreams to our children and it is igniting a great interest in our 7-year-old son. His heart and mind are being moved. He has said he is not afraid of death and will be among the 144,000 when Jesus comes. Either Satan is terrible at his job or God is great at His. I’ve learned the foundation of dealing with life and people. There is still so much to learn, especially now.


It baffles my mind and breaks my heart to think that people can be so willing to proclaim a false testimony rather than “seeing for themselves.” I understand that is putting your salvation on the line. After all, the rejection of a prophet of God is the rejection of God. Whether or not you believe these dreams are from God or Satan, the fact is, when God brings up a prophet, it puts everyone in an incredibly awkward position. We are all held accountable for our evaluation of the individual in question. The moment we learn of a potential prophet, it is our duty to “test the spirits.”


Vol. 1 of the Truth Book has also helped me begin learning how to verify all the facts before jumping impulsively into beliefs or positions of thought. This is very important for me as I have struggled most of my life with this problem. I am grateful that I found For My People Ministry before I read the “assassination attempts.” It did initially scare and confuse me when I heard of Knoll’s sin concerning the dreams. I did not understand how this could be. I had to verify it for myself. I had to study and contact them for myself. I have learned not to trust my salvation to another man.


There is much opposition and I stress this point – much opposition against For My People Ministry. Reading vol. 1 of the Truth Book, I have seen firsthand, spiritual leaders and others I admire attempt to destroy and assassinate Knoll’s character, with no sound, biblical support I might add. Through reading this book, I have learned how important it is to verify facts and not spread hearsay. Tragically these individuals did not verify their information, which led to wrong conclusions. This is the work of the enemy – to prevent others from being given the opportunity to break away from the chains that bind them. I discovered that G. Edward Reid, Angel Rodriguez, Steve Wohlberg and David Gates, Vance Ferrell, Linda Kirk, Laura Lee Jones, Eugene Prewitt and many others (some of whom I had grown to greatly admire), have all spread rumors and incorrect information. They twisted Knoll’s words as well as made false claims. They misunderstood and misapplied key Bible and Spirit of Prophecy teaching. I have the facts that verify this information. The focus is not supposed to be solely on Knoll. The focus is on the “reader.”


I put myself in Knoll’s shoes. As I read through his dreams, I realized they were not just for him, they were for me. I laughed, wept, and more! His questions were appropriately my questions, his reactions were mine. This is far greater than Knoll. He is simply a messenger. These messages are for all of God’s people. God is communicating with His people again. Because of the great apostasy in the Church and our desperate need of reform, God has so mercifully given us messages straight from the throne of God. He is preparing His remnant (of the remnant) to stand as the 144,000. He is teaching us how to confess and repent. Calling sin by its name and teaching the truth as it is in Jesus is a very sharp and straight testimony…. Knoll is being instructed to call sin by its name, regardless of the rejection that may come, and it surely will come. This will play a key role in causing a great shaking and will undoubtedly become tragic.


Spiritualism is greatly increasing in the SDA Church. This is the result of the majority ignoring their own sins and those of others and souls are lost for eternity. This is a salvation issue, this is life or death, this has pushed me more than ever before into intercession for my loved ones…. With all the false testimonies against Knoll, I thought it would be wise to add a true one…. I have actively discontinued sin and will continue to do so until I have “won the race.”

Creeping compromise by Joe Crews, Founder of Amazing Facts

Creeping Compromise

Messages from God - Volume 1

Messages From God for His People – Volume 1

Messages from God - Volume 2

Messages From God for His People – Volume 2

Messages from God - Volume 3

Messages From God for His People – Volume 3

Messages from God - Volume 4

Messages From God for His People – Volume 4

Messages from God - Volume 5

Messages From God for His People – Volume 5

Messages from God - Volume 5

Messages From God for His People – Volume 6

The Truth - Volume 1

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth – Volume 1

The Truth - Volume 2

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth – Volume 2

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